#dev 2023-10-31

2023-10-31 UTC
I think indielogin.com might not be working for me because the public key I link to has subkeys, and the signed message is signed by one of those subkeys.
I noticed this while implementing my own version of pgp relme auth
wonder if I can export just the subkey
looks like my first guess didn't work
$ gpg -a --export 0xB29D7B50990E0EB6 | gpg --import
gpg: key 0xD37F0B9720A0B55B: "epoch@thebackupbox.net" not changed
bterry and eitilt joined the channel
[snarfed]: Oh, I thought I had upgraded recently.. but maybe got distracted somewhere
rrix, kleb and gxt joined the channel
epoch: maybe the PGP support for https://auth.hawx.me/ is better? You could try using that one instead of indieauth.com (which I am assuming you are trying to use)?
[preview] relme-auth
bret, gxt, [tantek], bterry, nertzy, geoffo and AramZS joined the channel
eitilt, moose333, James1, jeremycherfas, gRegor and neceve joined the channel
ok that's genius
I wonder if he did that thing where a reply of 1-3 emojis and nothing more shows up as big emojis
hmm I tried posting a like https://tantek.com/2023/304/f1 and sending a direct peer-to-peer webmention and it didn't seem to work. perhaps you have to like the POSSE copy on Mastodon in order for it to show-up on the original post?
[preview] [Tantek Γ‡elik] likes John Peart's post (@)
my webmention eventually showed up
i think it just takes time
he's using webmention.io, i'm guessing it's a static site generator
I was going to try a multi-like, liking both the original post via webmention and his Masto POSSE copy via Bridgy Fed and see if it gets de-duped πŸ™‚
doubt it
I wonder if _anyone_ currently has functioning de-duping like that
https://indieweb.org/deduplication only has aaronpk and kylewm, and I wonder if aaronpk's is still working
I will put more test cases out there then
Mine stopped working for some reason, I don't know why
[tw2113] joined the channel
I said I wanted to dedupe. I think I put in some code for it...but I don't recall what I put in. Will have to look
GWG, make sure you don't put the code in twice
[tantek]: I said I wanted to dedupe. I think I put in some code for it...but I don't recall what I put in. Will have to look
Who dedupes the dedupers?