#dev 2023-11-19

2023-11-19 UTC
pharalia joined the channel
This also felt very IndieWeb-aligned (dev-focused IMO) though I don't know where to put it on the wiki: https://techcrunch.com/2016/04/10/1301496/
Not GPT4, but tried to solve some things I had an idea for with code generation on GPT3.5
It worked ok, but didn't pursue more. I think it's more than capable of solving some things and it will only get better. If you have an idea, a bit of know-how, you can take it further then
win0err and geoffo joined the channel
!tell capjamesg: see above, server errors at Indieweb search
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jason and [jacky] joined the channel
This is the kind of thing that could help power private or protected posting
Well, perhaps as a translation layer, I'm still reading rhis
trwnh, barnaby, geoffo, win0err and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Is it related to Capnproto?
okay so how's this? https://fedilinks.org/2
[preview] Browsing Behavior of web+* Links
(we need to write a "Previews for web+* Links" now that we decided to split it out, but it should help with "ppl kept getting confused about it")
[schmarty] joined the channel
KevinMarks Cap'n Proto is listed among the "pre-standardization group" collabs on https://ocapn.org/
I keep following the Spritely folks' work but I don't have the sense that I'll be able to work with or use it soon. The high level descriptions almost always sound simple and then I almost immediately get lost in formalisms. (And lisps. Formalisms and lisps.)
the bluesky team have a simialr abstraction approach - defining Lexicon then a bunch of stuff on top of it
win0err, [aciccarello], [Paul_Robert_Ll], srijan, geoffo, ijon-tichy, [jamietanna], tbbrown, ryanachronism, [James_Van_Dyne], ryank and [nsmsn] joined the channel; ijon-tichy left the channel
I currently manually send posts to mastodon via bridgy’s web ui and am looking to (finally) automate it. For posting it seems like I can simply send a webmention. How does bridgy send back the resulting syndication url?
[James_Van_Dyne]: In the return when you post the Webmention
@GWG Are there any example responses posted anywhere that you know of? If not I’ll try to document it when I do my implementation.
[James_Van_Dyne]: The Location header in the return would be what you are looking for.
geoffo and [snarfed] joined the channel
[nsmsn] and CRISPR joined the channel
Thank you both! Not sure how I missed that.