#dev 2024-01-04

2024-01-04 UTC
[snarfed] I resent a webmention to attempt to federate my reply
looks like the same problem
!tell [snarfed] added an attempt at summarizing what you said here about ReST: https://indieweb.org/reStructuredText#Ryan_Barrett — still not sure how you're using it (for what user visible purpose) or on which site in particular, could you edit and add that? Thanks!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
bterry joined the channel
[tantek] yeah that bug is deterministic. will fix
non-deterministic bugs would be more embarrassing 😁
and sure, will edit
to2ds joined the channel
relieve that it's deterministic, and appreciated. not sure why my fedi responses have cause so much trouble 🤷‍♂️
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I keep meaning to post but I keep having more insights into linkedtext mini formats upon re-analyzing past ideas, with the perspective of recent authoring experiences, and some existing implementations
Adding "create more deterministic bugs" to my New Year's resolution list to avoid embarassment😄
fluffy joined the channel
[tantek] bug was that it accepted a non-SSL source URL when it shouldn't have, and then got confused
fixed and deployed now, feel free to retry!
interesting, I thought I was using https URLs for both source & target
[0x3b0b] joined the channel
!tell [chrisaldrich] are you still running your WordPress with the Refback plugin per https://indieweb.org/refback#Chris_Aldrich or have you dropped it since it and the plugin it depends on are no longer maintained?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell GWG have you maintained / kept up to date the Refback plugin for WordPress and are you still running it on your site? https://indieweb.org/Refback_for_WordPress
[tantek]: No, I just updated that on the refback page
It needs an update due referrer security
so which is it? is it no longer working? is it deprecated or otherwise not recommended in its current state? are you still running it yourself?
Updated page
have you disabled it on your site?
It is disabled because we merged Semantic Linkbacks with Webmentions
I need to rewrite it to work independently.
oh? didn't see a wiki edit come through in #indieweb-meta 🤔
It went to the WordPress room
ah right
[snarfed]++ thanks for the BridgyFed fix! It worked! My response showed up thread in reply to Michelle's post: https://mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore/111689038439342085
[snarfed] has 69 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
[nsmsn] joined the channel
Think gRegor and I solved the indiebookclub login issue during HWC Pacific. I was trying to use 'draft' permissions authenticating with my WordPress install, where I should have selected 'create'
[tantek] your retry today was https, but your first attempt last night was http
Yep, I filed a github issue to remind myself to check for draft status
gerben joined the channel
capjamesg: you should be able to do caching for the sparkline thing just with your webserver (nginx, apache), yes
geoffo, capjamesg, alecjonathon, ancarda, eb, srushe, roxwize, vikanezrimaya, jeremy, to2ds, Khan, AramZS, ker0r0a, gerben and [snarfed] joined the channel
sknebel Can you say more?
I think the idea is that Tantek could have a service on his site that caches the results for a day, after which point the cache expires and he would go to get another sparkline.
Is that possible with a web server?
Yes, very much so. Biggest challenge is figuring out the caching policy/semantics you want, then design a service-oriented REST API accordingly (for your server to support and your frontend content to embed)
Thinking about the simplest implementation.
That's what I was brainstorming a bit last time we discussed it with the 1d cache, or force regen, and filenaming semantics in the API/embed URL
I have cache.jamesg.blog. I can somehow add a file to it, linked to a URL.
My guess is <100 lines of PHP
Oooh, PHP.
Very good call.
So to speak ;)
How would the headers work?
Can you set those in PHP?
Bc PHP has good high level primitives for this stuff
This wouldn't use any headers tbh bc the point is to generate and cache for all viewers at once, not per viewer
Or rather, the http cache headers you use should NOT attempt to replicate the semantics you are actually implementing
There's a further optimization of using two images per sparkline, one of the static past, cached forever, and the other for only the most recent "day", that is maybe regenerated once an hour
So the server has a TTL on each image?
Generating and caching time based graphics is a fun rabbit hole
After which point an image "expires" and the server gets a new one?
Yeah that's a good way to put it
Then the server stores the image file and serves it to clients (i.e. my website).
Maybe I should blog about this...
It feels like there are security considerations here.
Like, you need to whitelist everything.
In this case, I'd only want to cache my sparkline.
capjamesg: In this case I'm not sure why you'd add another step/domain/service instead of always caching the output of the sparkline API in the webserver in front of it
for I dont know, a few hours
So I'd have this logic on the sparkline server?
> sparkline API in the webserver in front of it - this part isn't clear to me
presumably there is an nginx or sth in front of the sparkline API?
you can configure that to cache responses
Does that solve the problem, though?
