#dev 2023-11-16

2023-11-16 UTC
[nsmsn], gRegor and IWDiscord joined the channel
what is PHP
PHP is a programming language and web server runtime environment used for many IndieWeb projects https://indieweb.org/PHP
hmm how do I learn it "the hard way"?
like I remember enough to be okay in a wordpress codebase (plugin or theme)
jacky: we tend to share this around at work (as a thing to study and say "hmm that would be nice if we didn't have a 15 year old legacy codebase) https://phptherightway.com/
It's a sign I'm getting old that 15 years seems like a perfectly reasonable amount of time for code to not be considered legacy
strugee joined the channel
I have a lot of 13-14 year old code that is still running quite well
this weekend's project of updating Overland was a good demonstration of this... some of that code was written in 2010 and has been untouched since then
gRegor and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
I love it when old code ages like a fine wine. Years ago, when I was in college, I worked with a healthcare company to reverse engineer a legacy fax document capture device that had been acting up and the company that made it had gone under. They asked me to write a Java server that would emulate the device that they could run on an SCO Unix server. So I did it, got a nice little paycheck for a college student.
A DECADE AND A HALF later, I get a call.
“Hey, do you have the source code for that thing you built? The server it was running on rebooted for the first time in 15 years and didn’t come back up again.”
So the code I had written had been running 24/7/365 for 15 years.
Perhaps my greatest accomplishment LOL
I didn’t have the source, but they recovered the jar file from the hard drive and I decompiled it for them and sent it back.
gxt, superkuh, rubenwardy, [chrisaldrich]1, [bjoern]1, [Murray]1, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [jeremycherfas], [marksuth]1, [schmarty]1, [jacky]1, [snarfed], [benatwork], gRegor, [aciccarello], oxtyped and Virtual joined the channel
The stuff I work on for the BBC replaced a codebase from ~ 2008 that was still running on a combination of an ancient windows machine and a Linux server running chron jobs to receive emails and talk to it. When I was at Apple in ~2000 I fixed one bug by reverting a 12 year old check-in.
mooff, gRegorLove_, Loqi, CRISPR and [m] joined the channel
I experience that Bridgy loose the connection with Mastodon which leads to error on publishing. Is it a requirement to open up Bridgy from time to time and refresh the login?
geoffo, rocto and rocto_ joined the channel
[m] hmm, generally no. I can look. what's your bridgy user page? or mastodon handle?
My Mastodon handle is @marcuslindblom@mastodon.social
[m] thanks. looks like you may have been hit by https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1531 , which I still don't have a complete solution for 😕
Zegnat joined the channel
still looking...
geoffo joined the channel
[m] if you disable and then re-enable publish (the right side) on https://brid.gy/mastodon/@marcuslindblom@mastodon.social , that should fix it
sorry for the trouble! I'll take another look at that bug today
[cleverdevil] that's so cool
Tbh the fact that they found you again too - I wonder how long that took lol
love the legacy discussion! some great stuff in here! i also love code that ages well! in the case i was discussing, we have a "live" codebase that we are constantly adding to with a tiny team, but it originated well before there was a "right way" with PHP (before a "right way" for a lot of things for that matter). much of that old code works fine or well-enough day-to-day - but woe unto the adventurer that must alter them.
tbbrown, geoffo, aleasty and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
↩️ Ok, done 👍
tbbrown, [tw2113] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
↩️ [snarfed] still gets this one:HTTP Error 400: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client."}
↩️ But… it seems like it got posted to mastodon 🤔
↩️ huh, surprising that both happened
↩️ that error is https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1602, due to Mastodon's questionable new garbage collecting of OAuth clients. their OAuth design decisions have been problematic lately 😕
geoffo joined the channel
ooof I'm hesitating to dive into https://phptherightway.com/ because I have *opinions* obviously and expect them to be very different (given what I've been doing with CASSIS etc.)
like I would write a *completely* different section / set of advice for https://phptherightway.com/#date_and_time
ha ha yeah I imagine you’d hate much of the advice there
but from what I remember, it’s much more in line with what the modern PHP community is doing, and therefore is useful for anyone who wants to interact with that ecosystem
your version would be PHP the tantek way ;)
PHP: the right way to write PHP re-usable as JS, and avoid rewriting code in JS
Does anyone use the <q> tag for inline quotes? I just used it in a post but now I'm thinking it might screw up the text representation of the post.
I've used it in the past. It works reasonably well
[tantek]: That could be a book...PHP The Tantek Way
I'd rather not include any personal quirks and prefer to focus on the most effective ways to use PHP for PHP/JS interop, maintainability. and reduction/elimination of client/server code duplication.
sknebel and geoffo joined the channel
Either way, I'd read a [tantek] PHP book
e-snail joined the channel
webmentions enabled for https://www.offsetlab.net/ I hope... need to get the display of mentions in place
t​haidaree++ nice!
I'll need to do a full redesign eventually. My wife does front-end for me. I do the back-end 😄