#dev 2024-02-12

2024-02-12 UTC
rhiaro, jan6, AramZS, cambridgeport90, tPoltergeist, [Joe_Crawford], AramZS_, gRegor, angelo, sandra, eitilt, [aciccarello], [jeremycherfas] and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
@_tommys sorry, I didn’t follow! What do you mean by doing the opposite?
tangent: ugh, I just had such a frustrating night trying to get social sharing previews to work right with open graph tags and the only one that works right… is Twitter. The network I hate the most and use the least.
I should document this somewhere, that FB/Threads/Linkedin all have black box implementations that ignore meta tags, no matter what their docs and debuggers say, even if that means scaling up a tiny image until it looks gross and jaggy. I’m trying to keep my pages lightweight and lean download-wise but I think I’m going to give up and throw a big high res image at the bottom with a lazy-loading attribute
[Jo] joined the channel
actually wait, I think mastodon does the right thing too. that’s nice.
[preview] Decaying Silos as dead malls 2018-01-20
mahboubine, tPoltergeist, gRegor, box464, jacky, benji, Virtual, alephalpha0, paotsaq, strugee_, sivoais, AramZS, superkuh and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
speaking of publics and different Mastodon vs "web" expectations, this seemed topical: https://docs.joinmastodon.org/user/posting/#home-feed-visibility-for-replies cc: [snarfed]
this caught my eye in particular: "Other Fediverse software may show all of your replies on the Home feed, no matter who the posts are replies to." <-- presumably Bridgy Fed (and users thereof) count as "Other Fediverse software"
on a related note, got my asbestos suit on this morning, https://indieweb.social/@snarfed.org@snarfed.org/111919385075708671
nice! presumably BridgyFed++
BridgyFed has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
gRegor and mahboubine joined the channel
[Al_Abut], Did you see my note a couple weeks ago about a broken image in your OGP tags?
Maybe so, looks like it's fixed now :)
No I didn’t! I’ll search for it because if I fixed it then it’s by accident (and that means I can break it again)
But I did reorder my posts like you’d mentioned
geoffo joined the channel
It was the design sprints post from 2019 I think. The image was 404, but it looks good now.
Ah, thanks! Yeah I think I backfilled all of the static, er, non-templated pages recently.
Can I ask how it came about that you noticed it in the first place? Did it break an app you were using?
I was just poking around when you talked about OGP being broken a couple weeks ago
[snarfed] do we have a phrase for the "thundering herd of Mastodons" phenomenon when you post something new "to the fediverse"? note that adactio discovered this for himself, it was bad enough that it was causing MySQL failures on his relatively simple site! https://adactio.com/journal/20881
I think I used the FB Share Debugger and it indicated no og:image, but had "guessed" one, probably the first largest image it found. Then I checked the source of that post and opened the og:image URL, which was 404, text/html content. Seems their debug tool should report that instead of silently skipping over it
also MySQL--
MySQL has -1 karma over the last year
gRegor we have some docs on what FB Share uses in the absence of og:image, enough that you don't actually need an og:image to get a predictable result
I know
I helped write them :)
But the context is Al is using them
lol yes gRegor++
gRegor has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (94 in all channels)
I wonder if we need an indiewebifyme feature to check for OGP in an h-entry and if the page already has the info deterministically (e.g. same image resource is wide enough to be auto-detected by FB) then indiewebifyme could do a lint-style warning to the h-entry author that their e.g. og:image was unnecessary and cite the wiki reference
Oh my god, it’s so much more complicated than that
[Al_Abut] do you have a specific use-case that *requires* the OG:?
