#dev 2024-02-13

2024-02-13 UTC
[tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed], so my domain is my bluesky handle, I guess if someone tries to follow my "Mastodon" posts in Bluesky with this... what are they getting? Do they just follow my BS account, or is some other account created?
having a hard time wrapping my head around it
it doesn't identify "connected" accounts like that at all
in that case, it would generate a federated version of your AP account into Bluesky that people could see and follow and get the posts that you publish in the fediverse
So in BS they follow gregorlove@web.brid.gy?
er, with the .com
that would follow your web site
to follow your AP account, they'd translate @gregorlove.com@gregorlove.com to something like mailto:gregorlove-com-gregorlove-com@ap.brid.gy
awkward huh 😁
Gotcha. And in AP if they follow gregorlove.com@bsky.brid.gy, would that be following https://bsky.app/profile/gregorlove.com?
gets dizzy XD
Ok, it was that latter one I was more confused about I think
I think I'm OK with this all so far, but do lean towards preferring opt-in for new networks/protocols. Like I'm not sure I want anyone on Nostr to be able to follow me that way.
Re-reading moderate people not code
gRegor I'm curious, can you describe how it would feel different for someone to follow you on Nostr vs in a feed reader?
The perceived interactivity we talked about a bit before. I might be more OK with it if the "phantom" nostr profile description clearly said it was a bridge, maybe something about responses may not be seen or something.
got it, thanks
[snarfed] the difference is following in some random instance/server/network somewhere presents an opportunity for the users of that instances/server/network to create a massive pile-on trolling effect. feed readers have no such interaction dynamics/features across users of that feed reader
we know this happens per all the lessons learned from "social annotation" tools
sure. it was less specific to feed readers and more general network A vs B, especially if the posts visible are the same, but yes, understood
Maybe another angle for me: I feel like I've chosen ways to distribute my posts that are accessible to most: Atom feed, email subscription, h-feed, and a bit of Mastodon. It doesn't feel like much of a value add for me to add Nostr to that list
which brings us back to aaronpk's point that there isn't really a crisp distinction between federation and bridging
or, it's much more by culture and feel, as tantek described earlier, eg "Mastodon users are ok with their posts federating to other sites that also look like Mastodon"
(and they evidently willfully ignore Lemmy, Peertube, http://micro.blog, WriteFreely, BookWyrm, etc)
From the moderate people post, "If Alice opts into bridging her Bluesky account to the fediverse, people there will see her and her posts, but she won’t see their replies or other interactions."
gRegor: got it! and I guess secondarily accessible in a number of downstream services like Google
Isn't that what would happen with my posts in Nostr? they can see and reply but I wouldn't know
wait, what? that quote doesn't sound right. the goal is fully bidirectional
How would I get replies from Nostr?
shoesNsocks joined the channel
via Webmention presumably
ok I see the quote
for a bridged web site, yes. for a bridged fediverse account, normal fediverse replies
[snarfed] reference to annotation problems that are related (abuse) https://indieweb.org/annotation#Criticism
ah yes. so yes, if the bridge was opt in, and you opted in, you still wouldn't get replies etc from across the bridge unless they were from people who had also opted in
sure! abuse in online social networks clearly exists, and is definitely shaped and amplified (or suppressed) by technical and UX decisions. I'm not ignoring any of that. the point from moderate people not code is that drawing lines by network or protocol is becoming a limited, weaker, and more problematic way to address abuse, especially now given how much shared moderation tooling has developed
right, no disagreement there ("drawing lines by network or protocol is becoming a limited, weaker, and more problematic way to address abuse")
love this "Don’t take the fedi mob seriously."
fedimob has -1 karma over the last year
mretka_weechat, sivoais_, jacky, rocto_ and sknebel_ joined the channel
I don't have any suggestions really for the framing, but "opt out is not consent" I do find a compelling argument and I feel a bit uneasy lumping all the criticism as a mob
agreed, there is legitimate criticial discourse, and there are the drive-by mob posts. they are not the same
critical* even
point being, Twitter/Masto style UXes create arguments (per Argument Machine), amplify anger, and congeal angry mobs
And some anger is legit from past experiences
I don't disagree that's a possibility, however I haven't seen much in the form of "from past experience" citations in the angry posts
I don't expect marginalized communities to lay out a bulleted list of their experiences
I don't think it's reasonable to have to judge what a random avatar is associated with either.
