#dev 2023-12-12

2023-12-12 UTC
bterry and rocto joined the channel
[preview] Richard Roda (editor)
Could see me returning this to a micropub client that I just think is fishy
getting a head start on April 1 I see
420 Requester Impaired 😂
it started as "420 Operator Impaired" I see
pharalia, geoffo, petermolnar and [snarfed] joined the channel
yeah odd timing
amusing regardless
sebbu2, geoffo, barnaby, [jacky] and [jamietanna] joined the channel
↩️ Not sure why the tag didn't work right 🤷‍♂️
The former, tbh but the latter sounds like what indieauth.rocks would be
barnaby, bret, AramZS, gxt, [Murray], geoffo and [tantek] joined the channel
[jacky] yeah with my (Java) implementation I used some common OAuth2 libraries to validate my implementation, as well as using some hand-rolled cases derived from the IndieAuth spec. Can't see offhand which ones I used so may be I'd not committed them 🤔 (or it's just so long since I've touched it I've forgotten how it all works 😬)
has anyone documented the absolute minimum necessary /hostmeta or /webfinger files for Mastodon compatibility? i.e. the *minimum* necessary static files (i.e. removing any file causes an error) to serve from your domain, with the *minimum* information (i.e. removing any property causes an error) that Mastodon attempts to retrieve?
I'd like to start brainstorming a minimum follow-your-nose alternative to the subset of hostmeta/webfinger that Mastodon is using, as a possible fallback for ActivityPub implementations so we can figure out a path to obsoleting hostemeta/webfinger static paths
yes I checked /.well-known /webfinger /Mastodon and none of them document this (minimum necessary static files with minimum necessary information therein)
bret, geoffo and CRISPR joined the channel
yeah there was a post on that a while back
geoffo joined the channel
Didn't you reverse engineer that for bridgy fed, or did you still have the OStatus support in that?
I generally followed specs first, then trial and error/reverse engineered interop
and yeah BF used to support OStatus, no longer. can't remember if I originally shipped it before or after AP or at the same time
geoffo joined the channel
[preview] [Andrés Monroy-Hernández] We're organizing a small in-person workshop about federated/decentralized social media at Princeton.https://dsmw.cs.princeton.edu/We're interested in bringing folks who develop fediverse tech or admins that manage active Mastodon instances. We have s...
CRISPR joined the channel
Mastodon << 2022-12-06 [https://justingarrison.com/blog/2022-12-06-mastodon-files-instance/ Mastodon instance with 6 files], describes the minimum six necessary files, starting with webfinger]]?request=acct:user@domain," target="_blank">/[[webfinger]]?request=acct:user@domain, that a Mastodon instance will query your site at "domain" to do [[discovery]] for user profile information.
ok, I added "2022-12-06 [https://justingarrison.com/blog/2022-12-06-mastodon-files-instance/ Mastodon instance with 6 files], describes the minimum six necessary files, starting with webfinger]]?request=acct:user@domain," target="_blank">/[[webfinger]]?request=acct:user@domain, that a Mastodon instance will query your site at "domain" to do [[discovery]] for user profile information." to the "See Also" section of /Mastodon https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=91172&oldid=91076
Mastodon << ^ [[to-do]]: inspect those six minimum files for which properties are truly essential, and which can be left out (without breaking Mastodon's consuming code flow), and come up with an alternative [[FYN]] discovery method to use instead, and propose as a fallback for [[webfinger]], so sites don't have to bother with supporting any explicit root level .well-known]]" target="_blank">/[[.well-known]] paths.
ok, I added "^ [[to-do]]: inspect those six minimum files for which properties are truly essential, and which can be left out (without breaking Mastodon's consuming code flow), and come up with an alternative [[FYN]] discovery method to use instead, and propose as a fallback for [[webfinger]], so sites don't have to bother with supporting any explicit root level .well-known]]" target="_blank">/[[.well-known]] paths." to the "See Also" section of /Mastodon https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=91173&oldid=91172
[KevinMarks] That event looks amazing.
That is how Meta should have done it.
capjamesg, maybe? different goals and constraints
there have been other such events like that. How is that Princeton event different from say, Fediforum?
what is Fediforum
FediForum is an online conference for people working on the "fediverse", most recently held on September 20-21, 2023, with several IndieWeb community members participating and some leading talks on IndieWeb-relevant topics. The first conference was held on March 29-30th, 2023 https://indieweb.org/FediForum
That's fair. I just get excited at any event 😄
Worth applying for, they have some travel funding.
capjamesg++ for eventexcitement++
eventexcitement has 1 karma over the last year
capjamesg has 40 karma in this channel over the last year (130 in all channels)
Sounds s bit like the ones Microsoft used to run, remember those Tantek?
[KevinMarks] The date might be a bit tricky. We'll see!
[KevinMarks] that sounds vaguely familiar but I'm having difficulty remembering any specific instance 🙈
[KevinMarks] I have captured FYN and FYND suggestions here: https://indieweb.org/follow_your_nose#Brainstorming — please feel free to expand. Also for anyone else, please add your opinions of those two abbreviations/initialisms there.
[marksuth]1, [aciccarello]1, [jacky]1, [KevinMarks]1, angelo, voxpelli and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Does anyone know if there's an Instagram URL you can use to initiate a DM to an account? Wanting a link from a site like "Send us a message on Instagram"
Found it. instagram.com/m/username seems to work.
put that on the wiki!
YES, that's something I can use right away with our business Instagram site
pharalia joined the channel
gRegor has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (75 in all channels)
gRegorLove_, eitilt, bret and Renfield joined the channel