#dev 2024-01-01

2024-01-01 UTC
[snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek] re the Bridgy Fed redesign, understood, thanks for the feedback!
you're right that web site owners have definitely the main BF target audience _so far_, and federating those sites into the fediverse has been the main use case. I'm deliberately trying to expand that use case and target audience, though, to anyone on any supported network, with no setup
specifically, I'm making web sites zero setup by reading profiles from metaformats, polling feeds to get posts in addition to the current webmention trigger, and not requiring webfinger redirects
I don't mean the redesign to imply that following is is the only main use case, but since federating web site is automatic now, no setup required, and posts soon too, I see following as one of the most immediately user-visible and impactful ways to get started
and I do know you liked the table. I did too! out of about a dozen other people I got feedback from though, no one else understood or liked it, even when I explained and got them past the lack of styling
I plan to revisit it when I add the next network, at least if I can figure out how to do it on phones. for now though, even for just two networks, based on those dozen people and my own judgment, it seemed more net harmful than helpful
yep, if the table didn't resonate with others, can it. what I liked more was the network diagrams in the prior homepage, and with those missing I feel something significant has been lost in quickly conveying what BridgyFed does
"federating web site is automatic now, no setup required, and posts soon too" wait what
gRegor joined the channel
[snarfed] does that mean BridgyFed will poll a site home page for its h-feed and then auto-federate new posts?!? (sounds like per the docs that's not the case yet https://fed.brid.gy/docs#web-how-post but I'm wondering if that's your goal)
Yeah, I'm wondering how I opt-in only certain posts to BF now
(or in the near future)
[snarfed] from the BridgyFed docs, I clicked a link (forgot which one) which led me to this 404: https://fed.brid.gy/web-follow
I guess my homepage would be OK, I don't have replies on there now. But there are also post types on there I know BF doesn't support, like bookmarks.
I guess I'd still have to manually wm for each reply to a Mastodon post
yeah I'm not sure how well it work to attempt to rely on h-feed polling, even h-feed + WebSub
right, BF will soon poll feeds and auto-federate posts. right now I'm thinking it will only do that until you send your first wm to it, and then it will switch to wm-only trigger, but that might be surprising, so I"m not sure yet
and yeah replies/likes/reposts etc are already pretty advanced, so I think I'm ok with expecting wms for those, at least if they're not in the main h-feed
you're also probably right that for web users, even with zero setup, they'll probably first think "how do I get my web site visible in the fediverse" before "how can I follow someone from my web site." I can revise the front page language for that
thanks for the broken link nudge! will fix
very much strong yes to: "how do I get my web site visible in the fediverse" before "how can I follow someone from my web site."
if there's any chance of restoring the two diagrams that illustrated that "get my web site visible in the fediverse", that would be great too
the visual network connections and icons resonated with everyone I showed that to in my experience
Would we be grandfathered in since we've already sent wm then? A setting we can toggle might be nice. I'm leaning towards continuing to send wm for each post, but maybe in the future I'd try switching to auto-federate
opt-in to auto-federate makes more sense from a "reduce user surprise" and "empower the user to make decisions" perspective too
maybe even something that their dashboard would eventually prompt after a few successful posts via webmention, that BridgyFed has confirmed it found on their h-feed
"Hey Alice, congrats on federating 5 posts to from your website directly to the fediverse! BridgyFed also found those 5 posts on your main home page feed. In the future if you'd like, BridgyFed could auto-federate new posts it finds on your home page. Would you like to enable auto-federation of new posts?"
s/posts to from your website/posts from your website
hm, automatic (=not-opt-in) bridging of networks is a bit questionable. I know a bunch of people got upset by the various "follow twitter users through activitypub" gateways (and some instances do block anything like that)
I still use the diagrams in Bridgy classic when you click the Mastodon button: https://brid.gy/which-bridgy , and I definitely agree that they're valuable for web users specifically. they felt too big and heavy and single-protocol to keep on the front page, but I should put them back into the docs at least
I can definitely consider opt in federating of posts!
opt in for bridging at all...a number of us have discussed it, and I get the idea, but it would radically reduce the number of users available, which would make the bridge waaaay less useful
eg months after Mastodon's big outreach push for opting into search, only ~2% of Mastodon users opted in
the mental model question is interesting. inside these networks, for example, federation is opt out, not opt in
bit pointless number without knowing if that's because they don't know about it or because they choose to not do it?
right, and the effect is the same
ie _inside_ each network, if your profile is public, people on other instances (on the web and in the fediverse, Bluesky, Nostr) default to seeing your posts. you have to take an action to do anything else
if you think about bridged networks as just a broader fediverse, opt out would follow that pattern
I definitely get that many people don't think about it like that, but I wonder if more of us should
this is similar to Evan's "big fedi" vs "small fedi," https://evanp.me/2023/12/26/big-fedi-small-fedi/
Hm, yeah I'm still very much in Bridgy Classic Publish mindset. It's not too often, but not rare that I post a note I don't intend to POSSE or federate
"I just joined here, and if people search my common user name they find 6 accounts, 5 of which are bridges, 4 of which broke down at various points and stopped updating and/or kept posts I deleted on the other side online" was the usual experience with the twitter bridges
now I'll give you that between federated protocols you can do some things these bridges couldnt
but that's also the context in which many people see automatic bridges
sp1ff joined the channel
This is helpful context for the confusion about pinned posts in feeds, makes sense with auto-federating
yes! multiple duplicated bridged accounts can definitely be a problem. I don't have a solution for that, but I'm all for thinking through it
but deletions and edits are an example: without my site actively using e.g. webmentions to keep you up to date, you won't be able to reliably federate those
and I still think bridging, opt out, with duplicates here and there, is better than not bridging, or only opt in bridging
sknebel yup, that's good motivation for web users to use wms
gRegor understood! I'm still a ways from shipping auto federation from feeds, I'll keep all that in mind
(opt in bridging probably wouldn't solve duplicates anyway, since the most common way fedi people opt into/out of things is per "class" of tool, ie "searchable" or "nobot" or "nobridge" in profile, more often then per individual tool)
https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/543 is a good first design step toward unifying bridged accounts/posts
I dont think "add an extra feature to your site to be able to delete your content from a thing you might not even know exists" is well-framed as "a good motivation"
(er, the FEP is that first step)
[preview] [snarfed] #543 Add proxy links to AP objects via FEP-fffd
sknebel fair. if they don't want to be bridged at all, opt out does that. if they do, and they want to make sure a delete is federated, wms might be more reasonable, and maybe also a form in the BF web UI
if they aren't aware of BF, and we want to make sure a delete is federated...that's a harder one, agreed! I can definitely think about it, and I'm open to ideas
the good news is that all of the other protocols have delete events that BF can trigger on to delete bridged copies
bterry1 joined the channel
...and web sites do too, it's webmention 😁
(I'm more and more trying to think about BF questions like this from non-web angles, eg how would it work btw the fediverse and Bluesky, or the fediverse and Nostr, to inform how it could work for web users)
the point of rel-me support in the fediverse is to distinguish which is really you, could that be used to signal which bridges are chosen?
Does this mean someone could follow me at both @gregorlove.com@web.brid.gy and @gregorlove.com@gregorlove.com?
[KevinMarks] for networks that put rel-me on links in profiles, definitely!
gRegor they resolve to the same AP actor and webfinger handle
oh [KevinMarks] maybe not, since there's often no canonical web URL for a bridged user the way there is for a native user
(in eg the fediverse or Bluesky or Nostr)
geoffo, [jeremycherfas] and barnaby joined the channel
[tantek] The calendar is now on my home page.
[kimberlyhirsh] and geoffo joined the channel
Capjamesg++ nice!!! Also just noticed your wiki contributions sparkline! What are you using to generate that? And you could link that to your User Contributions page
Capjamesg has 42 karma in this channel over the last year (133 in all channels)
[tantek] ^
oh nm I put the wiki itself in the param not the API URL. missed that detail!
ooh I take it from the code on that page you don't mind if we use it to embed sparklines on our home pages? I may use the <img> tag instead of <embed> tho. any reason you used <embed> in the sample code capjamesg?
I can’t remember.
Give it a go!
did you blog about this? I totally missed it! this is great
you could auto-generate the link to the detailed list too, since all it takes is the username and wiki URL, e.g. <a href="https://indieweb.org/Special:Contributions/Jamesg.blog"><img ...
does your server cache the API data or the images (e.g. only regenerate once a day) or is it live calling the MediaWiki API for each view of the embed?
[schmarty] and jacky joined the channel
It live calls.
If you want to add caching you can file a PR!
you could set cache headers so it only live calls once per viewer per day
shouldn't it be only once per username & wiki URL pairs per day? why does "per viewer" matter?
presumably you'd want all viewers to see the same thing
also this makes me wonder if that would be better as a building block caching service that you could run on your own server, for any kind of 3rd party embeds on your site
would also have better privacy properties (having a cache service on your own site serve the embeds to your viewers, rather than a 3rd party site)
in this case, fortunately the "image" and the "API result" are both small bits of text so they can be treated roughly similarly
Can you elaborate?
