#dev 2023-12-09

2023-12-09 UTC
Someone created a related tool for generic sharing https://mastodonshare.com/
what is share link
It looks like we don't have a page for "share link" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "share link is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I thought we had something for that
[aciccarello]: so from a quick skim of the script linked from that site I dont think it filters for audience (havent tested though). and I know aarons site also didnt when I tried quite a while ago
The share link or the blog post?
Sorry, not following what you mean by "filters for audience"
on replies it shows
i.e. itll probably show any reply to the mastodon post under the blog, even if the reply is private
Ah, yeah. Seems to be anything his account has access to see.
bterry, alephalpha0, geoffo, angelo, oenone, [0x3b0b], fmlatghor, rrix, superkuh, srijan, barnabywalters, gRegorLove_, [capjamesg], [tantek], Maxpm, [KevinMarks], barnaby and AramZS joined the channel