#[tantek]the MS one is dead. they've taken down all their references to it from MSDN, and even the archived version has scant information (none) about what is required from the client
#gRegorMy webmention plugin implements it if I require the vouch parameter, tested in theory years ago, but I don't have vouch required for webmentions since no one supports sending them really
#LoqiWebSub is an open standard (W3C Recommendation) notification-based protocol for web publishing and subscribing to streams and legacy feed files in real time, previously known as PubSubHubbub or PuSH, and briefly PubSub https://indieweb.org/WebSub
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#gRegorNeed to refresh my memory, been a while since I've done websub
#LoqiSuperfeedr provides a variety of ways to access real-time feed updates, including a popular PubSubHubbub-0.4 compliant hub https://indieweb.org/Superfeedr
#[jacky]I could see that either powering or helping the auth flow for websub
#[jacky]but I'm wondering more about public feeds, I could see the case for emitting updates for unlisted posts over WebSub but if it's public then it'd be in the feed itself as well (be it RSS or not)
#gRegorIt seems we'd need to run our own hub with an extra layer on it. I didn't see (on the wiki at least) to approve or deny subscribers at the hub level
#[jacky]yeah this hub would require some custom logic
#[snarfed]re Superfeedr, I talked with Julien recently. short answer, he's still maintaining and running it, but only minimally. it's fading, not growing.
#Loqi[preview] [snarfed] Superfeedr is unreliable these days, and I'm not confident in its future. Looking into alternatives and their pricing. Many charge per feed, which I don't think is sustainable for BF. Some charge per notification, which is better. IFTTT and Botize ar...
#LoqiA portfolio on the Indieweb is a professional web page (or collection thereof) targeted at paying customers/clients that often shows examples of work and projects https://indieweb.org/portfolio
geoffo, [jeremycherfas], [schmarty], [jacky], louisbarclay and [snarfed] joined the channel
#GWGIt occurs to me this isn't just a WordPress question. https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/issues/444 - [snarfed] originally wrote about it in here. So...a post is updated and webmentions are sent to all responses to the post, which were originally received by webmention. How should the webmention receiver act when such a mention is received? In the example, the mention is in the
#GWGsource as a p-like, because the target was marked up as a like-of.
#Loqi[preview] [dshanske] #444 Interpreting Response Markup as a Response
#[snarfed]it's salmentions-related, but not actually a salmention, right?
#GWGaaronpk I believe, noted it is because of Salmentions. But the salmention protocol says when it receives a webmention, it would resend to the original post sent webmentions to. But in this case, the original post never sent a webmention, this is a markup of a received webmention.
#[snarfed]is the answer to detect that the target link is inside properties => like (or repost or comment or bookmark etc) and do nothing?
#GWG[snarfed]: There is the nesting concept though for salmentions.
#GWGThat doesn't apply here, but it could for a comment. Someone could reply to the response version on the original post of your comment, which should send you a webmention
#GWGThat isn't this, but it should detect it is inside those properties, see what the property is a child of, and then make the decision
#GWGIf we don't want to do the full receive salmention stack, we can just opt to ignore it for now.
#GWGIf receiving a webmention in this manner, it could be assumed to consider it an update of the original post, to which you might want to change your like.
#GWGFor example, let's say you like something, then the original post changes, you might not like it anymore
#GWGSo, maybe we should classify it as an 'update notification' or something
#GWGTo allow you to review and decide if you want to delete your like
#GWGRight now, RSVPs are u-in-reply-to, which are marked up on the receiving URL as u-comment h-cite. So, the simplest solution is u-comment h-cite with a p-rsvp inside is a displayed RSVP, but that seems confusing.
#[tantek]What's the consuming code use-case for marked up RSVPs on an event?
#GWG[tantek]: You noted some examples on the page I cited.
#GWGPESOS with Webmention to take a local RSVP on an event and use it to create an IndieWeb RSVP on your site is one
#GWGFor now, my use case is just to address the issue I was working on, but I can do that other ways.
