#dev 2023-12-10

2023-12-10 UTC
geoffo and [aciccarello] joined the channel
they're not wron
Ah modern web dev... so over-engineered!
continues to write his site in Rust
geoffo joined the channel
BBEdit direct source code. No build process, no problems
ugh yeah the most build process i'm willing to put up with is a package manager for server-side code. cause once i install the packages i need, i don't have to touch that again and can edit code all day long
geoffo, gxt and strugee joined the channel
Is there a scenario where someone might have an authorization_endpoint header and not a token_endpoint header or vice-versa? I'm assuming if there is one, the other will be there.
In an early version of the spec you could do sign-on with only the authorization endpoint. That wasn't strictly following the OAuth protocol so we changed it. So now both are required for all the use cases
aaronpk: Thanks
[jacky] joined the channel
That's what I thought. This is my new discover_endpoints function, which looks for metadata, and then if not, extracts known rels into the same data structure so it can return it. So, if both aren't found, I'm considering it a failure
Oh and it is also possible to use other grant types with only the token endpoint but I suspect that doesn't have an actual use case with IndieAuth
jeremycherfas joined the channel
If someone files an issue later that their endpoints aren't being discovered, I can worry then
This is all because the ticket endpoint acts similarly to a client in redeeming the ticket, so to avoid repeating code, I'm pulling out the client type code and then calling it for each function.
Xe and geoffo joined the channel
aaronpk: Any chance of a quick review on https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/pull/129
[preview] [dshanske] #129 Move Definition of Issuer Identifier to the Identifier Section and Update References to RFC9207
Need to put this post somewhere high-up on "getting started as a developer" on the IndieWeb: https://manuelmoreale.com/more-new-mindsets-fewer-new-technologies
geoffo and AramZS joined the channel; fmlatghor left the channel