If I get 10,000 views on my home page, doesn't the sparkline site need to process 10,000 requests?
if the problem is "I want the API server (and thus the wiki API) not to get 10000 requests", yes
This is genius.
sknebel has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (37 in all channels)
yeah this is common in many web servers and frameworks, eg https://flask-caching.readthedocs.io/ does it for Flask, which afaik you use some capjamesg?
I use that a ton
I am using Ruby (Sinatra?) for this service 😄
ok! I bet there's a corollary there
but nginx's will work great
Ahhhhh you have to pay for that NGINX feature.
Cache costs you cash? ;)
mh? no, caching is in the open source one
(I think the paid version gives you a tiny bit more options and a GUI dashboard for it?)
The page I am looking at says "NGINX Plus"
> When caching is enabled, NGINX Plus saves responses in a disk cache and uses them to respond to clients without having to proxy requests for the same content every time.
Maybe there's another page?
yes, because its the documentation for the paid version. obviously it says what the paid version does, without spending too much time telling you that you dont need the paid one for this ;)
if I remember right the section about the PURGE HTTP verb doesnt apply to the open-source version, otherwise its identical?
Oh this is ridiculous.
"This blog post covers techniques that can help both novice and advanced users see better performance from utilizing the content cache features included in NGINX and NGINX Plus."
firepoet and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
TIL there’s a paid version of nginx with extra verbs
For a sparkline, serving stale is not a fail case, so serving the cached one, then deciding whether to regen can be a good choice
gRegor joined the channel
yeah it's not like you're showing stock ticker values or anything similar
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[snarfed] some visual inspiration for you for a diagram representing Bridgy Fed and other networks/protocols:
Look at all those isolated blocky nodes, don't they look like they're on their way to interconnect with others at the tree? Bridgy Fed is obviously the trunk of that tree, and the different main branches are different protocol suites/stacks, with perhaps the web at the top / middle as the main/primary representation, and then others branching out from there, to the newest more experimental protocols dangling on the edges of the tree
What is INP
It looks like we don't have a page for "INP" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "INP is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I was wondering the same and I already follow a lot of Alex's posts 🙈
It's a ui lag measurement, which Google is going to use for ranking from March
gerben joined the channel
My employer develops a web based app for companies to manage funds. Our old architecture is server rendered but has poor code organization so they want to move everything to react. There doesn't seem to be much concern about performance since it is a logged-in experience and our database is already a bottleneck. But I often wonder when React will bite us.
Or more accurately, when the "we don't care about page load time" attitude will lead to enough rot that things get really bad.
Yeah, I mean, it's fine to say it is a logged in experience but customers who are logged in can have a bad time and that can have consequences too.
Ooh how do I measure the INP of my own site? That article doesn't clearly link to any tools
Does lighthouse have that metric?
AramZS Yeah, that seems to be missed. Or at least the baseline is bad enough that it's not yet a concern.
I think lighthouse has it, there are a bunch of Google tools for testing CWV
to2ds joined the channel
Thought INP was a Myers-Briggs kind of thing.
aciccarello Yeah. I mean, if the problem is poor code organization uhhh.... react isn't going to solve that problem haha
lol to2ds++
to2ds has 1 karma over the last year
I see DOM Content Loaded, First Contentful Paint, Time To Interactive, and Largest Contentful Paint in the Chrome "Performance Insights" tab. Don't See INP
Looks like it is PageSpeed Insights that they want you to start with - https://web.dev/articles/inp
kubie joined the channel
I'm looking for a URL of the form something?url=http://example.com that I can just replace example with my domain and get a report
like validators, microformats parsers. etc.
I don't want to install something. web tools should work on the web in web-like ways
jacky and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
what is PageSpeed Insights?
Google PageSpeed Insights is a web-based page analysis tool run by Google that loads a page, its necessary resources, analyzes its performance and other factors and provides a score (based on Google Lighthouse performance) https://indieweb.org/PageSpeed_Insights
bow to our google overlords </sarcasm_maybe> 😛 😄
Looks like only some sites get the INP measure
gRegor++ thanks!
gRegor has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
which one of those numbers is INP?
none afaik
It only shows on some sites apparently, but I found an alternative - https://treo.sh/sitespeed/tantek.com
and you can just drop your domain in the url structure
ooh that's cool
I wonder where we should document that
what is core web vitals?