Interesting idea. I'd be interested to see what Masto and others use in absence of og:image. I'm not sure they guess as well/at all as FB
I don’t know if I can thumb type fast enough to get across how infuriatingly broken FB’s debugger is AND how inconsistent with their actual sharing previews
Like, you can list something as an ogi image and have it still say it’s not there, or say it’s there but then the actual preview pane grabs something else anyway
^ I think that was the 404 image I was referring to
I spend hours poking at the black box last night
Like instead of it saying "Hey, you published og:image here but it didn't load" it just goes on to select another image
Yeah but it would do that - does do that still - even if you have an image
Even after a fresh crawl? It caches heavily
ogp has -1 karma over the last year
I’ve got like 3-4 social sharing validators all queued up to cross compare and none of them agree
Which post?
better to debug what a "plain image" in the page does and then depend on that than spend time trying to understand special-treatment of og:image
I’ll have to look it up, I’m on the go now
k, no worries
[Al_Abut] lol [KevinMarks] has a post about that (different preview behavior across different social sharing sites)
that may be the only use-case for proprietary preview markup
Yeah that’s the strategy I’m coming back to @tantek, looks like I had to bang my head on the so-called right way to do it for a weekend
Definitely could share some notes with [KevinMarks], if nothing else than to console each other, lol. I feel like I woke up from a fever dream.
I posted the link here this morning. I found a way to give each site a different image
Like, my next strategy is to strip out my photo avatar from my blog post footer because it’s getting selected as the sharing image, even though it’s not fit for purpose and gets ugly when scaled up, AND I’ve already specified a cleanly designed one in the meta tags
Though that may have changed since, as Google has shut down some methods
Yeah I skimmed that post, that covered the basics of what they’re all *supposed* to be doing, but going through each of the actual sharing panes with various post types revealed a very different reality
An updated review would be worth doing definitely
Both mastodon and bluesky have preview tools now
It’s a moving target and I’m almost at a stable strategy, I’m leaning towards [tantek]’s strategy of using in-body images (since some of them are going to grab that anyway no matter what I put in the header) and then combining it with srcset to customize the aspect ratios
[tantek] re the Mastodon thundering herd, it's obviously been discussed heavily, but I'm not aware of a specific term beyond eg DDoS, which is obviously imperfect
The two big issues from grabbing the wrong image are 1) selecting a low res image that gets distorted when scaled up or 2) grabbing one that’s high res but gets cropped weird, like focuses on a torso and removes faces.
[Al_Abut], I might have found an issue that finicky FB might be complaining about: the og tags are outside the <head>
Debugger shows "Inferred Property: The 'og:image' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags." which was my first clue somethign was wrong, because I had just viewed your source and saw the og:image tag
The <head> looks like it was closed early, because some other tags like meta, title, and link are also after the </head>
Ah! So there’s too many meta tags and it bails or something?
I'm guessing FB (and probably others) are only looking within the <head>, yeah
Yet another reason for me to finally tackle css grids and cut out all those crufty old external stylesheets…
I could’ve sworn there’s a button that says “see what our API sees” and it showed the entire head section…
Oh no wait, you’re saying my head section is malformed? Well that’s embarrassing
Yeah, I'm seeing: `</style>
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@alabut">...` followed by the rest of the og: tags
This is the Advice About Advice post, haven't checked others
adfreeaichat joined the channel
Have a look with a browser preview as it will show you what it thinks is inside <head>
eitilt joined the channel
adfreeaichat Please note we don't support promotion of services here without prior community contribution or involvement. Thank you!
[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[gRegorLove] thanks dude, that’s a huge help. I bet I screwed something up when porting to Astro (user error for sure)
If this works, I owe you like five burritos
Glad to help
You are more than welcome to participate by talking about personal websites -- asking questions, sharing ideas. That's our bread and butter and what people come here to learn about!
[Al_Abut]++ for "combining it with srcset to customize the aspect ratios" that's a great approach
[Al_Abut] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
I hope so! Will post back my findings for sure, just been fun to share something so minor that I’ve been toiling away on
Srcset looks promising because the social sharing ratios are typically wide (like 1.91:1 in FB’s case) and that coincidentally has the same cropping and scaling issues as large images on laptops, so you could make those wide images the default and then have backup alternate images that are square or tall to uncrop them for mobile, tablet, etc.