Mostly I think it is a misunderstanding that (most?) such angry folks don't understand they're being default opted-into "bridging" with new Mastodon instances all the time
Bluesky isn't Mastodon though
what is Mastodon tho
It looks like we don't have a page for "Mastodon tho" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Mastodon tho is ____", a sentence describing the term)
see Snarfed's examples of other software that folks are being opted-into "bridging" with all the time
is Pixelfed/Misskey/etc "Mastodon"?
... Lemmy
I'm using Mastodon as a shorthand for ActivityPub
what is Lemmy
Lemmy is open source bookmarking and commenting software that supports ActivityPub so multiple instances can in essence provide a distributed version of Reddit, and it supports at least sending Webmentions as well https://indieweb.org/Lemmy
hacdias joined the channel
And whatever other plumbing is involved that makes them federate together, idk :)
that's the problem
gRegor, the angry folks are not thinking that deeply about it, that's my point. you might be. they are not
if they were, they would realize that new Pixelfed/Misskey/Lemmy instances "federating" with them *is* default opt-in bridging
if they were, they would realize that new Pixelfed/Misskey/Lemmy instances "federating" with them *is* default opt-in bridging
Those are all AP, right?
activitypub isn't in the end user mental model, it's just plumbing
They all look quite different
even mastodon wasn't activitypub when it started
They might as well be random multi-user blogs from a UX perspective
Right, but before today a lot of these people might have had some general idea their posts federate with "Mastodon like" things, and Bluesky was not that. Right? Even if they don't know the plumbing terms.
the irony is Bluesky is *more* Mastodon-like than Lemmy
from a UX perspective
^ exactly, way more
this is the key misconception upon which that anger is based. also a good lesson in common-person misunderstanding and mis-assignment of meaning to jargon
said jargon being "federate" vs "bridge"
i just re-read the announcement post, and there's barely a description of what bridging actually means for people. It seems like the takeaway from it is "bluesky=bad" and then they get mad
I mean, I get the skepticism for Bluesky, and it sounds bad if millions more people from there may suddenly be able to interact with you, especially if you've been through abuse waves on Twitter
generously, I think for many of them, it may be a bit more that bluesky is *other*, and they want to say inside the fediverse lines they think they've drawn
right. a bit more refined: bluesky==(corporate | Jack Dorsey)==bad
even if those lines are arbitrary and half wrong and infeasible
gRegor, see this diagram for example (from the WP fediverse page) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:A_view_into_the_Fediverse.png
how many of those angry people know they are default opted-into non-AP Diaspora nodes?
they have no idea
the fear of abuse from a new group they don't trust is real, and probably warranted, and it's absolutely on me to try to prevent that
look, if folks really care about "opt-in" to every single "thing" they're being bridged to, they ought to petition Mastodon to make all public "federating" opt-in, so that every time a new server tries to follow their profile, they have to approve it
that actualyl sounds like a reasonable setting
right! and to be fair, there's a small group in the fediverse moderation community that advocates for that
uselesspreviewimages has -1 karma over the last year
it's a totally reasonable position that some instances can and should take
indeed. and I think quite a few folks would opt for that opt-in requirement for all federating
it's not an unreasonable preference
this is starting to feel like a teachable moment
if that's even possible. I tried with moderate people not code 🤷 but they may need a better messenger
nice. Potch++
Potch has 1 karma over the last year
good find [KevinMarks]
(aside: Potch and Erin had considerable overlap in time at Mozilla)
Wait, am I bridging without opt-in by pasting links?
