#dev 2024-02-11

2024-02-11 UTC
tPoltergeist and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
we kinda wanted soupault to setup our filesystem layout for us (a la /year/month/day-filename.html) but that doesn't seem to be something it can do
we really like soupault's approach to SSG tho
kody, AramZS_, tPoltergeist and mahboubine joined the channel
↩️ It seems to work. Two issues though, the app password needs to be added every time which makes it hard to automate. The url seems to be posted in plain and not unfurled like when you post a link in the app. Example below
geoffo and gxt joined the channel
[m] glad it's working! you automate with webmention or micropub: https://brid.gy/about#publish-automatically
and yeah good point on the link. links and mentions and tags in general will be tricky, https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1661 , but linkifying that link should be straightforward
[preview] [snarfed] #1661 Bluesky publish: support @-mentions, hashtags, links
↩️ I use webmention but I was afraid that the app password was not saved. But using webmention will work if I understand you correctly?
↩️ yup!
tPoltergeist, angelo_, alephalpha0, geoffo, mahboubine, tech1, [KevinMarks], [campegg] and mro joined the channel
what is h-feed
h-feed is a microformats2 draft specification with a top level feed object to contain root class(h-*) objects, usually h-entry posts and optionally a common author, name, and representative photo https://indieweb.org/h-feed
how do you discover an h-feed/open a link to one
Soni: H-feed is part of a regular HTML webpage.
That might help
[Murray] joined the channel
GWG: exactly, so as far as anything knows, it's a regular browser page
if you click it, it'll open in a browser. if you download it and attempt to resolve its type, it'll open in a browser. if you download it and somehow manage to open it in a feed reader... the feed reader has no way of knowing what the feed source is, so you can't actually follow it/subscribe.
(something something this isn't an issue if you use fedilinks but h-feed doesn't call for fedilinks so eh)
Soni, that last point is only right when the feed reader doesn't support h-feed
GWG: no, we're assuming the feed reader supports h-feed
you can view a downloaded snapshot of an h-feed but not follow/subscribe
So, you share the URL with the reader and it can subscribe to it
GWG: but that's not how mime types work
mime types are for files, not for paths
(you can even have mime types without paths, for example in an email)
So, you want to click a link and subscribe specifically?
While browsing
GWG: we want to click a link and have the *ability* to subscribe
which is exactly what fedilinks does
There have been some experiments with that, but nothing I recall that has been widely adopted
What is webaction
A web action is the interface and user experience of taking a specific discrete action, across the web, from one site to another site or application, like a cross-site follow button, or a reply button on a post, which when activated, allows you to reply using your own site instead of the site you are viewing https://indieweb.org/webaction
no those are bad
fedilinks is more like deep links
where you can click a discord/twitter link and it opens in the discord/twitter app instead of the browser
Protocol handlers are also not widely adopted
I wish they were for more things.
then maybe they should make a feed reader that supports them
rubenwardy left the channel
but also, if you don't have an app, then it should still open in the browser
(that's the entire point of h-feed, isn't it?)
Sounds like a job for a browser extension/addon
may we shove fedilinks into your apps, if you have any
we will happily implement fedilinks and submit a PR
I don't. I create websites
But I hope you find the UI experience you are searching for
[Murray]: " I think there's a solid argument often made that few services support it," - is that actually the case? (asking, havent looked into it in detail)
Honestly, I'm also not sure. I don't think http://Brid.gy tracks deletions, though, which seems to be the main bone of contention. And I'm not sure if many webmention sending services are easily able to send deletions. But yeah, I'm not sure
what is a webmention
Webmention is an open web standard (W3C Recommendation) for conversations and interactions across the web, a powerful building block used for a growing distributed network of peer-to-peer comments, likes, reposts, and other responses across the web https://indieweb.org/webmention
A delete request isn't different than any other...the logic is on the receiver not sender side
well a sender still has to send it
and bridgy non-fed cant easily do it automatically because it cant easily be notified about them
Unfortunately true
but would have to re-check old stuff on a schedule
bridgy-fed I'd assume would do it?
yeah, it's a perfectly understandable limitation
there's some coverage of implementations at https://indieweb.org/deleted
tPoltergeist, mro and mahboubine joined the channel
if i wanted to port my Neocities pages over to another site, how could i do this cheaply? i already have an account with Pikapods where i also manage a few other apps, but i'm a bit of a novice and i'm not sure if they offer something that would allow me to do what i want to do
What is neocities
NeoCities is a free website hosting silo in the spirit of defunct silo GeoCities (Yahoo shutdown in 2009) that looks like a stepping stone to getting started on the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/neocities
Hmm looks like we don't have a "How to export" section. That would be useful to explore and document whatever you find!
