#dev 2024-02-02
2024-02-02 UTC
gRegorLove_, jacky, geoffo and rrix joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
gRegor, geoffo, tPoltergeist, [Al_Abut], Game, vhbelvadi, [pfefferle], [KevinMarks], Guest6, BIC, bacardi55[m], [Jo], [snarfed], jacky and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[Al_Abut] 🎥 calling all movie nerds - if I were to dip my toes into microformats and review a movie on my blog, is there anything specific to movies I should know about beyond the h-review info on the wiki?
[Al_Abut] (context - going to watch Ferrari this weekend with a big glass of red because of today’s shocking news in the Formula 1 world)
to2ds joined the channel
gRegor The "check your posts" tool on https://indiewebify.me/ is good for checking your h-entry. Happy to answer any questions!

gRegor Here's what it shows for one of my posts: https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-entry/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgregorlove.com%2F2024%2F01%2Ftoday-is-january-13th%2F

[Al_Abut] Great tips, thanks. That also queues up what is probably a larger discussion for an HWC night though, which is that my underlying drive for microformats right now is more of an intrinsic drive to tinker, I’m not really clear on any extrinsic benefits of where this stuff might get consumed.
[Al_Abut] I stepped through your slides last night - very clear! - and that was one of my main question marks.
[Al_Abut] Which is probably why I gravitated towards a specific one with movies, I seem to recall seeing a cool aggregator or two
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "plain text first" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "plain text first is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[Al_Abut] Ah, smart. Like I can go back and add little review cards later?
[tantek] plain text first is /text-first_design

[Al_Abut] And sort of retroactively microformatify existing pages after I build steam with the writing first? That appeals to my inner project manager.
[Al_Abut] Awesome, that makes it a lot more approachable. Thanks!
[Al_Abut] Scope creep is the bane of my existence
[Al_Abut] So much easier to squash at work than in personal projects, I don’t know what the psychology of that is.
[Al_Abut] I do it so ruthlessly at work that I’ve often been called The Scope Hammer 🔨
[Al_Abut] Like, crushing down a project to an MVP sparks joy in me
[Al_Abut] I frigging love it
barnaby joined the channel
[tantek] wrote a little about that here: https://tantek.com/2023/365/t1/capture-first-edit-publish-later

[aciccarello] This makes me want to consider improving my draft writing process
to2ds and j12t joined the channel
gRegor [Al_Abut], I don't have video of that initial presentation, but I think I used it at IWC 2019 Austin, might be more helpful info in that: https://indieweb.org/2019/Austin/microformats

[Al_Abut] Ha! I feel you. I’ve been shooting videos of myself as cover letters for jobs and it’s like the “I hate my voicemail voice” times a hundred.
[Al_Abut] But I appreciate the context, that would definitely help flesh out some of the nuance.
j12t, kody, barnaby, angelo_, dustinm` and pharalia joined the channel
_tommys @tantek - i use Pikapods, so not strictly speaking self-hosted, but they have a really nice out of the box 'navidrome' that is 1 click setup, and from there you can manage it in their dashboard. i had to learn a lot about ssh, and go shopping around for clients and which would best suit me. sadly there isn't a really good iphone client, but Feishin on windows is amazing and still under rapid development
_tommys would be happy to talk you through the steps sometime if you're into it
_tommys i feel like after setting it up and customising it, i could probably self-host myself now, but i literally couldn't find a hosting solution cheaper than Pikapods offered!
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Pikapods" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Pikapods is ____", a sentence describing the term)

_tommys only other thing i could think of was an always-on raspberry pi, but that is outside my skillset atm, and since i have a working model i shifted my attention elsewhere 😄
_tommys [tantek]: they are a malta-based hosting company that let you deploy loads of open source apps. basically they give you a default setup of an inventory of cool apps for really cheap
_tommys [tantek]: cool, ok. i've not done one yet as i'm new, i'll look into it 🙂
CRISPR joined the channel
Loqi If you want to start a page on the IndieWeb wiki, please read this page before doing so for reasons why, why not to, and how to do so — if you have any questions, please ask in the #meta chat channel https://indieweb.org/create_a_new_page