#dev 2023-12-20
2023-12-20 UTC
bterry, CRISPR and trwnh joined the channel
# [jacky] going to look at https://api.omg.lol/
# [aciccarello] The admin has been in chat before
geoffo_ and gRegor joined the channel
# [jacky] a feed aggregator for bluesky https://goodfeeds.co/
[jeremycherfas], hacdias, gRegor, geoffo, Guest6, Renfield, [marksuth], barnaby, AramZS, jonnybarnes and [jacky] joined the channel
Guest6, geoffo, [manton], gRegor and [tw2113] joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
# [snarfed] I worry how well the Flickr API is maintained (or not) though. eg I don't see many employees post on https://www.flickr.com/groups/api/discuss/
# [snarfed] not maintained/attended to is still a problem though; issues always come up. eg Bridgy has a years-old incompatibility with Flickr-hosted photos because it doesn't serve Content-Length, and no one on their side has ever replied. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/944#issuecomment-628045583 , https://www.flickr.com/groups/api/discuss/72157714359969377/
# Loqi [preview] [snarfed] thanks for filing! specifically, the problem here is publishing to twitter. twitter has a [5MB limit on images](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/media/upload-media/uploading-media/media-best-practices#image-specs), so bridgy checks the source im...
# [snarfed] huh, odd. I got a wm just now with source https://aaronparecki.com/2018/06/30/11/your-first-webmention and target https://snarfed.org/2018-07-01_sending-your-first-webmention-from-scratch-%e2%80%a2-aaron-parecki . oddly that target is a like of the source, so I'm not sure how the "reverse" wm happened there
tbbrown joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel