#dev 2024-02-01
2024-02-01 UTC
[0x3b0b], btrem, reillypascal, geoffo, [tw2113], j12t, jacky, tPoltergeist, rocto, CRISPR, Guest6_ and sam_b joined the channel
jacky I'm leaning into this "vending" idea I played with on https://sele.jalcine.dev/dashboard

sam_boyer, sam_b and tPoltergeist joined the channel
jacky reading /Ticketing_for_IndieAuth#Introduction is making me think that "conditional access" might be the best phrase to use

barnaby, CRISPR, rocto, [schmarty], sam_b, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and tnbd joined the channel
jacky alright so https://sele-test.jacky.wtf/support is the result of this morning (and some of last night's) hacking. Should give a lil' list of what kind of support your site has (going to push folks to this if there's issues with their site when signing in)

jacky for example https://sele-test.jacky.wtf/support?me=https%3A%2F%2Fjacky.wtf%2F (TIL that I'm showing a ticket endpoint lol)

[jeremycherfas], tnbd and tPoltergeist_ joined the channel
gRegor jacky++ very cool! https://sele-test.jacky.wtf/support?me=https%3A%2F%2Fstaging.gregorlove.com

jacky joined the channel
[Al_Abut] Oh weird. I’ll look into it, thanks! I realize now that the RSS feed readers and validators were re-sorting them based on the date value, not the actual underlying order.
[Al_Abut] Haha. For a second I thought you were reading my mind because one of my blog drafts is titled “RSSing into the void”
[Al_Abut] Shared at last night’s HWC how weird it’s been to go from gorging on consuming feeds for a few months and keeping up with everyone, to now creating a feed and having no idea if anyone’s reading it.
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "not modern approach? 🤔" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "not modern approach? 🤔 is ____", a sentence describing the term)

gRegor [Al_Abut], I like this feed preview tool https://monocle.p3k.io/preview

[Al_Abut] Thanks! Is there a tool you like for testing locally? That way I could test without experimenting in public and polluting readers for my (extremely massive and global audience of) existing subscribers?
[tantek] aaronpk, unknown, but you seem to be using the "modern approach": https://sele-test.jacky.wtf/support?me=https%3A%2F%2Faaronparecki.com%2F while my site is not: https://sele-test.jacky.wtf/support?me=https://tantek.com/

[Al_Abut] Also might encourage me to dive deeper into the RSS spec and try some more things beyond just debugging
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "IAM endpoint" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IAM endpoint is ____", a sentence describing the term)

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "IAM" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IAM is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[Al_Abut] I can see that. I went for RSS just because it’s built into my site generator.
[Al_Abut] But apparently not well!
[Al_Abut] I’m open to the idea of trying atom. Anything to help me procrastinate from the actual writing itself 😆
[Al_Abut] Pulling my hair out with the FR units in CSS Grid on mobile is why I lagged on my weekly blog post until less than an hour before the midnight deadline last night…
shoesNsocks, cambridgeport90 and [aciccarello] joined the channel
gRegor This feed for example, is a redirect to granary that's handling that: https://gregorlove.com/stream/feed.atom

Loqi granary is the social web translator https://indieweb.org/granary

tnbd and btrem joined the channel
gRegor I did a presentation and linked some more resources: https://gregorlove.com/2018/11/recap-of-an-introduction-to-microformats/

