#dev 2024-02-25

2024-02-25 UTC
bterry, tPoltergeist, AramZS and jacky joined the channel
Most of my domains are on porkbun, one on Infomaniak and one that I think I haven't moved off Godaddy because I couldn't find anywhere else I was happy with to put it.
AramZS, kody, tPoltergeist, mahboubine, lazcorp, geoffo, [Joe_Crawford], bterry, jonnybarnes, [benatwork] and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
[capjamesg] your clickable map-based nav is so fun. I felt like I was playing Myst in your home and looking for clues.
[Al_Abut] I am seriously considering putting it on my homepage.
I'm not sure how to make it fit in yet, though.
Ah, the age old problem of home pages everywhere…
tPoltergeist joined the channel
My first gigs were in academia and I picked up an entire book on home pages by Jakob Nielsen because I needed strategies and coping mechanisms for the entire org clamoring for space on the department’s main pages. It’s like the digital version of waterfront property that everyone wants a piece of real estate.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Conway's law of websites
tPoltergeist, jacky, [Paul_Robert_Ll] and to2ds joined the channel
[KevinMarks] - Ain't that the truth! 😄
It's such a classic and yet evergreen comic
tPoltergeist and geoffo joined the channel
A typical website nowadays mystifies you with the cookie pop-up gauntlet, dazzles you with glitz and bling, all without coughing up the actual information you sought in the first place 🤔
[tantek] joined the channel
Or you see none of that thanks to browsing with NOSCRIPT
and if a new site is js:dr, you move on. Plenty of other tabs to read
Folks publishing js;dr "content" / websites really don't understand they're losing in a competition for attention among other new sites
And devs that sell such site services are doing a disservice to their customers
AramZS and tPoltergeist joined the channel
The devs should probably be upfront about the pros and cons of pure js;dr website.
For *publishing* it's all cons
the only pros I hear of for js;dr are all about the developer experience, which is not a great thing to prioritize
tPoltergeist, jacky and to2ds joined the channel
Does js;dr help to thwart scrapers?
not any that are determined
and frankly often times it makes it even easier, because often people will put their content behind a nice JSON API that the frontend requests
That makes sense since they can just go to the data source directly.
Hey @snarfed, did you take down Bluesky crossposting temporarily? I'm getting `500 Internal Errors` on http: brid.gy/publish/bluesky and also whenever using the API token directly.
!tell snarfed please check `@starrwulfe.xyz` bluesky crossposting logs for publish errors -- not sure if this is just my account or a widespread issue.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jacky, tPoltergeist, [qubyte], opadougie and [tw2113] joined the channel
are there any guides out there about running a self-hosted web server on my own network with security in mind/at the forefront? I'm interested in making a raspberry pi Apache server for serving my website(s) but I am a bit concerned about it being a wide open vector of attack to my home network
The most secure thing is just to use .html and other files. If you don't involve a dynamic scripting language or complex backend you'll never have trouble.
apache or nginx serving directories with files is incomparably more secure than running a web browser that executes all javscript from anyone.
i mean if it's on my home network, it's a route in to that isn't it?
Just forward router port:80 to internal.ip.address.whatever:80 (and 443). That's the only route. Remote exploits for apache or nginx are extremely few and far between, like decade+.
Whereas your normal web browsing with JS enabled is far more likely to be the route into your home network.
If you want to do something like run some php application with database then, yeah, it's a security risk.
But serving static files? Doesn't even raise the noise floor.
ok, many thanks 🙂