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#[KevinMarks]Mastodon sends a notification when a post you liked or shared is edited
#[tantek]Fascinating, so when I update my past 100daysofindieweb posts to link to the next post, then everyone who liked or shared the previous post gets a notification presumably, and if they have a way of looking at the diff, they might see the link to the new post!
#GWGWent back to the webmention spec re the earlier thing
#GWG"If a response to the source URL is shown on the source URL page (e.g. as a comment), then sender SHOULD treat that as an update of the source URL and re-send any previously sent Webmentions."
#GWG"This allows the recipients of Webmentions to update their display of the source document, or otherwise notify the recipient that a post that mentioned one of their URLs was updated."
#[jacky]I've seen this happen a bit and I've been _half_ tempted to use a PNG
#[jacky]but I have _plans_ for that SVG (namely animating it, still trying to figure that out on Sundays)
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#[snarfed]moving visual/UX design talk here from #indieweb
#[snarfed]the challenge I've been working on for BF's front page design is, right now it's very specifically aimed at IndieWeb people who want to federate their web sites into the fediverse
#[snarfed]but I'm expanding BF to be more general purpose and multi-protocol, ie for fediverse users as well as IndieWeb, soon for Bluesky users too, etc.
#[snarfed]for anyone on a supported protocol who wants to interact with anyone on any other supported protocol
#[snarfed]"advanced setup" instructions for current features like using your own domain as your fediverse handle instance will probably get demoted to the docs
#[snarfed]seems like it's the cross product of all supported networks? ie right now web => fediverse and fediverse => web. bluesky will add web => bluesky, bluesky => web, fediverse => bluesky, fediverse => web. and so on
#[snarfed]er, sorry, make the last there bluesky => fediverse
#gRegor[snarfed], I do like the blue background section with the animation
#[tantek][snarfed] re: "cross product of all supported networks", I'm hearing a matrix (so to speak 😉 )
#[tantek]"I'm on" vertical column of labels on the left, from which to pick a row, and then "I want to federate with" horizontal row of labels on top, from which to pick a column
#[snarfed]right! that's already in the docs, and I plan to make it more prominent
#[snarfed]I'm just not sure I want to put a literal table on the front page. feels a lot to hit someone with when they first come to the site and don't fully know what it is
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#[tantek]It won't be that big a table, and if it uses big blocky rows/columns/text/colors, it will have a "fun" feel like a rubiks cube
#[tantek]in fact maybe that's the design inspo to copy
#[snarfed]the problem is that each cell's instructions are a nontrivial text phrase or sentence
#[snarfed]actually I guess they're maybe not too bad, mostly just the handle format
#[tantek]It would make for nice link preview images too, and the press loves 80s nostalgia
#[snarfed]understood, you may be right. still pretty unlikely, but I'd be happy for someone to do it as a userstyle!
#[tantek]I'm saying you have a 4x4 logical grid of options (with the diagonal being a link to intra-system federation docs), and there is a broad aesthetic appeal of "block" diagrams like that where the blocks are all the same shape/size
#[tantek]when you get to 5x5 you can make a bingo grid 😛
#[snarfed]oh sure, I understand the idea, I'm only objecting to the rubiks cube aesthetic, which is minor
#[snarfed]I'm still not sure how well that kind of grid would work for non-technical users as the main, above-the-fold home page element, but I'll definitely try it out
#[tantek]even if all you did was pick the same colors from those sites, that would be a reference
#[tantek]little did we know when we made the microformats blocks illustration like that with orange blocks, that IndieWeb would use orange as a key color in its logo and aesthetic!
#[tantek]and gray for nostr seems fine since they've chosen black with a thin light blue strip for the icon on their GitHub (and two blues might be confusing) https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nostr
#Loqi[preview] [nostr-protocol] nostr: a truly censorship-resistant alternative to Twitter that has a chance of working
#[snarfed]nostr is definitely purple, the community has chosen that themselves
#[snarfed]oh and yeah I didn't mean physical blocks, I meant blocky shapes with bright colors
#[snarfed]I'm probably using the wrong visual language, I don't live in that space 😆