#dev 2023-12-11

2023-12-11 UTC
geoffo and mretka joined the channel
curious if anyone has "smoke tests" for their IndieAuth setup
https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl looks like it could help write out parts of the request for a site in plain text
[preview] [Orange-OpenSource] hurl: Hurl, run and test HTTP requests with plain text.
hm tbh, I'd like if it could parse mf2 and let me do some tests on a URL
[jacky]: I try to test functions, but...
geoffo, [tantek], bret, peterkaminski, [Joe_Crawford], jeremycherfas, [marksuth], [pfefferle], [aciccarello]1, [tantek]1, [Joe_Crawford]1, aaronpk, [KevinMarks] and AramZS joined the channel
Hey all! I'm in the midst of implementing webmention in a blog platform I'm building and having trouble figuring out the in-reply-to bits. Using webmention.rocks to test. My test page (https://www.calmabiding.me/post/test-webmention) basically uses Discovery Test #1 as the "in-reply-to" test, so it expects to be detected as a reply. However, when I visit https://webmention.rocks/test/1 I see my page in the
mentions section. Can folks help me figure out what I may have done wrong with my microformats stuff? (I'm super new to all this!)
[preview] [Stephen Castro-Starkey] Webmention Test a11f710c-0807-4f79-a1ca-bdc93983816b
actually it looks fine, and if you run it through xray it finds the in-reply-to URL https://xray.p3k.app/parse?pretty=true&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.calmabiding.me%2Fpost%2Ftest-webmention
i think webmention.rocks doesn't look for the h-cite, it expects just a string
oops apparently this is not the first time this has come up https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.rocks/issues/38
[preview] [ngm] #38 in-reply-to property not being picked up correctly
Oh fascinating!
Ok then. I won't call this test failed yet heh
Thank you, sir.
Later on I'll poke around in that excellent x-ray app. Noticed it didn't detect the feeds on my home page when I thought I did everything right. More to learn!
Guest6_ joined the channel
something I've been struggling with (kinda mentioned here: https://jacky.wtf/2023/12/cq6S) is what to do about static sites
[preview] This week, I plan to keep applying to more jobs (as per the program). I've been making a lot of progress with Sele. At first, I was thinking of fusing in the new endpoints to my refactoring of Shock (that runs this website!) but instead, I'll be work...
there's a very strong (and naive) temptation to want to make a daemon that'd proxy requests to files and use its underlying MF2 to handle access (like if there's MF2 for visibility and audience then require auth)
but that's a _lot_ of work in my mind lol
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I still haven't figured out what I would do for private posts on my static site. Netlify does have an identity piece that I could set up an auth server for but it would use URL based access controls so I'd likely need separate URLs for each audience.
Oh, that might require the enterprise plan
Oh man this page is _bookmarked_ because it's the only thing that seems to be the closest to what I want to solve
ah, so there's the chance of using a single URL but (and waits for the incoming "no don't do that, lol") each per-post audience could be made an anchor on the page
useful if it's starting out small but doesn't grow well (although it could still _link_ out to an audience page, similar to a "thin" feed)
I was considering this as a way for people to own their audience lists and pull that it for checking
yup Netifly's solution is based on this https://github.com/netlify/gotrue
[preview] [netlify] gotrue: An SWT based API for managing users and issuing SWT tokens.
another idea is possibly making something equivalent to https://github.com/netlify/netlify-identity-widget
[preview] [netlify] netlify-identity-widget: A zero config, framework free Netlify Identity widget
I honestly have hard time following how their auth pieces fit together.
It does seem like some custom stuff is available in their pro plan. I'm not sure what using their built-in Identity service gets you on the free plan.
No mentions of indieauth on the netilfy forums.
bret and barnaby joined the channel
more digging then!
barnaby and wagle joined the channel
protected (limited audience) posts on static hosting has always seemed like an interesting challenge
is there an intermediate use-case for "audience" of, "public" but intended for a particular audience?
I feel like I've seen blog posts that specifically call out an explicit intended audience at the start
And recently I've been seeing people post on Threads with things like "Hey Tech Threads" or "Hey Design Threads" in an attempt to address an audience and invite responses from them in particular
Do we need different terms/phrases for "audience as intended recipients" (positive audience inclusion), and "audience as an allow list" (negative non-audience exclusion)
They do feel like very different concepts
I just found a bug in my code in real life testing that I need to fix pre California
Which code?
Micropub check-in code isn't syncing local venue.
So I have to manually link posts to the venue, even though the venue is created.
It only seems to happen for new, not existing venues
So, I trigger a checkin from Swarm, which causes my site to create a local venue.
roul joined the channel
Also my maps are slow
I need to figure out why.
what seems to be the issue mate ?
what language you using ?
roul: What do you mean?
you said you had a bug in your code
I have to investigate... I have been using the code remotely.
do you need help tho ?
Essentially, it doesn't work as intended
Not specifically
not specifically ?
what does that mean
I was just commenting on how even with testing... real world usage uncovers things
roul: Have to dig into what happens first.
oh okay
roul: I just didn't plan on that today.
gRegor and [capjamesg] joined the channel
Anyone have a name for a venue inside another venue? Subvenue?
How does Swarm/4sq refer to them?
everything is a venue, but a venue can be "inside another venue"
Like a named bar of a hotel, or a nightclub that has a night where it truly changes identity for a single night
For some reason I have memorized the line "Clubs in Shinjuku are extremely short-lived. There is no Monkey Boxing." from the novel Idoru.
barnabywalters, geoffo and barnaby joined the channel
aaronpk, this now makes me tempted to see if I can create a venue embedding loop in Swarm/4sq
geoffo joined the channel