#dev 2023-11-17

2023-11-17 UTC
kikx, alephalpha0, rocto, oenone, geoffo, ianjs, moose333, [tantek], jan6, Xan, dustinm`, lockywolf_, Kaja, angelo_, kleb, Xe, [cleverdevil]1, CRISPR, [jacky], SoniEx2 and [Jo] joined the channel
That's nice!
win0err and geoffo joined the channel
q: I'm thinking about my micropub media endpoint and its ability to do referencial lookups (namely in what content it's been used). doing this _without_ the two endpoints being joined makes this pretty tricky
rhiaro joined the channel
the thing is, it's not like I can throw Webmention endpoints on it in hopes of it being referenced (because IIRC, there isn't any Webmention link resolution that'd also include non-links)
(like if I sent a photo reply, I don't currently expect the recipient to either send that Webmention)
but I _guess_ it'd make sense for _my client_ that's posting to send that Webmention?
[aciccarello] and [schmarty] joined the channel
jacky: if you're looking for references to your media files from the greater web (or even just your own site(s)), it might be a job for refbacks?
[snarfed] joined the channel
looks up refbacks
tbh just for my site would be a great start
I wouldn't even know how to show Webmentions or that kind of info for external things
OH this is the referrer header?!
that'd be easy to collect
tbh I'm _tempted_ to see if there's a way to make that into a webmention (but I'd imagine that'd require a sever-level integration)
tbbrown joined the channel
as long as referer headers still work, i'm imagining you'd pull it out of your server logs on the media server. webmention `target` is whatever file is being `GET`, `source` is whatever is in the `referer` header. from there, process it like a webmention _but_ in addition to accepting links to the media, also look in `img[src]` and the dozen or more other ways that media can be loaded in HTML lol.
CRISPR joined the channel
🤔 now you mentioning that re: looking at `img[src]`, I could do some sort of DNT-respecting tracker there
fluffy joined the channel
It would not surprise me if there are a couple of wm endpoints that already support img[src]. Simply because they are not doing HTML parsing and opt for the faster/simpler text matching ;)
from the ActivityPub matrix chat just now: "Also people haven't realized that there should only be one programming language used in the Fediverse." 🤣 🍿
[manton] joined the channel
Ha, wait, what’s the language? 🙂
[jamietanna] joined the channel
evidently Python, but less important, they were arguing more that we shouldn't have to maintain libs in multiple languages
so much for plurality 🤷
superkuh joined the channel
I should probably join that Matrix but I’m at chat overload already…
[manton]: Do you have any thoughts on IndieAuth for a multiuser site? Trying to upgrade the WordPress code.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
don't cross-site referer headers only give the site and not the page now?
gRegor and win0err joined the channel
@GWG I guess that is similar to what I do on http://Micro.blog because a single account can have multiple blogs. Not exactly the same thing, but similar. To be honest, I don’t handle it perfectly… When an IndieAuth request hits, if the domain name doesn’t match the current default blog it gets a little confused, but that’s fixable.
[manton]: That's why I asked. I thought you might have given it some thoughts about how you approached it. I'm trying to tweak my implementation to be more robust.
WordPress probably has other ramifications that I’m not thinking of. Off the top of my head, feels like it should just be cool with whoever the currently signed-in user is.
Curious what you come up with or if you hit problems.
[manton]: The scenario is that I'm using my external IndieAuth endpoint to sign into a multi-user service
In my case, there's our web sign in code, where you can log into one WordPress site using the endpoint attached to another.
So, I have to map the WordPress blog user on one site, who has a unique URL, to the user in the other multi-user wordpress site they are logging into
I'm doing that by having the user set the URL in the account on the site they want to log into.
But I feel like that is a bit fragile.
[preview] [Emelia 👸🏻] Have just opened a pull request to enable OAuth 2.0 refresh tokens for Mastodon, which is a first step towards enabling expiration of access tokens, to increase security to best practices.https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/27948#Mastodon #Mast...
I'm starting to really miss revision histories on everything that lacks them. E.g. a Calendar like gCal. I'd love to have a "Recent Changes" like page there that shows a stream of all edits to events, event creations & deletions etc., each with a clickable UI to undo or edit further
also, searchable Recent Changes, so e.g. when you see that an event was deleted, you can go see it and restore it if you wish
from an IndieWeb perspective, I think once you have interacted with an event (e.g. from somewhere else), you get a soft-copy so even if the original is deleted, your soft-copy remains along with your interactions
win0err joined the channel
do we have an IndieWeb equivalent of /Clubhouse ? like does anyone use some WebRTC OSS to host the equivalent of a Clubhouse room or Twitter Space on their site?
what is mumble?
Mumble is open-source voice chat software, with clients available for both desktop and mobile, as well as web browsers https://indieweb.org/Mumble
^^ like sknebel mentioned. it's been used for some HWCs in the past, before zoom became more the default.
the web frontend wasnt working all that well though, but there might be better ones today
(we generally used the native apps)
(and really theres probably much more in that space now than there was 5 years ago)
they're not open source, but the closest user experience i've seen personally is discord audio rooms.
the tech is pretty available now, but shared real-time audio rooms are weird! socially!
which reminds me of gather.town haha
[Dan] joined the channel
thanks, updated the Clubhouse page accordingly
what is Clubhouse?
Clubhouse is a social network silo for momentary audio only IRC-style rooms/channels; on the IndieWeb some folks use Mumble for similar functionality on their personal sites https://indieweb.org/Clubhouse
That was strange. Lost a proceeding "+" symbol on a reply posted via quill so "+1" turned into "1". Need to figure out if that was an issue with my micropub endpoint or just a form encoding quirk.
that could definitely be a form encoding related bug since if the value is being passed as a query string parameter, a literal '+' would be turned into a space ' ' which may get stripped by your server
tbbrown joined the channel
did it get turned into "1" or " 1" (with a leading space) ?
if that space is showing up then it means the value was not escaped for URL encoding
gxt joined the channel
[tantek] "soft copy" of an event you interact with sounds like a special case of archiving everything you interact with in general (eg reply contexts), maybe everything you link to, etc, right?
I don't know the exact right point to land on the generalizing spectrum there, but still
lifeofpablo joined the channel
Ah, you're right about the encoding. Was able to look at the server logs and it did get a preceding space.
Good call [tantek]++
[tantek] has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (99 in all channels)
Good news is that my mastodon metaformats parsing code seems to be working.
When I was trying to figure out how to display the author in link previews I started thinking I could put the @user@domain.tld as a nickname on an h-card but so far only display whatever they put for their display name.