#dev 2023-11-03

2023-11-03 UTC
gRegorLove_, geoffo, gRegorLove__, sp1ff and [Murray] joined the channel
Ok I’m not seeing/hearing any problems with essentially aliasing a leading '@' to 'https://' in front of a schemeless domain/path so I’m going to update the CASSIS auto linker to do that while retaining @-@ autolinking
This generalized the @-mention syntax to any profile URL e.g. @micro.blog/manton
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
do you mung @name@site.tld to <a href="https://site.tld/@dname">@name@site.tld</a> at the moment?
*not dname, that was a typo
[tantek] Possibly related, a plugin I made for markdown-it that autolinks @domain@user https://github.com/paulrobertlloyd/markdown-it-handle
[preview] [paulrobertlloyd] markdown-it-handle: Parse links to users on social networks using markdown-it.
Oops, I meant @user@domain
[Paul_Robert_Ll] the existing auto_link function in CASSIS already supports @user@domain and @domain and @domain@domain
[KevinMarks] ^
@mailto:user@example.com is already supported by CASSIS auto_link. I've posted about it several times already in my 2023 "how do we @-mention people" posts
I should update the python version
I should write an @-linking spec
I’m writing the implementation first, then testing it in production, then I can write the spec
ancarda, vikanezrimaya, [snarfed] and AramZS joined the channel
Curious is there anything out there that is like the self-hosted version of siteleaf, a git-synced flat-file CMS?
CRISPR and geoffo joined the channel
anyone remember that blog post illustrating all the horrible UI patterns that have entered into products like "You're all set!" as copy for completing even the smallest or harshest tasks?
it had lots of screenshots of totally different websites/apps doing this
that post also illustrated such sites/services attempting to upsell folks into other features/subscriptions in many parts of the UI
[timothy_chambe], [schmarty] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[snarfed]: A lot of those can play around with different approaches, but I think generally none of them are set up to sync with a git repo automatically
neceve, Thelie, geoffo and [nsmsn] joined the channel
I mean, [tantek]...I can't type today
nsmsn++ thank you!
nsmsn has 1 karma over the last year
now to put it on the wiki so I can find it again in the future
Very useful. These two look promising, thanks [snarfed]!
[snarfed] has 92 karma in this channel over the last year (149 in all channels)
Interesting. I think that one is a little too opinionated for me in terms of project shape, just looking at the structure of projects and sites right now but I'll take a look at that one too
My goal is to get as close to self-hosted Siteleaf as possible, something where I have most control and can have my own build process and file structure, but people in a group unfamiliar with Markdown or GitHub could go in and start writing their own pieces of content
I'm thinking of splitting my Markdown-replacement spec into three pieces: (1) @-linking and other inline enhancements, (2) auto-embedding, and (3) block-level formatting because I can see different contexts wanting to use different combinations of those three.
gRegor, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], tbbrown, neceve, _fluffy and nertzy joined the channel