#dev 2024-02-09

2024-02-09 UTC
eitilt, bterry, [0x3b0b] and AramZS joined the channel
aaronpk exactly right which is why I referenced the Web Notifications API
Everyone has a browser installed. Not everyone has a particular native app installed. And certainly a tiny fraction of folks have "RSS readers" installed so anything that assumes / depends on that is already super limiting
And unless they support WebSub (as in tell me specific examples), feed readers as a whole are a horrible choice for real time notifications of live streaming, bc feed readers poll maybe every 30min and by that time live streams are usually over
^ this is why receiving a real time notification about a live stream stating is special, bc the live stream may only last a few minutes maybe 5min if you're just making an espresso, which was the original motivating usecase that came up in HWC
a latency/delay in the *minutes* is a non-starter for going live notifications
eitilt joined the channel
now i want to livestream making my espresso tomorrow
eitilt joined the channel
It's hard to believe Firefox took out feed auto-discovery and remove ability to display feeds. Such a shame.
superkuh, yeah lots of thoughts on that, as you might imagine. that being said, Thunderbird's UI was/is much better suited to following/reading feeds than Firefox so it's not clear it made a lot of sense in that live bookmarkish form.
and in general, people in general had abandoned use of any such features for social media
so any replacement / update would really need to be rethought / redesigned.
what is a social reader
A social reader is a modern interactive reader that allows you to directly respond to posts (with a like, comment, etc) right there inline with posts as you read them (as people do in social media), in contrast to legacy feed readers which were one-way read-only experiences and provided no mechanisms to interact with or respond to posts https://indieweb.org/social_reader
AramZS joined the channel
superkuh ^ that's the modern replacement for "auto-discovery and ability to display feeds"
If you ignore the "people in general" there's still enough weirdos on the net now to equal the activity of early net. What people in general do should not inform discussion as a goal. Web should always be in browser.
I don't disagree with "Web should always be in browser" or at least "Web should always be possible in the browser"
I think it's ok that there are specialized clients for specific use-cases.
E.g. Podcasting clients make a lot of sense to me, even if underneath they’re all using web plumbing
"What people in general do should not inform discussion as a goal" <-- I strongly agree with this for personal projects, clients, websites. However for pre-existing "mass market" tools, the proper thing to do is to prioritize the things that will positively impact more users. Hence "people in general" makes sense in that context as a way of helping more people.
very much in line with how gabe has been handling owncast dev
and one of the main reasons he added browser notifications first, long before any activitypub integration
the big difference in this case is that "RSS Reader" UI has been dead in the water for ~20 years, which is forever in technological terms. no one puts up with that except people who have nostalgia 20+ year old tech, which is an ever-shrinking subset. just like there are folks still building new command line tools, it's important to understand / prioritize such limited (and shrinking) audiences. if that's your hobby (to design for such
audiences) then great, go for it! but don't expect others to do so
People in general are already lost and doing bad thing. I very much expect them to never get involved outside of silos no matter what happens. Perhaps a bit of fatalism but doing anything for them seems like wasted effort. I get your point though. And there are many contexts, mostly commercial, where that's very true.
I still think that fat clients have their plaplace.
wow. *place. I can't type today.
gRegor joined the channel; superkuh left the channel
LoqiI'm glad the conversation went to where it did today...one of my project ideas is setting up a RSS Feed reader/site composer which runs on .net core and access the Wordpress and metaweblog apis. Not sure is sapphire is still here; they were into .net too, if I remember.
and wow. My fingers are alseep today, methinks.
wiggles the kinks out of my finger muscles.
Either way...you all know what I'm tryina say.
[0x3b0b], nertzy, gRegor, jacky, tPoltergeist, geoffo, mahboubine, jeremycherfas, aaronpk, bret, jeremy, lockywolf, oenone and gerben joined the channel
mahboubine There isn't a best language. It's all about what you want to use.
I started with tools that I felt most comfortable with, which was Next.js.
Then, I went to Jekyll, the static site generator, which let me write HTML and templates rather than worry about back-end and server-side logic.
Then, I made my own site generator in Python so I could do so some custom things and learn more about Python.
Generally: use what technology you are comfortable with, but keep it simple.
Folks here use everything from PHP to Ruby to Python.
(Or, indeed, a site tool like WordPress or micro.blog, too.)
I am leaning towards php
thanks for the insight, capjamesg
xcv and geoffo joined the channel
The best language for an IndieWeb website is the one you enjoy using!
lazcorp, barnaby, tPoltergeist and geoffo joined the channel
and sometimes one that has libraries for what you want to do, unless you enjoy writing libraries
lol, I would not call php the best language :D
whatever bad things you have to say about php are probably outdated at this point
[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
PHP has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
PHP has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
PHP is the C of web languages
which is apt as some people really like C
that is a terrible take, sorry
I'm sure :D
Also let's not make people feel bad about their language choices. That's not very inclusive
tPoltergeist, fury999io and [manton] joined the channel
[snarfed] Sorry if you’ve covered this before, but you weren’t planning on hosting a PDS for AT Proto, right? I’m trying to get a better long-term plan and I think I’m settling on running a PDS and improving replies between platforms (leaning on Bridgy in some cases, since that already works).
gRegor and [snarfed] joined the channel
[manton] hmm. Bridgy Fed is a full PDS under the covers, but I'm not sure that's what you meant
barnaby joined the channel
[snarfed] Oh, cool. I must’ve been confused then.
