#dev 2024-01-02

2024-01-02 UTC
this but for the indieweb? https://store.app/
jacky joined the channel
am I beating a dead horse with the Bridgy plugin that is supposed to be able to backfeed Instagram? It stopped working a few weeks ago and I can't tell if its my site or the plug in....
Not sure, but be careful, IG has warned me about automated behavior so I stopped using it to avoid getting my account locked or deleted https://indieweb.org/Instagram#Automated_behavior_warning
You can try going in the extension's settings to confirm it's connected to IG, it shows some debug info about last time connected and responses seen, etc.
Oh, are you leaving the browser open on your IG profile page, too? I think that's needed, iirc
https://brid.gy/instagram/starrwulfe shows no webmention targets found for the last few interactions
which is strange... There's targets everywhere
and now it's just stuck on *polling now...* before it bombs out with *Initial poll did not succeed: Scrape error: couldn't determine logged in Instagram user or username*
What's your original post link for https://www.instagram.com/p/C0wI-xfuobP/ ?
LOL that one wasn't cross posted I think.
Ah, well that "No webmention targets" is correct then :)
RIght, but there's this:
afaik, bridgy is polling https://starrwulfe.xyz/ periodically to find new posts and using that for webmention targets, so if the photo didn't appear there, bridgy wouldn't be able to send a wm
look at the log I posted above. It says it can't find this:
Which is definitely this
It's been doing that since the brisket post.
Maybe I need to make a post and "unstick" it?
Your homepage microformats appear to be incorrect, most of the content is going into one h-entry https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstarrwulfe.xyz%2F
[preview] Starrwulfe is J.L.Gatewood
Might be a WP theme issue
Oh dear. OK let me change to a better theme temporarily and see if that works...
Here's an example of how the individual post should probably be marked up in mf2 on the homepage: https://php.microformats.io/?id=20240102014122536
A lot of WP themes have microformats1 and often aren't quite right unfortunately. I don't know current best practices with custom themes, but the WP channel can probably help
I think in your homepage feed, the most important properties for bridgy are the u-url and u-syndication
I really need to do some theming work at some point here. I need something like a bootstrapped mf2 version of Twenty Twenty Three
u-url tells bridgy the permalink, target to send wm to. u-syndication maps your original post to the IG post.
kubie, oenone_ and chrismabry joined the channel
I think I need @snarfed to look at this one:
Is this Bridgy's CDN? That could be one of the reasons things are getting gummed up over here.
Bridgy doesn't host imgs afaik
Nice to see the permalinks got sorted though, see those wm were sent
Taking off that prefix, IG's CDN returns "URL signature expired"
CRISPR joined the channel
So what I need to figure out is how to delete the instagram store at Bridgy (and perhaps FB) and sign back in again fresh. Basically clear everything.
I also have a defunct target URL that needs to be deleted out of there too.
geoffo joined the channel
Not sure that's possible. I think the IG image links are just short-lived, so if Bridgy tries to send the wm after too long, the image link has expired.
It's not able to scrape for new links is the problem here.
*Status: Initial poll did not succeed: Scrape error: couldn't determine logged in Instagram user or username*
ohh you're in the extension. gotcha
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
That's the only way it works, right?
I think there was a server side change and now I get bupkis.
Tried on both Mac and PC Chrome, Edge. I might try firefox next....
Probably beating a dead horse here. 😩
"scrape error" possibly means IG changed their HTML or internal JSON somehow and broke Bridgy's scraping
I used to detect that and update the scraping code so it worked again, did that for many many years, but no longer
the IG browser extension is kinda unmaintained right now since it's so dangerous to people's accounts
the front page and docs no longer list IG as supported
I enabled it again just now (Chrome PC) and it connected OK "Last success: 1/1/2024, 10:17:35 PM
Last attempt: 1/1/2024, 10:17:34 PM"
sorry for the bad news starrwulfe
gRegor interesting! hmm ok
i would not try to do this anymore
speaking as someone who lost his instagram account due to their anti-bot detection
yep, disabled it again
agreed. apologies aaronpk, I still feel bad about that!
eh i don't really care anymore
Was trying to funnel the last of 2023's comments and stuff over but guess it's gone like last year.
The funny thing is Facebook of all things started working for me while I was trying to fix this... It's been dead for me since the end of 2022!
I really wish I could get my family outta MetaLand... Still holding out hope for Threads and/or Bluesky here. But I'll save this chatter for \#chat.
Also didn't know this was unsupported now <@1114282188880494602>; you might wanna pull it out of the various app markets and just have the package on github for those daring souls
yup. IG has been gone from the Bridgy front page and docs for a while. the browser extension is still supported for FB, more or less, which is why I haven't pulled it from AMO or the Chrome store
...but I should probably remove IG from the extension
Ahh well. Eventually we'll have Threads. Ultimately they may try to merge all the Insta stuff in there anyhow. If they have an API for Threads, you'd think they'd come up with one for Insta too... 🥴
there was an IG API forever, it was just always limited at best
we'll see about Threads's
While I got you here <@1114282188880494602> how do I get the extension to reflect the actual Facebook page in there? It thinks Fb.com/starrwulfe.xyz but its really /jason.gatewood ... I guess it doesn't matter, just really confusing. I also need to clear some old URLs out of Bridgy that aren't online anymore. like JLG.Micro.Blog and the like.
honestly in one sense I almost sympathize with Meta's historical API woes. we all gave them shit at the same time for not being open enough with their APIs, and at the same time for being too open with their APIs and allowing Cambridge Analytica
starrwulfe is jason.gatewood a page instead of a user? the browser extension only supports users
Naw, they needed to be shat on. I used to cover them journalistically and I can't tell you how many times I reported on them doing nefarious things or letting others do it in SE Asia and East Asia.
jason.gatewood is a user. Me
sure, I'm all for valid criticism of Meta, there's plenty. but still, in hindsight, specifically complaining "open your API" and "close your API" at the same time was not our best look
True. I was definitely part of the open up crowd back in the day. So we can monitor who was monitoring us!
Extension is going here: https://brid.gy/facebook/starrwulfe.xyz
Should be going here : https://brid.gy/facebook/jason.gatewood
yeah, that link being stale is just cosmetic, it always uses the logged in user
[Jo] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
The pre-Meta instagram api was pretty thorough. Of course, then people used it to make the "girls around you" stalking app.
aaronpk, would you count that as a silo quit since you don't care about the loss of IG even if you didn't instigate the "quitting" as it were?
More like firing that quitting
AramZS, sebbu and [Isaac_Hudson] joined the channel
rrix, fluffy and jacky joined the channel
good find capjamesg
gRegor and jjuran joined the channel
Awkward aperture ui issue - as sites I read are moving off of substack, I can edit the subscription in aperture to use the new feed url, I have to subscribe to the new feed as a separate item in the group.
yeah there's no concept of a feed other than the URL
so there's nothing to edit, it's just a new URL
[Al_Abut], I've used https://www.feedvalidator.org/ before
If the url 301's to a new one would aperture update? (I don't think substack is offering this)
Yet another use case for "follow people, not feeds"
there's also no concept of people, since any post in a feed can have any author info
tbh i am leaning more towards a messaging approach, and would like to drop the whole concept of feeds entirely, including h-feed
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Are you saying more push based than pull? What's a "messaging approach"?
push-based, and more about permalinks
angelo joined the channel
aaronpk, re: "no concept of people", I was specifically speaking in the context of a *social* reader. No people, no social. 🤷‍♂️
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel