#dev 2024-02-26

2024-02-26 UTC
gRegor, geoffo, jacky, tPoltergeist and sebbu joined the channel
The talk of maps and image maps intersected in my head with thoughts it ASCII art which me wonder if anyone has made "plain text" ASCII art image maps
thoughts of* ASCII art
geoffo joined the channel
another intersection is the plain ASCII art-like text "maps" of streets / buildings in an area and if there was some way to recognize those and "parse" them into visual vector maps
Pretty soon you’ll be looking at green code and seeing a lady in a red dress…
[Al_Abut] pretty much had that problem since 1999
is there an ASCII art map tile server?
or ASCII art "street view" renderings? e.g. extend some of the stuff here to be based on real building data: https://www.asciiart.eu/buildings-and-places/cities
also interesting, driving directions by ASCII art maps and regression testing too! https://blog.mapbox.com/testing-directions-with-ascii-art-6b081f863950?gi=d37b5df5e867
AramZS and tPoltergeist joined the channel
I can’t blame him, look at this stunning CSS illustration by Diana Smith:
she said she did it in two long weekends
It really is the painter, not the paintbrush, or the paint
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I’m fascinated by this niche. I’m many hours into creating a beginner’s tutorial for CSS illustration to capture a zoom coaching session from last weekend by Joe. Hoping it’ll help others jump in as well.
“It really is the painter, not the paintbrush, or the paint” 💯 [tantek] — there are masterworks by that person who does painting in excellent background colors. I feel like with the CSS things I play with now I understand that drive better. You get into a groove, thanks for the shout [Al_Abut]
In Excel background colors, autocorrect. MS Excel.
I’d settle for learning how to pivot tables
One of my “I knew she was the one” moments when I was dating my wife was that she wanted to take a free Excel class at the local adult learning center.
[snarfed] joined the channel
starrwulfe sorry for the Bridgy Publish trouble! I'll look
[snarfed]: starrwulfe left you a message 8 hours, 58 minutes ago: please check `@starrwulfe.xyz` bluesky crossposting logs for publish errors -- not sure if this is just my account or a widespread issue.
geoffo joined the channel
[preview] [martinthomson] aasvg: Turn ASCII art into SVG
[KevinMarks]++ those are nice!
[KevinMarks] has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (35 in all channels)
do we have a page where we discuss defensive measure to take as a webmention receiver that intends to display some aspects from the source? e.g. pixelating to avoid unpleasant author icons, filtering author names for slurs, even for "just" likes, reposts etc.
tPoltergeist, Guest6, bterry, jeremycherfas and AramZS joined the channel
the case against instagram interop continued
geoffo joined the channel
aha, starrwulfe looks like your Bluesky Bridgy Publish failures were on bookmarks, which it doesn't support yet
easy to add! will do
geoffo and mahboubine joined the channel
[snarfed]: So, my code should be working?
GWG your Bluesky addition to the Synd Links plugin?
no clue, I haven't tried it
GWG- joined the channel
gRegor and gxt_ joined the channel
thank you for adding it though!
lanodan and to2ds joined the channel
Thanks for looking into that Snarfed
That CSS illustration is amazing.
jjuran_, mahboubine, adele, adele_, [aciccarello] and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] I'm making something you'll like 😄
adele joined the channel
ok starrwulfe bookmarks should work now, feel free to try again
jjuran joined the channel
capjamesg, would this work for mobile tables? https://zachleat.github.io/table-saw/
amazing capjamesg. glad to be a source of inspo 😂
cool Snarfed, gimme a moment to test here
[tantek] This is the second procedurally-generated HTML task I have had today.
The first was to create a multi-layer table that shows different rows depending on the options you click. That's not open source yet.
capjamesg I do wonder about the best way to display timelines in a mobile (vertical primary) view. I'm thinking rot90 as a rough starting point
with maybe the inversion of order per current timeline presentational conventions of most recent first
have to think about it
I wonder how Wikipedia adapts their horizontal timelines to mobile
Feel free to file a PR if you're interested!
not sure the thinking I'm doing is at the nitty gritty code level yet
more like figuring out how to prototype something different
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Did I show you my solution to filtering table rows in css James?
I don't believe so!
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
It's in my BBC dashboard code, I would have to extract it for an example.
I remember now!
I have a bunch of checkboxes at the top like this and them classes on the rows
```EN <input class="toggle_en" type="checkbox" checked=""> SC <input class="toggle_sc" type="checkbox" checked="">
<tr class="region-GW service-DTV eff-TO">```
My problem was creating a software installation and usage guide. There were ~15-20 different installation and usage methods to show that varied widely depending on 2-6 pieces of information.
then a bunch of css rules like:
```.toggle_en:not(:checked) ~ table .region-SO {display:none;}
.toggle_sc:not(:checked) ~ table .region-GW {display:none;}```
I have a Python script that generates a table. Then some JS that shows/hides the row that is next in the heirarchy.
so unchecking the boxes hides the rows you want to filter out
As it's pure CSS, it's instant (shame you can't animate `display:none`)
I've hit that limitation so many times
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
maybe I could set the row height to 0, and animate that so the lines shrink, but I suspect that would be harder with a table
tryinbrian and rrix joined the channel