#dev 2023-12-20

2023-12-20 UTC
bterry, CRISPR and trwnh joined the channel
omg.lol is a silo that could support indieauth as a provider so I'd be more inclined to spin this up and then ask them to add support
(I love the styling of this site, few accents and just straight corners)
The admin has been in chat before
hmm this API _could_ work
ah see I don't know how to get a bearer token and I bet it's going to be a PAT token
I don't feel comfortable having people submit one on the web (feels like a no-no)
that is a satisfying url
hm and I'd need to have a client app with them, that's fine
oh, hm, yeah that authorization code exchange requires an api_key in the bearer header
yeah that'd need more clarity
tbh it'd be way easier if they had `indieauth.omg.lol` and wham
lol what that's not how OAuth works
I thought it looked odd, wasn't sure
geoffo_ and gRegor joined the channel
a feed aggregator for bluesky https://goodfeeds.co/
going to keep it to github and flickr for now and figure out what's more worthwihle on time to support
don't wanna spin any more spoons
Sounds smart
Makes sense Jacky++
Jacky has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (42 in all channels)
[jeremycherfas], hacdias, gRegor, geoffo, Guest6, Renfield, [marksuth], barnaby, AramZS, jonnybarnes and [jacky] joined the channel
I do want to consider more options
just to give people them
but e-mail is hanging on as that option
Guest6, geoffo, [manton], gRegor and [tw2113] joined the channel
hope getting an API key from Flickr isn't hard
it was _not_ 😈
[snarfed], minor, but I'm still seeing BF show an error delivering to 1 instance. Can't tell from the logs which one, don't really see an error message. It did get delivered to the one you manually fixed recently, though.
yeah, Flickr is one of the more turnkey setups for building apps
has* one of the more
[snarfed] joined the channel
I worry how well the Flickr API is maintained (or not) though. eg I don't see many employees post on https://www.flickr.com/groups/api/discuss/
[snarfed] I think it "just works" especially the auth stuff since it's so old and tested
jacky, I have re-added my Flickr profile rel me to my home page. ready to test 🙂
not maintained/attended to is still a problem though; issues always come up. eg Bridgy has a years-old incompatibility with Flickr-hosted photos because it doesn't serve Content-Length, and no one on their side has ever replied. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/944#issuecomment-628045583 , https://www.flickr.com/groups/api/discuss/72157714359969377/
[preview] [snarfed] thanks for filing! specifically, the problem here is publishing to twitter. twitter has a [5MB limit on images](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/media/upload-media/uploading-media/media-best-practices#image-specs), so bridgy checks the source im...
once it's deployed, I'll let y'all know 🙂
trying to make sure this thing doesn't knock someone's site over with too many requests first
bring it
huh, odd. I got a wm just now with source https://aaronparecki.com/2018/06/30/11/your-first-webmention and target https://snarfed.org/2018-07-01_sending-your-first-webmention-from-scratch-%e2%80%a2-aaron-parecki . oddly that target is a like of the source, so I'm not sure how the "reverse" wm happened there
also oddly, the WordPress Webmention plugin interpreted aaronpk's post as a like of my like (cc GWG)
[preview] [Aaron Parecki] Sending your First Webmention from Scratch
tbbrown joined the channel
same. also received hundreds of webmentions an hour or so ago
geoffo joined the channel
from me?
that post sends out webmentions regularly, because of salmention
so whenever it gets a webmention it re-sends all webmentions
but, i thought it was only supposed to send to links in the post, not also responses
maybe i should just turn salmentions off for now, i am not totally sure how this all works now
they were spurious mentions for different urls but the first was for that same first webmention url
well you _should_ be able to handle random webmentions from old posts without any bad side effects for this reason, but i should also double check my sending logic
i doubt it has anything to do with your code. i'm getting the sense that someone may have used the mentions on that page to seed something like a worm
that could be
wormmentions? the plot (of land?) thickens
I got a notification wm for that. Think it helped me find a loop bug where it kept trying to reprocess it as a notification webmention.