#dev 2023-12-27

2023-12-27 UTC
[KevinMarks] I'm updating /unmung accordingly
see and edit https://indieweb.org/unmung#unmung.com with more details if you wish
[Al_Abut], CRISPR, [tantek], [aciccarello], [Caleb_Hearth], gRegor, jacky, AramZS, [jeremycherfas], geoffo, Fisher24459951, angelo, jan6, Guest6, tenshidev, Woodash, [Joe_Crawford] and ovid joined the channel
Looks like the ActivityPub fork doesn't want to be considered a fork
"Suffice it to say though: this is not a _fork_, this is not an attempt to supplant or replace ActivityPub in any way, shape, or form. This is simply an implementation guide for a project’s specific dialect, and for the project I have in mind it would be nice if I could solve a lot of problems that AP doesn’t presently solve today."
[snarfed] joined the channel
afaik this kind of thing is commonly called a "profile" of a standard?
I haven't heard that term before but it makes sense
I want to do something similar for metaformats/link previews
I think this kind of very-general protocol that needs a profile(s) for interop is what Tess called a polyglot? or at least related. https://tess.oconnor.cx/2023/09/polyglots-and-interoperability
metaformats/link previews are definitely similar! multiple standards for doing the same thing, where people often implement more than one, side by side. vs a single overly-general standard that allows multiple ways to do the same thing
Polyglots and profiles are e totally different
Metaformats attempt to take the minimum necessary subset of proprietary markup that has been adopted, and fit it into a more sustainable and open approach. Also not polyglot
Metaformats in that way is taking a subset (profile) of proprietary meta tags and reformatting in an open and consistent vocabulary based on open standards
You shouldn't have to "do something similar" for metaformats / link previews because metaformats is already literally doing that "something similar" for link previews
I think we're all violently agreeing
I definitely didn't mean that metaformats are or are similar to polyglots
I meant that the collection of OGP + Twitter cards + HTML meta tags + Dublin core etc, taken as a whole, has some developer-facing characteristics similar to polyglots
which metaformats correctly tries to address 😁
Dublincore has -1 karma over the last year
It's not part of the minimum set by any evidenciary measure
gRegor joined the channel
That said I need to incorporate the ideas in issues 3-5 ASAP
I need to make some make some progress on my metaformats blog posts.
Now that Christmas is over I'm hoping to have a chunk of free time to work on a couple things
I made a web component for flash cards: https://capjamesg.github.io/flashcard-web-component/
I'd love feedback / comments / to know if you'd find this useful!
I'm exploring ways to help people retain knowledge in what I read. I thought it would be nice if I could put together flashcards that show in educational blog posts in a "test your knowledge" section.
rjomara joined the channel
It says Germany is the capital of Germany. Did an LLM make these questions?
That’s my laziness 🤣
These aren’t real questions.
I want feedback on the mechanism before polishing up the design etc
When G is obviously the capital of Germany
I'd say don't hide the question when you show the answer
when seeking ui feedback users will ALWAYS comment on the placeholder text. They can’t not.
Lesson learned.
And I just realized I do this too.
[Joe_Crawford] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
"Why is this all in Latin?"
"It's called Greeked text" never seems to be an adequate reply.
Lorem Ipsum but make it a continuous limerick
barnaby joined the channel
Something specific on that page capjamesg, or just the general concept?
I do find it funny it's "to use for all *relative* URLs in a document" then the note about Open Graph being like "nope", only absolute URLs for OGP. Oof.
OGP does not need explicit mentioning because the content model of the "content" attribute is text, not a URL.
technically "all _relative_ URLs in a document" is not correct either, it's "all _relative_ URLs in URL attributes (e.g. href, src, data) in a document"
like a base element is not going to apply to <p>/yo/here/is/a/relative/path.html</p>
that's worth correcting if someone wants to edit that article
then you can remove the OGP caveat completely since it uses the content attribute, which is not a URL attribute
barnaby joined the channel
aha, had never made that connection. makes sense.
barnaby and dustinm` joined the channel