#dev 2024-01-03

2024-01-03 UTC
[snarfed] joined the channel
The book is generated with pandoc: https://github.com/capjamesg/pandoc/blob/main/book.sh
I know that script doesn't look great. But it does _exactly_ what I want it to do.
i have a very similar looking script
what is pandoc
pandoc is a format converter which supports an extreme variety of input and output formats; useful to convert from/to HTML, Markdown, XML, docx, etc https://indieweb.org/pandoc
Pandoc is rarely clean, but it is delightful in the end.
what is Pandoc
pandoc is a format converter which supports a variety of input output formats, such as HTML, Markdown, XML, docx, PDF, and others, and is used by at least a few IndieWeb community members to produce & publish content in alternative formats on their personal sites https://indieweb.org/pandoc
[tantek] has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (96 in all channels)
[snarfed] for what personal site content (PDF?) or project/service docs do you use Pandoc? You said in chat it was part of your workflow and I just wanted to to document your example accurately: https://indieweb.org/pandoc#Ryan_Barrett
!tell petermolnar I inferred from chat logs your use of pandoc, but if I got it wrong please correct it! https://indieweb.org/pandoc#Peter_Molnar
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
and if anyone else here uses pandoc for producing content they publish on their site, in any way from any format to any format, please add yourself to the examples and note exactly what content you produce with pandoc and how / for what reasons and since approximately what date: https://indieweb.org/pandoc#IndieWeb_Examples
possibly [jeremycherfas] or sknebel?
geoffo and jacky joined the channel
sure! mine is just markdown to ReST, will add
What is ReST?
Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software design architecture used to communicate state between two systems that has no current IndieWeb adoption, likely due to its fundamental incompatibility with static sites https://indieweb.org/REST
Lol name collision, presumably
[benatwork], AramZS_, gRegor, duke and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I looked at ReST at different times. I always thought it would be easier to use as a base type than Markdown because its extensibility through tags (.. tag::). But always ran into trouble parsing it with anything other than Python :(
barnaby joined the channel
Is ReST restructured markup?
duke, eitilt, ker0r0a and [tantek] joined the channel
!tell [snarfed] looks like syndicating replies might be broken again for me on BridgyFed. See latest reply here https://fed.brid.gy/web/tantek.com and note it was 3hrs (or more) ago and yet zero deliveries to servers (would have expected at least one) and it doesn't show up on her post either :/
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jeremycherfas], AramZS, gerben, [manton] and [tw2113] joined the channel
[tantek] sorry! yeah I got pinged about that one, looks like you found a bug, crash stack trace is at the bottom of the log. will look!
ReST is reStructured Text, Sphinx's input
not sure if I can make a new wiki page that differs only by capitalization
Yeah we should make a page of the full name of ReST since that acronym came after the more well known REST
I don’t like ReST 😅
Maybe it is the “it is the thing I don’t know” effect at play.
But it felt even more complicated than markdown.
[snarfed] should I resend a Webmention to BridgyFed?
Re the conversation from main, previously from -dev...can I create some sort of endpoint on my website that redirects to the liberachat web client?
Or install Kiwi on a site
GWG looks like we didn't get very far on this question in the past: https://microformats.org/wiki/irc#IRC_and_microformats
That's why I was pondering
it is an opportunity to research how irc: URLs work for those use-cases, experiment with such links, and document your experience
mIRC has documentation for irc:// links, but looks like it's to connect / join a channel, not DM https://www.mirc.com/mirclink.html
And not everything registers a protocol handler
you mean every IRC client app? that sounds like opportunities to file bugs/feature requests
to2ds and [marksuth] joined the channel
aaronpk: We both use Glowing Bear, does it have a way to register as a protocol handler?
it's just a website, so i don't think so
!tell [campegg] are you still publishing your Strava activities? Can't seem to find them at /activities and the one example permalink on in your example on the Strava page (https://indieweb.org/Strava#Cam_Pegg) seems to redirect back to your home page.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
aaonpk, gmail is just a website yet can registers as a mailto: protocol handler
so that seems like an easy PR to glowing-bear
I think gmail lobbied chrome for that ability and it got standardised later
nah it was there for a LONG time before gmail
before Chrome existed
what happened was the opposite, browsers tightened down which protocol handlers they would allow being registered
it's too bad that Google dropped support for their proprietary gtalk: handler and never added support for xmpp: tho
also, apple proliferated protocols by insisting that each app had their own (ie not handling contention over `irc:`)
[KevinMarks] the history of proprietary app-specific protocols predates Apple doing so. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_URI_schemes has some
Chrome's handler for mailto: with gmail seems finicky for me, dunno why.
geoffo joined the channel
aaronpk: Going to try filing one? Ill +1
to2ds, lazcorp, jonnybarnes, [capjamesg], [Jo] and [nsmsn] joined the channel
What's your domain, [nsmsn]?
Hey, it's nicksimson.com
geoffo joined the channel
I sent an email to the webmaster@indiebookclub.biz too. Is that you, gRegor?
That email probably isn't configured
but yeah, indiebookclub is me
Glad I knew where to ask...So I am running my site on WordPress. Maybe I'll try signing out and back in.
Is the error after you approve the auth request in WordPress and when you're back on IBC?
It was after. I reached a page that said
Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (timeout)
Invalid Request
Ok, let me check
Ok, was just going to confirm it's on /auth/callback, that's good
gxt and nsh- joined the channel
I don't see anything in the error logs. I might have to enable some debugging and have you try again. I'll take a closer look tonight
Are you able to sign in to Quill or another Micropub client?
[nsmsn] joined the channel
I'll try Quill, and will let you know...
Yep, I logged into Quill successfully
Gotta run for some family stuff...I'll try to keep an eye on this chat later. Thanks, gRegor!
Sure thing, I'll ping you when I have an update. Thanks!
gxt joined the channel
[tantek] Do I need a separate service vs. just setting caching headers on the sparkline service?
I know you mentioned this could be a more generic pattern for caching resources, though.
Oh, because the caching headers will be set for each user, not your site.
Is there a way this can be done with nginx?
or Apache (compatible) servers?
Renfield joined the channel