So what is the BF plan to try to prevent that abuse from new unknown groups?
gRegor, how do Mastodon instances try to prevent abuse from new unknown Mastodon servers?
gRegor: bridging blocks and mutes and reports, translating shared blocklists, etc
right. the first step is to enable the existing mod tools and ecosystems on both sides of the bridge as much as possible
that's a good way to measure up to rational expectations of existing tools "just working"
(tangent, one amusing bit is that unlike the fediverse, Bluesky doesn't have a way for people to trigger "discovery" of an account that isn't already in the search index. so the way BF's Bluesky support is designed right now, fediverse accounts do have to be "opted into" bridging by someone manually triggering creating them on the BF web site)
(the difference is, that manual trigger can be done by anyone, not just the account owner)
geoffo joined the channel
oh man the conversation there is 💯
there you go, plenty of big hitters to quote
it's also RECENT, less than a year old, so this is not some old "innocent Mastodon of 2017" thread
this is *after* the whole opt-out of search debacle
> Mastodon was built on the concept of interoperability and decentralization. Mastodon doesn't even know if the server on the other end is Mastodon or not, and does not care, as long as it speaks the same standard protocol, ActivityPub. To discriminate against non-Mastodon software would be antithetical to the project's values.
...but sadly this crowd often doesn't like him that much for exactly these ^ kinds of reasons
epoch joined the channel
shoesNsocks left the channel
what are jwt
JWT (JSON Web Token) is a method of encoding and signing JSON data in a URL-safe string https://indieweb.org/JWT
hrefna nails it again
Thanks for the debugging session earlier [gRegorLove] - I finally got netlify working again and the fixes are up. Feels SO good to finally have the social previews working as intended with proper aspect ratios and no pixelation… whew!
In a twisted kind of way, I’m still glad for all of the marathon tinkering session because I’m still curious to try the indieweb-style “just mark up what’s already there and not separate meta tags” approach, I kind of see the light on it now
I’m really curious to try the srcset approach, play with a two-birds-one-stone thing of customizing responsive images for different layouts *and* social sharing at the same time
jacky joined the channel
I keep seeing people saying bridgy should be opt-in, but what kind of ways chould be used to allow people to opt-in?
a per-user flag in profiles to opt-in wouldn't scale
for one instance, it'd work, but if all instances wanted to only federate by opt-in
hmm, what do you mean by scale?
like, if people had to put a different hashtag in their profile to opt in for each and every other server they want their data to flow to
ah. yes! hashtags in bio for choices like that are definitely awkward
#bridgy_optin #mastodonsocial_optin #mastodonxyz_optin #mastodoncom_optin #mastodonnet_optin [...]
yeah, no. :P
Probably sign in to bridgy and check a box
could send EVERYBODY a follow request?
terrible idea. :P
I meant, I sign in and say "yes, federate my AP to Bluesky", no follow requests needed. I get that it breaks down, though, I couldn't then immediately follow a Bluesky account unless they had opted in too.
But anyone on Bluesky could follow my AP
so every user should have to make another account?
something that can be done without a new accounts seems like it'd be less annoying
like "like this post to opt-in to this server"
and people would be able to opt back out by finding that post and unliking it I guess
No? Bridgy lets you sign in with your existing account
though idk with Mastodon, but with Bluesky I gave it an app password. Twitter was OAuth
hrm. I'm thinking if every server was doing opt-in and not just bridgy.
I should find some of those people that are saying they want opt-in and find out what exactly they're wanting.
marking something as "public" doesn't seem to be opt-in enough. :/
I guess mastodon defaulting to public wasn't opt-in either?
I expect there's also some miscommunication going on too, but I don't know enough to know exactly what it is.
https://privacy.thenexus.today/free-fediverses-and-consent/ might have some info, talks about some of the allowlist federation
hacdias_ joined the channel
got distracted while reading and thought about adding at-rest encryption to stuff sent to actpub inboxes
oh, there's SO much to read
sounds like this guy thinks it is a mastodon bug
I figure what people are wanting is to have to opt-in to each server that transmits their data to other servers?
you know what setup allows you to "opt-in to each server that transmits their data to other servers"? running your own personal website
hrm. I could imagine webmentions being shared into something like, facebook, which if some other site did that, I wouldn't appreciate.
eitilt joined the channel
someone brought up making a copy of a message and passing it onto another has some copyright implications
and I'm wondering about where the lines for that is
like, are routers "making a copy"?
indeed they are
making copies is literally how everything digital works
but is it "making a copy" for the purpose of copyright law?
I figure not
you'd have to ask a lawyer, that's the challenge there
for anything "for the purpose of … law"
if it was, streaming audio would be the same as copying it legally
there's all sorts of different conditions. how much is copied (at a time), how long does it stay around etc. e.g. "time-shifting" is its own thing
seems like a bridge is somewhere in the middle grey area between "a human made a copy that violates copyright law" and "a machine made an automated copy that isn't covered"
so many different conditions that you cannot reason with such expressions like "would be the same as"
eitilt and tPoltergeist joined the channel
[Murray] joined the channel
Yeah, one of the things I've been most impressed with having now joined Bluesky is the wealth of diverse communities (and diversity within communities) I'm finding there. Maybe it's just because I didn't really pick any interests or feeds to immediately sign up to, but I'm getting a lot of queer and furry suggestions, which is fun and unexpected
I'm sure there are lots of rough edges, moderation issues, etc. (I've heard of a few) but to call it immediately unsafe doesn't seem to track with the people using it
[snarfed]: hello, may we set up mitmproxy and block-meta-from-fedi in front of our servers so that requests from your bridge come right back at your bridge?
niho, jjuran and mahboubine joined the channel
[marksuth] joined the channel
tPoltergeist, mretka, barnaby, xcv, Guest6, [Jo], [jacky], [Joe_Crawford], [Joel_Auterson] and AramZS joined the channel
Hi, maybe a dumb quick question about bookmarks post type… I can see it needs a "u-bookmark-of" and "h-cite". The "h-cite" seems to be used for the title of the bookmarked page. What about quotes of the page? Should I put 2 h-cite within the h-entry?
Also, do bookmarks (or posts in general) must have their own dedicated page? Or could the h-entry u-url permalink be an anchor in a page (i don't see the utility to have a page per bookmarks, so permalink to the right anchor within the bookmark listing page)
I might have to add an AP profile to XRay to get this to work
gremblo_gremblo[, eitilt, [benatwork], [aciccarello] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
capjamesg, [KevinMarks] and other folks here in W3C SocialCG, are you going to the joint meeting with CCG? I’m going to try to make the second half
bacardi55, if you're putting in a quote you probably want a quote post instead
What is a quote?
“ A quotation is a type of response post that is primarily a subset of the contents of another post, and often has a citation of that other post https://indieweb.org/quote
Instead of a bookmark post
I can’t make it. In transit.
Even if it is just a small quote that highlight the bookmark ?
Limit between the 2 seems a bit gr{a,e}y
alecjonathon left the channel
Bookmark is ultra minimal, like what you'd do in a browser
That's the point of it
Hm, ok, thanks!
mahboubine, [manton], [KevinMarks], buj, alecjonathon, to2ds, jacky, gRegor, aaron, aaronpk, [Paul_Robert_Ll], [campegg], Renfield, geoffo and eitilt joined the channel
Is there an equivalent of indiewebify.me for specific post type? Just deployed my bookmarks page and wanted to validate the output
There isn't as part of http://indiewebify.me, though that's a good idea. You can preview it with parsers though I'm not sure which ones support bookmark specifically
indiewebify.me still checks the h-entry so at least I know that part is still correct, but I'll look into 3rd party parsers, thanks!
aaron joined the channel
I'd like to at least see the post type discovery algorithm result on that h-entry result page
bacardi55[m], can you file an issue on indiewebifyme requesting a Bookmark post validator to attempt to check / validate at least some of the guidelines as documented on /bookmark ?
aciccarello has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
aciccarello++ great suggestion! can you also file an issue on indiewebifyme requesting that feature enhancement to the h-entry validator?
[tantek]: sure, will do. Do you prefer an issue for bookmarks in particular, or an issue about post types in general?