cambridgeport90 joined the channel
cambridgeport90 So... asking the question I had in the other channel...how do we keep search engines from suspending Searx instances for too many requests?
[TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
cambridgeport90 I'm thinking about putting up an instance beneath my domain at some point, making it publically available, but not sure I want to if I'm going to have to dodge fake suspensions on a constant basis?
cambridgeport90 i mean...not impossible, considering one of my servers is in a friend's datacenter...so, he could take care of anything I couldn't...LOL
cambridgeport90 Nitter I think is somehow still alive, but it probably takes an API key. I might reapply for that, considering I post up there very little, and I don't know if getting feeds via something like grannary is still possible?
[Al_Abut] [gRegorLove] that’s a good intro, thanks! I want to add more microformats over time. Right now I’m still busy with your advice from an earlier to HWC to focus on writing stuff that’s worth hearing :)
cambridgeport90 Ah...it's probably nowadays easier to get an API key, especially if it's just for viewing.
cambridgeport90 and jonnybarnes joined the channel
[snarfed] cambridgeport90 the free API keys that don't need (much) approval only let you post, and only as yourself, not other users. otherwise afaik the lowest tier starts at $5k/mo, and using the v2 API, juggling it vs v1 for different calls, managing your key(s), etc are all still famously unreliable
btrem Can anyone (in particular, an 11ty anyone) recommend a guide for creating a plugin? The only one I've found so far is https://bryanlrobinson.com/blog/creating-11ty-plugin-embed-svg-contents/ and that one is not answering some basic questions for me. So a plugin guide for amateurs?
[aciccarello] I agree the documentation on plugins is pretty sparce
[aciccarello] What question are you trying to answer?
[aciccarello] From what I can tell, a plugin is just a function which accepts the 11ty config api.
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
btrem I have several related filters. If I put them in my plugin folder in ./plugins/wordle/index.js, it loads fine. However, every plugin I've seen uses .eleventy.js. If I put my filters in /plugins/wordle/.eleventy.js, 11ty throws an error: Error in your Eleventy config file '.eleventy.js'. You may need to run `npm install`....Cannot find module './plugins/wordle'
[aciccarello] That sounds like more of a convention. Do the plugins you're looking at have their own package.json that is pointing to that file?
[aciccarello] Like if the plugin is being loaded via `require` then it's a node modules resolution question.
[aciccarello] Yes. Or you could update your require path to point directly to the .eleventy.js file
[aciccarello] ha, yeah. The 11ty docs assume a certain familiarity with how node works. And node is a large api...
[aciccarello] For my site, I left the plugins as named JS files and required them by name. No package.json needed. https://github.com/aciccarello/ciccarello.me/blob/1bc14860a9b1af832408a49d7ce21c5ebd336f63/.eleventy.js#L112-L114
[aciccarello] That sounds right. My plugins were mainly for organizing my build config.
[aciccarello] Well, I'm half a day into banging my head against a jest module mocking problem so I feel your pain.
Loqi searx is a self-hostable, open source, metasearch engine, that could potentially be deployed on a personal website https://indieweb.org/searx

[aciccarello] I remember having issues accessing liquid filters but I thought there was a way to access 11ty filters.
[aciccarello] _heads to the docs_
[aciccarello] Are you using an arrow function `eleventy.addShortcode('name', () =>
{/* code */})` or `eleventy.addShortcode('name', function () {}
[aciccarello] hm, maybe they aren't accessible
[aciccarello] The other option is referencing the function directly in the JS
[aciccarello] True
[aciccarello] Do you have access to the eleventy config api in that context? That has a `.getFilter("filterName")(filterParam)`
[tantek] [jacky] when searching for the modern approach thing, I did find this: https://web.dev/articles/sign-in-form-best-practices — haven't fully read through it but figured I should share while you're in the middle of implementing sign-in things

[aciccarello] Yeah, I'm not sure either. I've usually gone with directly referencing javascript functions rather than trying to go through 11ty itself.
[snarfed] bit of a false dichotomy, obviously there's a big spectrum in between, eg masto.host is basically what they want, just like http://micro.blog is for IndieWeb. self-hosting admin tax is real, and a good reason friendly purpose-built hosts are valuable
Loqi ok, I added "https://dragon.style/@anthracite/111858600791886848" to the "See Also" section of /admin_tax https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92808&oldid=89866

[KevinMarks] From what I have read, the admin tax on mastodon is pretty high and involves a lot of subsystems to wrangle.

[Joe_Crawford] I got 2 messages from my instance about the critical update and by the time I checked my instance masto.host had already applied the update. $6/month well spent.