What would the service do?
it would do the caching on your personal server rather than the SVG generating server. your personal server would call, server to server, to regenerate the SVG when necessary
E.g. on the front end (in the HTML served to browsers), I'd keep the markup as is (with <img> though) and then have something like (pseudo-code to break auto-linking) src="src.tantek .com/indiewebcontributions.svg/cache/1day/get/sparkline.jamesg.blog/?username=User:http://Tantek.com&api_url=http://indieweb.org/wiki/api.php&only_image=true". Then src.tantek would look for a cached file called indiewebcontributions.svg that was no more than 1
day old and return it, otherwise it would do a GET on the subsequent URL, write the results to that file, and then return it
dropping the /cache/1day/ URL segment params would cause it to always do the GET (from the /get) and regenerate, which you could do manually to flush the cache of that file
this seems like a simple enough caching service that someone has to have built something like it
capjamesg, this kind of setup would be kinder on your sparkline.jamesg server, and thus kinder on the MediaWiki API endpoint your server was calling, so your server didn't end up massively banging on someone else's server (e.g. say, Wikipedia) and thus get blocked/banned
e.g. I might embed something like (again, pseudo-code to block at least Slack auto-linking) http://sparkline.jamesg.blog/?username=User:Tantek&api_url=en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php&only_image=true
via such a caching service, so that Wikipedia does not end up blocking sparkline.jamesg for using its API "too much" (e.g. for every home page view I get)
this feels like the kind of thing aaronpk would have built already, and if not, I may try a go at it, in PHP of course (which I know how to do all those things, check for a file existing, get info about the file, retrieve an external URL, write the results to a file, serve a file back as a user request)
I'm not even sure how I'd search for a pre-existing library that did this in a very simple (read: one like one .php source file to handle the request, not a bunch of Composer this Object-Oriented that drivel) way. the only external dependency should be curl which should be installed & enabled in typical default PHP setups
that reminds me, is there an OSS community that creates, and builds upon single code file libraries? or is that a lost art to all the package bloat npm install dependency hell cargo-culting?
header file only libraries is a big thing in C++
C has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
but also C--
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
[tantek] I will come back to this.
This is noted and I’m interested. I have one more thing to do first.
washes eyeballs of the phrase "header file only libraries"
that's the npm ecosystem of C if I hadn't seen it elsewhere lol
yo if we're going to diss C then I'm here for OOP--
OOP has -1 karma over the last year
and MVC--
MVC has -1 karma over the last year
a little Googling and I found this example of a single PHP file library (haven't tried it, just interesting presentation on the web page about it) https://sye.dk/sfpg/
What’s wrong with OOP?
(Serious question.)
what is OOP
The object-oriented-programming antipattern is the excessive / unnecessary use of object-oriented-programming (OOP) and OOP techniques when simple procedural functions would have sufficed, with less overhead, fewer files to navigate around, fewer indirections to follow while debugging, etc https://indieweb.org/OOP
capjamesg, in short, too much DX cognitive load (too many files, too many classes, too many methods) for not enough code functionality
too much hierarchy, too much stack / method call depth etc.
AramZS joined the channel
OOP encourages lots of time to be spent (wasted) with setting up a ton of boilerplate files (naming is hard), classes (naming is hard), methods (naming is hard), hierarchy (information architecture is hard), when a flat set of functions would suffice for 90%+ of use-cases, and the best way to discover that other 10% is to start flat and then only add hierarchy when the flat set of things gets too large and you need some "chunking" to make it
easier to navigate. in other words java--
java has -1 karma over the last year
I should add that summary to the wiki
[tantek] joined the channel
OOP << Criticism: wastes too much time compared to actual utility (for both library creators/maintainers, and clients). OOP encourages lots of time to be spent (wasted) with setting up a ton of boilerplate files (naming is hard), classes (naming is hard), methods (naming is hard), hierarchy (information architecture is hard), when a flat set of functions would suffice for 90%+ of use-cases, and the best way to discover that other 10% is to
start flat and then only add hierarchy when the flat set of things gets too large and you need some "chunking" to make it easier to navigate.
ok, I added "Criticism: wastes too much time compared to actual utility (for both library creators/maintainers, and clients). OOP encourages lots of time to be spent (wasted) with setting up a ton of boilerplate files (naming is hard), classes (naming is hard), methods (naming is hard), hierarchy (information architecture is hard), when a flat set of functions would suffice for 90%+ of use-cases, and the best way to discover that other 10% is to" to the "See Also" section of /object-oriented-programming-antipattern https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=91774&oldid=88663
there's a lot of "but it will save you time in the long run" faith-based BS in OOP (and MVC) advocacy circles that has no evidence, and plenty of anecdotes that dispute it.
gives Loqi a high-five
throws the high-five
that's an acceptable verb for a high-five
scastro-starkey and gRegor joined the channel
shadcn/ui is the only modern project that gets close to the flat file thing. In that they literally tell developers to “Copy and paste the code into your project and customize to your needs” rather than depend on bringing in code through some package mmanager (npm)
Though with that said, some of their components are going to require dependencies themselves, so you still need a package manager *facepalm*
Though, as it is all React based, you are likely to already have a package manager anyway. Not a whole lot of projects running raw React as JS files these days.
jacky joined the channel