#dev 2023-12-23

2023-12-23 UTC
[manton] joined the channel
[snarfed] Does Bridgy accept at:// URLs for u-syndication when matching up a blog post to its Bluesky post, or does it need to be https://? I should probably switch to web links but wanted to do some testing with what I already have.
Shannon and geoffo joined the channel
[manton] both!
sebbu2, [tantek], bterry1 and [jamietanna] joined the channel
Snarfed any idea whether the `None` on https://fed.brid.gy/web/www.jvt.me/notifications is maybe an ActivityPub Move? There's no log associated with it, and the post doesn't seem to exist (at least when read via the browser)
That is the "Quinze Plush None @quinze's post"
Also seeing the reply below it with no log πŸ€”
[KevinMarks] and win0err joined the channel
.io domains are going up again. i really want to move off of that TLD for my projects
No rent control on domain names
peterkaminski and geoffo joined the channel
[jamietanna] maybe a Delete? the link returns 410 in both browsers and with AS2 conneg
ah it's an Undo of an Announce
peterkaminski joined the channel
fixed, minimally
win0err joined the channel
domain names, the newest feudal frontier (lol)
aaronpk: if `.dev` is appealing, that's an option!
there's the `.xyz` space too
two letter gTLDs are prime space (less effort)
i've started moving some of the p3k.io things to p3k.app
the tough one will be webmention.io
because i don't require an email address to sign up to use it, so i have no way to contact everyone who is using it
how much are they now?
i might have to start sticking a fake webmention in the JSON response that's a warning like "you need to update to the new domain" or something πŸ˜‚
namecheap raised the prices by $5
70€/y it seems (at a random registrar I just checked). yeah, not exactly cheap
it's like $48 at namecheap now
[snarfed] This is kid of an edge case, but I think Bridgy might get confused if there are links in a Bluesky post that aren’t the canonical link for the post. For example, this post has two inline links elsewhere β€” https://bsky.app/profile/manton.org/post/3kh62nbtbw72b β€” so Bridgy just tries to discover a Webmention endpoint for the first one, instead of trying to send the mention back to my blog. (Do I have this right?)
[preview] [Manton Reece] I like the new Bluesky butterfly logo. Still invite-only, but I have a handful of invite codes if you want to try it out.
(Er, β€œkind of an edge case”, not kid.)
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
what is indieauth.com?
indieauth.com provides an authorization server that you can use with your website in order to log in to IndieAuth and Micropub apps https://indieweb.org/indieauth.com
I thought Loqi was on strike lol
the bridge adds http:// to what it thinks are urls, and loqi does not like that
do you have some sense of numbers of what parts of http://indieauth.com is used?
ahhhhhh good to know
more reason to go back to IRC lol
what do you mean parts?
like how many people use which silo or if things like OpenID are used a lot
prob not
too many πŸ‘€
oh yeah i have logs of that kind of thing
one sec, this is interesting
I ask because I'm curious about supporting OpenID as well (in hopes of making this something more attractive for supporting)
but might be too much before the cart
do you mean OpenID 1?
hm, i can't figure out why there's no record of the original openid logins here
ahh did not realize there was a difference
that's enough for me to look away from that lol
openid 1 is effectively dead at this point
openid connect is very much alive, but has nothing to do with openid 1
makes a note of that
traditional openid connect isn't really indieweb relevant either. the closest it gets is with the new OpenID Verifiable Credentials stuff
bterry1 joined the channel
wow that's a lot more through SMS than I expected
this is really cool, thank you
good to know that's a contender for folks
tricky but doable tbh
technically _could_ do it for free through cheogram and an XMPP account but Twilio's easier lol
the sms and github colors are really close in that
i'd also like to see the numbers for unique users by provider rather than number of logins per provider but i can't figure out that SQL right now
hah where's the resident dataviz person when you need it
it's clear, though, that people will go for the options that require the least code changes _and_ one that's less "exposing"
hence the use of github
but even then, seeing self-hosted IndieAuth use _double_ is good
guess i should do it for indielogin.com too
oh tbh I _completely_ forgot about that service lol
def curious
def also curious about the eventual deprecation of http://indieauth.com (if that's something you're considering)
geoffo and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
some day
AramZS, AramZS_, win0err and geoffo joined the channel
any of y'all into portuguese btw? https://chaos.social/@SoniEx2/111631786962817551
[preview] [Genders: ♾️, πŸŸͺβ¬›πŸŸ©; Soni L.] Acabamos de fazer uma nova spec FediLinks, introduzindo URIs web+feed para feeds tipo Atom: https://fedilinks.org/spec/pt/5-O-URI-web-feed:BoostOK: @fedilinks#FediLinks #Atom #Feeds #IndieWeb
(decided to forbid userinfo entirely. auth should not be embedded in a web+feed URI, even in machine-to-machine contexts.)
(also decided to explicitly reject RSS feeds)
win0err joined the channel
shout out to in-browser translation with firefox now
and it's local (i.e: doesn't go up to a remote service) https://support.mozilla.org/kb/website-translation
local-first has 1 karma over the last year
okay so Soni, this page looks cool!
ohh right we should probably check that out
thanks tho!
Al_Abut and geoffo joined the channel
thanks jacky! yes, I think local-first is a great way to provide new features to users while preserving privacy
Al_Abut joined the channel
rel-me-auth discovery is sorta expensive
it's possible to frontload parts of it but being more opportunistic makes it harder πŸ€”
or more time consuming, rather (b/c of the _N_ providers available and the ceiling of providers one could support)
Al_Abut joined the channel
wow it's... not great. still, pretty cool for something that runs entirely locally.
was the translation not as accurate?
is guessing so
one of the mistakes with the translation was turning "erro" (error) into "mistake"
ha, a common mistake πŸ˜‰
also "deve" (must) into "should"
I _think_ there's a way to report the translation errors!
which, heh, would be good, if someone's reading a spec
so instead of "userinfo being present must be treated as an error", the translation says "userinfo being present should be treated as a mistake"
must and should def carry more weight to my BCP-enforced ears
the intent is to reject web+feed URIs with userinfo, instead of silently "correcting" them like browsers do with https nowadays.
(we have never managed to get browser to process optional authentication (i.e. WWW-Authenticate on a 200 response), not even with userinfo...)
(but anyway we digress)
we think authentication should be handled out of band, by the feed reader, not by the URI. (do any feed readers integrate indieauth etc yet?)
at the same time, we wouldn't be entirely opposed to some sort of "auth:" URI that takes the auth method, auth parameters, and the base URI, particularly for use with m2m
(so instead of shoving userinfo in your DB settings, you'd shove an auth URI. this would be one step closer to removing userinfo from URIs altogether.)
(we used to think repurposing userinfo was a good idea, not too long ago even, it's only been a month since we last tried to repurpose userinfo, but nowadays we're not so sure...)