And it also can help with the reverse - subjects appearing too small on mobile. You can see that problem with the shot of [Joe_Crawford] bodysurfing: looks epic on larger screens, microscopic on mobile.
I mean look how small he is here compared to my chihuahuas, haha
“Ant-Man 3: We hit the waves.”
Ha! Perfect timing, posted today.
[campegg], eitilt and jacky joined the channel
has anyone written a response to this or related posts that debunks the whole collapsing blaming webmentions/pingbacks together, or everything being Bridgy backfeed's fault or ... (so many other mistaken conclusions in this post) https://brainbaking.com/post/2023/05/why-i-retired-my-webmention-server/
it's at least worth documenting a bunch of Webmention FAQs about to refer to
eitilt joined the channel
[tantek] The book system works as follows: detect and segment all books, to the pixel level, with a machine learning model. For each book: crop, rotate to the left by 90 degrees, send to GPT with Vision for OCR (GPT has great OCR that's easy to set up and is fast; could use the Apple OCR API on Mac but that would limit the script to macOS-only), look up book with Google Books API, create SVG and overlay it on image.
eitilt joined the channel
^ this prototype is totally worthy of a blog post / summary How I Did It / what I want to do next
That's coming next!
Will open source code, etc.
And, most importantly, use this on my website 😄
It took around one minute to process the image I sent you. There are ways I could make it faster, but this is a prototype for sure.
regarding indieauth: would it be odd for a metadata endpoint to return different information for different clients?
or more specifically, depending on the client
the means I can only see this being done would be by checking the incoming Host header but that's easy to spoof
seems odd, but what's the use-case?
yeah that sounds like a bad idea
none really but was more of a curiousity
I do have separate metadata endpoints per user (because people can specify what scopes to show)
and that led me to wonder if it could change per client but couldn't think of any
tPoltergeist joined the channel
[tantek] I shared some thoughts about the webmention thing, but didn't "debunk" anything; while I don't agree with many of the things he said, I also think it's perfectly valid for him to feel that way about webmentions (too complex, fiddly, not worthwhile, whatever). If he doesn't want to use them, that's his call.
The only thing I really took exception to was the privacy element, and there was a pretty good discussion around that in #indieweb yesterday morning (starting around 7:30am Eastern).
thanks [campegg] will take a look
and sure, people are free to feel however they want about whatever technologies. my point was to clear up factual misconceptions so at least their feelings are based in reality rather than misconceptions
Fair. I also don't think I'm technically adept enough to argue some of that with a computer scientist-type person—I lack the ability to articulate how and why those misconceptions are… misconceived? on a technical level.
indeed some of the misconceptions require deep diving / technical explanations, which is itself a problem
reading each of these posts, it _does_ seem like one of the hurdles would be something that a level of self-driven moderation could hepl
*help correct
(like if I could "prove" that I run the Mastodon/Twitter/BlueSky account of X to remove all of my posts from one's site) but also more ideation on how to handle syndicated content in a way that doesn't confuse or mislead people
[gRegorLove] thanks for pointing me in the right direction with the clue about the meta tags. Turns out that I’d made a mess out of how Astro handles different types of templates and screwed up the <head> section in a beautiful variety of ways… 😂
but Murphy’s law keeps kicking me. All those fixes are stranded locally because GitHub and Netlify randomly stopped getting along and hate my builds now.
Think it’s a sign to step away for a bit and touch actual grass 🤷‍♂️
eitilt joined the channel
oh no!
outdoors has 1 karma over the last year
Outdoor Graph Protocol
Few years old, but maybe some relevant points re: webmention in https://martymcgui.re/2020/07/15/what-we-talk-about-when-were-talking-about-webmentions/
(feels like that was yesterday, not a few years, oof)
Outdoors Grass Protocol
jacky joined the channel
Oh it sounds so much more official to say “I am engaging the outdoors grass protocol.” I like it 👍
eitilt joined the channel