#dev 2023-11-04

2023-11-04 UTC
moose333, Fisher2445995, kleb, fluffy, bret, trwnh, aaronpk, CRISPR, AramZS and [snarfed] joined the channel
mozilla.social's Elk frontend is odd, it doesn't serve AS2 conneg for either posts or profiles, it always returns text/html
[preview] [snarfed] #709 Support Elk frontend for Mastodon
[snarfed], I tried to follow someone the other week and it doesn't look like they show up in my list. Is that the "Accept" thing I saw on another issue?
Though also mozilla.social, so maybe related
bterry, sebbu2, gxt, jjuran, neceve, [schmarty], nertzy, geoffo, barnaby and Fisher2445995 joined the channel
[tantek]: re horrible UI patterns, something like this? https://www.deceptive.design/
barnaby and gRegor joined the channel
Sounds like a sympathetic play on "defective by design"
barnaby and tbbrown joined the channel
Interesting, the macOS service that grabs the preview fow the share menu uses "facebookexternalhit/1.1 Facebot Twitterbot/1.0" as part of its User-Agent https://lapcatsoftware.com/articles/2023/10/8.html
gRegor: yeah any BF <=> mozilla.social interop is probably broken due to Elk right now
[snarfed] would it help if that HTML had mf2?
Barnaby, hadn't seen that. Add it to /design and /antipatterns!
geoffo and [jamietanna] joined the channel
[tantek] if it had mf2 _and_ webmentions, sure, but then you wouldn't need BF 😆
I'll file an issue w/Elk
[jacky] joined the channel