[tantek] joined the channel
[manton] I'm still curious...do you mean, you're hoping to let m.b users reply to Bluesky posts?
and you're thinking of doing it by running an instance of their PDS code alongside m.b?
i'm interested in getting involved with an indieweb project, is there anything that would be good for a beginner programmer like myself to work on? maybe testing or something like that?
i know a little bit of python and javascript, but only enough to get by for my own personal ends - i've not built something other people could use before
Do you have your own website?
There's an indieweb concept which is basically "make it for yourself, then share"
what is make what you need
Make what you need is an IndieWeb principle that helps creators focus on creating & publishing things prioritized by what they need & want for their own personal site https://indieweb.org/Make_what_you_need
what is use what you make
use what you make is an IndieWeb principle that encourages creators to use the applications, tools, libraries, code, designs, documentation that they create, in particular on their personal website, and the counterpart of the make what you need principle https://indieweb.org/use_what_you_make
fair enough - well i made a tool that downloads my mastodon feed, and then imports it to my neocities site - and then i have javascript that reads the .rss and displays the most recent toots on the page. idk if that's valuable or not though 😅
jacky joined the channel
mastodon feed -> neocities sounds like a cool tool! is it something you can open source?
same for a JS embed that displays posts from an RSS feed, that sounds quite useful
i'd be happy to! but i've never done anything like that before, so i'd need to follow a guide
is it simply a case of putting my code on github, and then explaining how it works?
that's the tried and true way :)
yes, that would be a great start _tommys
one repo per such "project", then "explaining how it works" in the README file that GitHub I believe creates by default in new repos now
oh ok, so pretty straight forward then
share here and I'm sure folks would help with expanding the docs etc.
thanks folks!
and it makes a big difference that you're already using them yourself!
_tommys, if you are looking to help with some existing projects there are a few listed on the wiki. For JS and Python see https://indieweb.org/Node.js#Libraries and https://indieweb.org/Python#Libraries
[snarfed] I was thinking two (possibly) separate things… Running a PDS and also having replies on http://Micro.blog go back to Bluesky, whether someone is using the PDS or not. Right now, Bridgy will do a great job of sending replies to http://Micro.blog, and those posts show up, but when you reply, the reply is “stuck” on http://Micro.blog and doesn’t make it back to Bluesky.
right. so, when someone replies to Bluesky, you'd make API calls to your PDS to federate those replies into Bluesky?
Yes, or if there is no PDS initially, I would just use the XRPC API to send a copy to Bluesky. That’s how we sent regular blog posts over there right now.
Basically I’d like it to work fairly seamlessly no matter where the PDS is, if possible.
you then need to make Bluesky users that mirror http://micro.blog users, either eagerly or lazily, but that's try regardless of which PDS they're on
it'll definitely be easier than implementing a PDS yourself inside http://micro.blog. the catch is you then have two copies of users and their posts that you need to keep in sync. which is doable, but may be prone to skew over time
Cool. Yeah, it starts to get complicated.
barnaby joined the channel
what is a PDS
It looks like we don't have a page for "PDS" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "PDS is ____", a sentence describing the term)
jargon << [[PDS]]
AramZS, angelo, lazcorp and eitilt joined the channel
*sips coffee excitedly while watching Manton and Snarfed do the thing he came here to ask about ☕*
starrwulfe[d] You should join the burgeoning Homebrew Coffee Club.
Oh yes, how can I do this Capjamesg? I carry a coffee thermos around with me by habit like some people may have a pack of cigarettes!
Wow! I'll move the discussion over to #indieweb.
barnaby and mahboubine joined the channel
What is a PDS?
what is a pds
PDS is an abbreviation for Personal Data Server, a part of federation in Bluesky's AT Protocol network; Bridgy Fed acts as a PDS https://indieweb.org/PDS
not to be confused with
what is pdx
PDX is the airport code for Portland International Airport, and is often (e.g https://indieweb.org/PDX
the suspense!
what is pdx
PDX is the airport code for Portland International Airport, and is often (e.g. in the #indieweb chat) used a metonymy for the city of Portland, Oregon as a whole https://indieweb.org/PDX
The word metonymy is new to me!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Indieweb relevant metonyny?
[preview] [James Thurber] Miss Groby taught me English composition thirty years ago. It wasn't what prose said that interested Miss Groby; it was the way prose said it. The shape of a sentence crucified on a blackboard (parsed, she called it) brought a light to her eye. She h...
(the original article is still on the Atlantic website, but it's pay walled)
wagle, sp1ff, barnaby, [Al_Abut], roxwize, vikanezrimaya, capjamesg, eb, lockywolf, Fisher24459951, tPoltergeist and geoffo joined the channel