#dev 2023-12-17

2023-12-17 UTC
gxt, bret_, oodani, gRegor, geoffo, rocto, lockywolf, gRegorLove_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Mad bridging idea: translate Microsub to the Mastodon API so I can use phanpy.social to read indieweb feeds
geoffo, gRegorLove__, [tantek] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Other way around would be better
[Isaac_Hudson] joined the channel
Wrap the Mastodon client API into Microsub server support so a Microsub client could read any Mastodon server
peterkaminski joined the channel
Hey, I'm at IWC SD, and I have been encouraged to share here. I know of a small community doing something which may conceptually be a little like "vouch" <https://greencheck.world/>, and conceptually a little like IndieAuth ("Federated Auth Network", <https://git.deepnet.com/fan/>).
would anybody here be interested in chatting with somebody at FAN, to maybe look for synergies?
alabut, geoffo and peterkaminski joined the channel
interesting peterkaminski. the problems being solved are real for sure.
first impressions, home page is js;dr which is unfortunate because it is primarily content, no reason to show only a warning sentence in the absence of JS
proof of humanity has a simpler (and much prior) solution, rel=met.
also, absence of any actual humans behind it, e.g. no one on their About page https://greencheck.world/about is always a red flag. which is also ironic for an org/effort that is purportedly solving "proof of humanity" when their site has none itself
peterkaminski joined the channel
good points, tantek. it's still an early/small group, without much work on docs or web presence yet
if there's individuals in that group that would like help & encouragement with their personal web presence, I think I know where they can find friendly folks & guidance šŸ™‚
alabut and peterkaminski joined the channel
(i already checked https://forum.inaturalist.org/ for "micropub", and got no hits there)
I really appreciate that their Seek app is fully offline capable. That aspect I think would make it an excellent Micropub client. You could add notes to your observations and queue them up for publication, or configure them to auto-post as photo posts.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
peterkaminski Here's a markdown attributes plugin for markdown-it (JS) which is based on pandoc's syntax https://github.com/arve0/markdown-it-attrs
[preview] [arve0] markdown-it-attrs: Add classes, identifiers and attributes to your markdown with {} curly brackets, similar to pandoc's header attributes
[jamietanna] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] [tantek] https://zirk.us/@interfluidity/111596336675640645 may be worth replying to, related to the chat about social readers
[preview] [Steve Randy Waldman] are there any RSS feed readers in the Fediverse? things like what Google Reader once was, what Inoreader / Feedly / etc are now?One might then "boost" RSS items, for example, which would become sites for comment. (Ideally each RSS item would map to a...
We have this thing to register claims. It's called a domain name.
oh did someone bring up inat at IWC SD? Iā€™m a big inat user
what is inat
It looks like we don't have a page for "inat" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "inat is ____", a sentence describing the term)
where did you see that barnaby?
couple of mentions of iNaturalist and seek in chat
(inat is a common abbrev of iNaturalist)
ah, and here I thought it was related to NAT or inodes since we're in #indieweb-dev lol
ha ha nope, just replying where I saw it mentioned
gRegor and I have difference of interpretation on the me return in a Ticketing/IndieAuth flow. Need some opinions.
The me property in a token response is defined as the canonical user profile URL for the user this access token corresponds to.
The subject property in ticket flow is the IndieAuth User Profile URL that represents the user being offered access to the resource
So, I'm assuming that the me property returned from the ticket grant MUST equal the subject property originally sent in.
Wouldn't have realized this was a topic of difference until gRegor returned his staging URL as me in the flow, and I was expecting my URL as the person using the token he gave me
gRegor joined the channel
What is the best way to implement a changing background with JavaScript?
capjamesg: [tantek] left you a message 2 days, 22 hours ago: as promised, next steps for your "simple" auto-text UI is to make it into a very minimal notes posting client for Micropub:
I may want my background to change every day, for example.
I could do this server side, but I wonder if I can do it client-side without causing a weird rendering flicker.
gRegor, geoffo, peterkaminski and [Murray] joined the channel
If you control it client-side, you will always have to wait for the script to load and execute. That will likely mean flash of the default background. So as long as you make the default something very neutral (a base theme colour, for instance) then most people probably won't notice. There's a lag on loading any image, after all.
the indiewebrocks zeldman example is a perfect example of why https://github.com/microformats/metaformats/issues/3
I think I'm going to make that change to the spec accordingly
[preview] [snarfed] #3 metaformats: for home pages (ie path `/`), should the output type be `h-card` instead of `h-entry`?
peterkaminski joined the channel