#dev 2023-12-11
2023-12-11 UTC
geoffo and mretka joined the channel
# [jacky] https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl looks like it could help write out parts of the request for a site in plain text
geoffo, [tantek], bret, peterkaminski, [Joe_Crawford], jeremycherfas, [marksuth], [pfefferle], [aciccarello]1, [tantek]1, [Joe_Crawford]1, aaronpk, [KevinMarks] and AramZS joined the channel
# firepoet Hey all! I'm in the midst of implementing webmention in a blog platform I'm building and having trouble figuring out the in-reply-to bits. Using webmention.rocks to test. My test page (https://www.calmabiding.me/post/test-webmention) basically uses Discovery Test #1 as the "in-reply-to" test, so it expects to be detected as a reply. However, when I visit https://webmention.rocks/test/1 I see my page in the
# firepoet mentions section. Can folks help me figure out what I may have done wrong with my microformats stuff? (I'm super new to all this!)
# aaronpk actually it looks fine, and if you run it through xray it finds the in-reply-to URL https://xray.p3k.app/parse?pretty=true&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.calmabiding.me%2Fpost%2Ftest-webmention
# aaronpk oops apparently this is not the first time this has come up https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.rocks/issues/38
# firepoet Oh fascinating!
# firepoet Ok then. I won't call this test failed yet heh
# firepoet Thank you, sir.
# firepoet Later on I'll poke around in that excellent x-ray app. Noticed it didn't detect the feeds on my home page when I thought I did everything right. More to learn!
Guest6_ joined the channel
# [jacky] something I've been struggling with (kinda mentioned here: https://jacky.wtf/2023/12/cq6S) is what to do about static sites
[aciccarello] joined the channel
# [aciccarello] I still haven't figured out what I would do for private posts on my static site. Netlify does have an identity piece that I could set up an auth server for but it would use URL based access controls so I'd likely need separate URLs for each audience.
# [aciccarello] Oh, that might require the enterprise plan
# [jacky] yup Netifly's solution is based on this https://github.com/netlify/gotrue
# [jacky] another idea is possibly making something equivalent to https://github.com/netlify/netlify-identity-widget
# [aciccarello] I honestly have hard time following how their auth pieces fit together.
# [aciccarello] It does seem like some custom stuff is available in their pro plan. I'm not sure what using their built-in Identity service gets you on the free plan.
# [aciccarello] No mentions of indieauth on the netilfy forums.
bret and barnaby joined the channel
barnaby and wagle joined the channel
# [aciccarello] They do feel like very different concepts
# [aciccarello] Which code?
roul joined the channel
# roul what seems to be the issue mate ?
# roul what language you using ?
# roul you said you had a bug in your code
# roul do you need help tho ?
# roul not specifically ?
# roul what does that mean
# roul oh okay
gRegor and [capjamesg] joined the channel
# [Joe_Crawford] Like a named bar of a hotel, or a nightclub that has a night where it truly changes identity for a single night
# [Joe_Crawford] For some reason I have memorized the line "Clubs in Shinjuku are extremely short-lived. There is no Monkey Boxing." from the novel Idoru.
barnabywalters, geoffo and barnaby joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel