#dev 2023-12-08

2023-12-08 UTC
[0x3b0b], win0err, geoffo, AramZS and fmlatghor joined the channel
Can you host videos on your site that are webms or is it too slow these days that you need a cdn or video hosting service that has all those algorithms and stuff
what is video
video is a type of post where the primary content is a video file (recorded movie, animation etc.) typically with audio, and has growing support on the indie web https://indieweb.org/Video
at least for short videos, I experimented with a bunch of different encodings for publishing videos to my personal site and documented them there
some photos are now the size of small videos so you can get away with shoving a lot into a `<video>` tag
if you want to host an hour long video then you'll need to break it up using HLS but you can still self-host that too
what is HLS?
It looks like we don't have a page for "HLS" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "HLS is ____", a sentence describing the term)
good enough for now
gxt, win0err, sahil, jeremycherfas, firepoet, [snarfed], [tw2113], jonnybarnes, Guest6, AramZS, geoffo, [Murray], gRegor and [jacky] joined the channel
https://hachyderm.io/@hrefna/111546801143040674 some good notes re: the `audience` field for ActivityStreams that can serve as some hints for us
namely, for me, I'm considering having clients ask for the use of the field so there's _some_ indicator that it understands that it exists and wants to make use of it (and that'll enforce some checks on my site about the post - is it including people _outside_ of the audience for this post?)
sadly I don't know that many/any fediverse developers understand AS2 audience targeting, or even know it exists, much less implement it fully and correctly
she's right in general though, regardless!
are there tests for AS2 audience targeting?
jacky, I sympathize a lot with the general issue that post is pointing out
mlncn joined the channel
I do wonder how many of the "reply with mastodon" etc implementations, be they based on the API or actually speaking AP, handle e.g. private replies
Most I've seen use a mastodon API
how does that work when non-Mastodon implementations reply to a Mastodon post? or vice versa?
Basically you hook into your own Mastodon instance and let it do all the AP talk
right, basically backfeed from the replies on a POSSE copy
but I suspect using the API makes it similarly easy to not check the visibility/audience
That does make me think I should suggest people reply on mastodon somehow in the comments section with bridgy-fed
dustinm` joined the channel
Also just looked up some bridgy fed stuff and am constantly impressed with how thorough it is [snarfed]++
[snarfed] has 80 karma in this channel over the last year (125 in all channels)
Specifically looking at search stuff https://fed.brid.gy/docs#searchable
Basically looks like that reply field opens up a share URL on the mastodon instance selected. So replying to that post opens `/share?text=%40gmph%http://40mas.to Hi Graham%2C ...%0A%0Ahttps%3A%2F%http://2Fgrahammacphee.com%2Fwriting%2Fmastodon-blog-comments`
So it actually shows both replies to the POSSE copy and direct mentions of the URL (if they @mention the account??)