It looks like we don't have a page for "core web vitals" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "core web vitals is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Core web vitals is a set of measurements that help predict user experience of a website's performance.
what is Lighthouse
Lighthouse is a Webmention, Microsub, and WebSub server built by Jacky Alciné to provide a means of handling engagement with other websites https://indieweb.org/Lighthouse
you need enough google traffic for core web vitals to appear
what is google lighthouse
Google Lighthouse is an open source website testing tool for improving “performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO”, that can be run via a website or in Chrome Dev Tools, and used by several members of the IndieWeb community to improve their personal sites https://indieweb.org/Google_Lighthouse
what is core web vitals?
Core web vitals is a set of measurements that help predict user experience of a website's performance https://indieweb.org/Core_web_vitals
ah ha
AramZS, perhaps start with moving CWV to a subsection of https://indieweb.org/Google_Lighthouse ? Since there's no documented indieweb relevance yet
tantek I would hate to map it to a Google tool when it def has more broad implications? I was thinking of starting with the page linking to other pages on documented tools and links to non-wiki-ed tools?
is CWV a made up Google thing?
yeah pretty much
I think tho Google generally has led on CWV a lot of places are using those measurements, even if SEO pushed them to.
then it should be scoped to Google's perf tool
no no it's a "community project" sponsored by Google
wait for real jacky and not just open/community-washing?
the actual measures inside Core Web Vitals are fairly common though
From my pov if Alex is vouching for it, it's likely useful.
I also think they're good for websites and the web experience generally
that's a bit tounge of cheek play, [tantek], since it uses everyone's site info to make those stats
A lot of site building tooling projects use them to show their performance as well, tho that's a chicken and egg problem that is hard to deal with when it comes to Google.
I'd say CWV is Google's term for web performance stats that it uses, but the stats themselves are fialry common
[KevinMarks] it wasn't a question of whether it was useful or not, it was a question who came up with it, the name, and who gets to decide what's "in it".
lol jacky
I gotta use /s more :)
that's specifically lighthouse though, not CWV
+11ty is
sounds like the acronym and phrase are a made-up Google things, and Google decides what it means
Like a lot of things Google has decided matter, its origin and maintenance by Google are irrelevant as it takes on a life of its own just through the sheer gravity Google endows on to any of these type of projects :/
the page got deleted on Wikipedia because it was advertising / promotion lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core_Web_Vitals
hey folks, no reason to help Google with pretending something is a "standard" whether specification or benchmark, when it literally is a made-up Google thing
see that had the knee jerk question of "where/who would maintain this?" which makes me look at the W3C/WHATWG for this tbh
(if not Google)
I def know outside folks debate the metrics and process with Google to some results.
'aight I'll move under lighthouse, it just seems odd when part of the point is listing tools that are not lighthouse that provide similar / the same metrics?
better to delete the page and recreate with a "Google " prefix since it's literally a Google thing, not a generic industry thing
Ok, that makes sense
^ above Forbes article to substantiate that claim. Google made it up, so name it Google Core Web Vitals
re: outside folks debate, yes, the SEO community debate many things about search, doesn't mean they actually control anything about search results
Oh no, I mean they argue directly with Google about measures and processes. It's caused Google to abandon and replace at least two or three of the measures in Lighthouse with measures that make more logical sense.
yup, sounds like free Q&A and bug reporting
again, comes back to authority, Google created it, named it, built it, and has the sole authority to "abandon and replace … measures" accordingly. that makes it firmly a Google thing
jacky joined the channel
Added some more extensive notes around this to the page https://indieweb.org/Google_Core_Web_Vitals
AramZS has 1 karma over the last year
something key about CWV is that it's done as part of their web crawler. Unlike Lighthouse, which is a browser extension/client side tool
ah see
oh wait no, user devices. Not web crawler
so when you see CWV on that Page Insights page, it's crowdsourced from a large number of actual user devices running Chrome
sounds like a botfarm 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖
Yeah, we've run into confusion between the device stats that are averaged over time vs running a report one-time in Google Lighthouse in the browser. It's frustrating chasing those numbers, especially on some WordPress sites.
I mean Androids are bots so that fits
Like, thanks Google for warning me that... *checks notes* the Google analytics.js script doesn't have an "efficient" cache policy. Maybe update your own cache policy then?
yeah, it would be awesome if Google could do something about all of its own stuff that triggers CWVs lol
iirc they consider efficient to be at least 1 year, so it doesn't matter if we cache something for less than that, Lighthouse warns it's an area for improvement
At least there's a "show third party scripts" toggle, but it's on by default
yeah it's a trap
AramZS, they are clearly communicating that you shoudl stop using their stuff that triggers CWVs
it's team A dunking on team B
lol yeah, I do when I can! Sadly, not my choice on some of the projects I work on.