they do offer a full download of the site, so i'm confident in that aspect
i have a couple of backups from when i was messing around with the CLI 😁
but importing to another host i'm not sure about
What is Pikapods
It looks like we don't have a page for "Pikapods" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Pikapods is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I dont think neocities is doing much/anything specific to neocities? i.e. you can probably serve a site on anything that can serve static pages?
can you help me understand if there's something in here that would do the job? https://www.pikapods.com/apps
[edit] can you help me understand if there's something in here that would do the job? https://www.pikapods.com/apps
hm, not seeing any simple "just be a webserver" on that list :/
ok, appreciate you checking 🙂
[m] joined the channel
[snarfed] I’m having some issues with backfeeding on bluesky. In Bridgy I can read sending, same message hour after hour and when I’m checking the logs, all I get is no log found.
tPoltergeist joined the channel
[m] hmm! I can look. what's the specific post and response you're not seeing backfed?
[preview] [Marcus Lindblom] Mastering Success: Frank Slootman’s Steps and Strife’s Strategic Approach: https://marcuslindblom.com/journal/mastering-success-frank-slootmans-steps-and-strifes-strategic-approach
mahboubine joined the channel
looks like webmention sending is very backed up. adactio's site is taking 2m to respond to webmentions, and somehow our 15s timeout isn't getting set
ugh. easy fix at least
[catgirlinspace] joined the channel
any ideas on what’s wrong with this h-entry? as far as i can tell it has the same things as my template for normal notes, and those get sent fine, but this doesn’t. telegraph doesn’t find any urls and the sender on http://indiewebify.me says it sends stuff but bridgy fed shows nothing. also tmk my own sender thing is sending stuff whenever new sleep things are added, so im really confused what’s wrong with it.
geoffo joined the channel
[preview] [rosalinya] slept for 3.7 hours.
it's not technically wrong, but one thing that will help is adding a u-author property with a URL that matches the h-card there
if you look at the parsed result, your h-card is the first object, so that can confuse some consumers https://php.microformats.io/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcatgirlin.space%2Factivity%2Fsleep-2024-02-11%2F
confused why it works for a note then but not my funny sleep thing. because this note worked fine https://catgirlin.space/activity/9ee7c6c6cbdc1bc1f909c10cfa35e9a5/
with that note the h-card is the first thing too and also no u-author (need to do that sometime oops)
chronosaurus and [snarfed] joined the channel
[m] looks like your bluesky backfeed came through
sorry for the delay!
[catgirlinspace] I don't see that BF ever received a webmention for https://catgirlin.space/activity/sleep-2024-02-11/
[preview] [rosalinya] slept for 3.7 hours.
>.< so confusing
bterry and tPoltergeist joined the channel
[Murray] I like the idea of an "opt into showing this wm on your site" microformat! the difficulty though is that the primary use case would be for backfeed, and silo users generally don't have a way to author microformats
I feel like it could be useful for non-backfeed webmentions, too. It gives them a layer of privacy controls that actually mimics social media a little more closely, by introducing something like a "for friends" or "private" comment. And it adds an extra layer of benefit to POSSE, in that backfed content (that appears Fedi-native or ATProto-native) would have a root that contains microformats.
But yeah, you would need to have something like that. And as you said in your article, any opt-in system like that would be very hard to gain the kind of broad implementation that really makes backfeed useful.
it seems a bit odd to me for native wms. it's been a pretty core part of indieweb and webmention culture from the beginning that if you send a webmention, it's likely to get displayed on the post
I kind of maybe like it as a way to try to send a wm quietly, just as a message to the author, but it's a pretty big shift from how we've all been using and thinking about them for a decade
@_tommys I still use GitHub but now it triggers a build on Netflify instead of hosting from GH pages. The reason for that is I switched from making the html/css manually to the Astro site generator and Netlify builds that automatically whenever I push to github. So that way I don’t have to build it locally and it skips a step.
