#dev 2023-12-21

2023-12-21 UTC
yeah, i should probably investigate! i was shocked to see so many email notifications but didn't consider all the possibilites.
geoffo, {{lifeofpablo}}, hacdias, gxt, [KevinMarks], ancarda, capjamesg, srushe, eb, alecjonathon, vikanezrimaya, roxwize, [jacky], [manton], [snarfed], [jeremycherfas], gRegor, Renfield, alecjonathon_, ancarda_, srushe_, vikanezrimaya_, tbbrown, jjuran, superkuh, [Murray], [lifeofpablo], AramZS and [tantek] joined the channel
anyone building anything for today's gift calendar?
tbbrown, geoffo, CRISPR and sebsel_ joined the channel