sure, but I think we're seeing an evolving attitude around this kind of thing (maybe?). I still don't really understand the distinction people are making between Fedi sites and regular websites, but if that's a distinction, then perhaps something like that is useful
yeah people have a strong sense of expecting what they do will travel in-network, but not out-of-network. the catch, as you describe, is that those are not well defined, and they're growing less and less defined, but people still feel that expectation strongly
yep, though to be honest, thinking about it, I might even _use_ "quiet" webmentions (good name). My site doesn't send webmentions right now, because I've always found it too hard a problem to solve, but most of the links that I do save there are bookmarks. I make notes on those bookmarks (that's why I save them) but I've often wondered what to do with those notes if I were to send out wms. I mean, I'd like to know if someone bookmarked an
article of mine, so do unto others, but I don't really feel like I'd want my rambling, fragmented notes to be copied back to that article as a comment
obviously with "moderate people not code," I think that expectation needs to evolve to focus on people and communities, not networks, and if Bridgy Fed encourages that evolution, I don't entirely feel bad about that
I know different people will treat bookmarks in different ways; I don't pull in and display the text content. But a permissions based system where I could say "hey, I'm letting you know about this part of the note, but please ignore the commentary" might be kinda useful 🤔
heh. the native indieweb version of sub-posting is just not sending the wm
but I'm not sub-posting at all
I would be happy for the author to know I enjoyed their content; or that I was critical of it
if I wasn't happy about that, I wouldn't put it publicly online; TomSka's law and all
ah ok I understand now
but those notes are only intended for me, and the only reason they're public is because I find that a useful resource
honestly I think manual moderation is one clear approach there
I regularly delete mention wms like that when they're not relevant enough or easy enough to display meaningfully
sure, and that's fine. I guess that simultaneously shifts additional work to people, and speaking as someone who rarely gets webmentions at all, that may also just be because you get quite a lot 😄 If you don't get many, there is a certain sense of pride in having even off-topic ones (or at least, that's how I feel 😉)
but yeah, it's probably a niche need
still, it could be interesting for something like a Mastodon to consider implementing microformats, and then that kind of thing could be synced to general account settings
(I realise Fedi has been through MF2 -> no MF2, but some clients might consider it again in the future, particularly if bridging different protocols does become something people seek to do)
I realize now that I opened a can of worms by opining what the default behavior should be on webmentions when it’s something I’ve only known about for a few months (sorry, lol) but if I can help by continuing to channel normies for a bit (also sorry but it’s what I do for a living) I’d clarify that newcomers to Mastodon like me don’t really think of it as federated, even after a year of being active on the network. Or if they’re
it, it’s like an underling technical detail that makes “open source twitter” possible. It’s not necessarily viewed as a feature the way more technical types do.
I get the possible non-Mastodon benefits like pinging blogs and following Pixelfed and etc on a conceptual level
But in practice I still get that “whoa, wait, my interactions just went where?!?” feeling when I see my words replicated, in a way that I don’t with links to the originating source
Maybe it’s me, I’ll stop harping, just trying to talk through the UX from a non-tech viewpoint
[Al_Abut] always good to hear new viewpoints and get ideas from outside what can be a filter bubble! Non-tech viewpoints are super valuable and something that any tech community can learn a lot from, no less true here 🙂
Thank you! I don’t want to muddy the waters or seem ungrateful for people doing the hard technical work to draw our social circles closer… it’s really not understating things when I say how much of a mental boost HWC and IWC have been
agreed! we love that you're here [Al_Abut]!
usually I'd say we need to align with user expectations and mental models, since those are more powerful and harder to change than software and UX
...but for the fediverse/Mastodon, the fact that it's federated is so fundamental and hard/impossible to change, that I suspect we have to keep working to educate people instead
even despite how hard that always is
That's all good 🙂 I think from my perspective it would be super interesting to see if that user expectation changes over time, and in what way. There was a big shift with the advent of social media as lots of new people joined the web as more active participants, and that created many new mental models. But my hope is that this new wave of protocols can bring a similar shift in expectations, away from having accounts on specific services,
and towards building a network that can travel around with you
I also know email is the oft-pointed to example, and perhaps isn't so relevant today, but I do find it interesting that people don't question the interoperability that it affords, but when something else gains interoperability (or that interoperability is just noticed for the first time) that it's not seen in the same, beneficial light
yes! or more nuanced, it often is seen in the same beneficial light, but only within the in-group network. there's a lot of chauvinism and us vs them around networks, when they all largely have the same high level goals
Infighting with those you have shared goals is a favorite pastime of our species.
I think the key here is that if you want to show responses from Mastodon, your responses UX has to look & feel at least somewhat like Mastodon
Was it Freud that coined the phrase “narcissism of tiny differences?”
the "surprise" that is happening is due to people seeing their content on something that DOES NOT look like "federated social media"
Well said
people care about appearances, not plumbing
Does that mean we're doomed for conversations to forever look like cheap Twitter knock-offs 😄 (only mild sarcasm)
[tantek] joined the channel
until we see an increase in the diversity of conversation UXes among Mastodon and compatible software
geoffo and tPoltergeist joined the channel
@Al_Abut that makes sense 🙂 i'm thinking about doing the opposite haha, atm i don't think i care too much about saving my versions and just want to be able to deploy to a live site, but with the added benefit of doing server-side stuff that GH pages doesn't allow