#dev 2024-03-11

2024-03-11 UTC
I think we turn the author photo and name problem from Masto into a collective profile cache
AramZS_, jacky and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
I have gotten 58. And I have been (rightly?) denied font, nobr, frame, frameset, param, spacer, big, marquee, blink
topping out at 78. says 36 to go. fun little exercise. curious as to which ones I'm forgetting or never learned.
gRegor, barnaby, claudinec, [aciccarello], angelo, [lcs], [qubyte], rocto, lazcorp, jjuran, geoffo, silvr64x and mitchsucksatgame joined the channel
I think I must have tried frameset about four times 😅 Managed 87, and ridiculously had forgotten `<p>` until number 84 😬
barnaby, mahboubine, [Scout], nertzy, lazcorp, [jacky], ttybitnik, jacky and [snarfed] joined the channel
AramZS and gxt_ joined the channel
jacky has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (42 in all channels)
jacky++ wow!
:prayer_hands: ty!
oof pidgin lol
[tantek], lazcorp and jacky joined the channel
what are metaformats?
metaformats started as an April Fools joke concept to describe how to both publish using microformats class names and openly parse meta tags as a fallback for what should be in-the-body visible data, including backcompat with OGP, Twitter Cards, and meta author, description, and anything else real sites (like search engines) appear to consume https://indieweb.org/metaformats
re-retrieving author info/properties (name, photo) for *every* post from someone's site/profile never made sense to me, so we should start with a caching strategy first, and then, for public sites/profiles, I think there's an opportunity there for shared caching as well
caching is complicated :)
it's like taking the exact opposite strategy of what Mastodon does with link unfurling. instead of DDOSing, we actively work to build solutions (maybe even protocols) that minimize redundant requests, in a distributed way
hmm, one problem with metaformats on mastodon pages is the og:title tag is just the name of the account
that seems fine tho
but then it looks like an article, not a note
you mean on permalinks?
gotta be more specific than "mastodon pages" because there's also masto profiles
yes, the metaformats approach to masto-info will take some experimentation & iteration
so i'd need some logic to dedupe that. looks like the username is also in the property="profile:username" whatever that is
and maybe filing some bugs. like using "title" to be the name of person on a *permalink* seems like a lazy bug
it does
like they implemented the meta-stuff on the profile first for all links, and then forgot to change it for permalinks
tbh I would be using URL inspection for masto-info, like any permalink that starts with /@ at the root I would treat that /@ as the profile URL and then go from there
any time I can hack a 99% correct URL string inspection approach over yet-another-http-request, I'll code the URL string inspection, and procrastinate the http request coding
[gRegorLove] finally followed up on your 503 errors webmention against my site on 8 March 2024. I checked apache access logs for March 8: nothing for, error or not (another IP maybe?) and I don't have any logged php errors that indicate something specific around webmention on that date.
Huh, maybe it was ipv6, 2607:f298:5:118a::bcb:9e2e
aaronpk, I'm also wondering from a design perspective perhaps there is an incentives (and even safety?) model for showing icons only of people with h-cards, and for others showing an icon of the shared software they're using, e.g. a Mastodon icon instead for Masto-posts.
communicating viewers (of your posts) that the responses/reactions from IndieWeb sites are (likely) more "real" than responses on shared instances
communicating to* viewers
that's an interesting tactic
similarly silo icons for backfed silo responses
in a way, it's re-purposing the icon to mean "this is the site that this response came from" rather than "this is the account that this response came from"
lazcorp joined the channel
Oof. Not even sure my antique shared hosting logs speak ipv6. 😐 [gRegorLove]
I wouldn't have thought mine did either, but `curl ifconfig.me` returned that. No worries! I need to keep better logs for errors on my end so I'll do that and try again soon.
/ just use the form if I need to manually send one.
[daveletorey], [contact898], [jeremycherfas], petermolnar and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I finally posted about my @-mention @-@ and @-path auto-linking improvements to my site and shared library: https://tantek.com/2024/070/t1/updated-auto-linking-mention-use-cases
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] Updated the auto-linking code¹ on my website last Sunday to handle a few more @-mention use-cases. In particular: * @-domains with dashes/hyphens like @sonja-weckenmann.de * @-@ with (some) Unicode alphabetic characters like @briansuda@loðfíll.is...
In particular, I do "plan to write that up at least as a minimal “list of use-cases and how they should work” auto-linking specification." which I intend to be a superset of all the @-mention @-@ things that j12t and others in fedi are handwringing about a bit
hey since we're gathering data on this, who here has @-mentioned people on bluesky from their personal site? anyone? permalink of a post with an example?
did you have to bend over backwards to hand-enter (code) some awkward URL format, or was there a simple and predictable @ or @-@ syntax you were able to use that "just worked"?
or has no one here yet @-mentioned someone on Bluesky from their personal site?
unlikely. they don't transform plain text @-mentions, you have to construct the mention explicitly under the covers in their "facets" rich text schema
barnaby joined the channel
[preview] [snarfed] #1661 Bluesky publish: support @-mentions, hashtags, links
[snarfed] why unlikely? Both Masto nor GH "don't transform plain text @-mentions", however obviously plenty of us are posting on our websites doing both (via a combination of doing the linking ourselves, and/or Bridgy (Fed) helping out with the fedi-translation)
Now this sounds like a pain: "you have to construct the mention explicitly under the covers in their "facets" rich text schema"
oh I see, you meant via actual bluesky API plumbing
colinwalker might have since I think he's using the API
yeah not many of us have here done that ourselves. [aaronpk] and [manton] are the others I know of offhand besides me
via any method tbh [snarfed]
ah thx gRegor
there's the questions of what you actually have to type into your post in your authoring process to do an @-mention, what does your code do after that to auto-link it, and what does any service you use have to do to propagate it to the specific format/syntax expected by the other side
I am asking all of these
they are not the same
none of Bridgy*, granary, etc transform arbitrary HTML into Bluesky facets yet. it feels difficult so far. details in GH links ^. I'd love to hear that I'm wrong, see PR(s), etc!
[preview] [Colin Walker] Hopefully I've now got the code from my test page working so that links will now get passed as facets to Bluesky. 🤞
ooh awesome! yeah when you're the CMS authoring the content, it's much easier
For example: since last Sunday (8 days ago) I can now type "@github.com/snarfed" into a post and my auto-linker will hyperlink it to the right place and Bridgy Publish will make sure it shows up as an @-mention on GitHub which will notify you
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Conflating what you type with what you look up is the original mistake that led Mastodon to pointless webfinger dependency
webfinger has -10 karma in this channel over the last year (-11 in all channels)
(not Eugen's mistake, but Blaine's originally)
pretty sure with my auto-link spec I will obsolete like 99.99% of the needs/use-cases for WebFinger
with zero need to do any http requests, which means it will be MUCH easier to implement, which means more implementations will do it instead of doing webfinger http somersaults
barnabywalters joined the channel
Wtf did slack do with the url there?
[benatwork], CRISPR, [Tilley], barnaby and [Ana_R] joined the channel
yo dawg we heard you like urls, so we put a url in your url
vete and [manton] joined the channel
[tantek] [snarfed] I convert links and hashtags in blog posts to Bluesky facets, but not @-mentions yet. All of facets is a little tricky but mentions probably especially so.
Right now if you type e.g. `@example.com` in a blog post in http://Micro.blog, it tries to send a webmention! I could include a Bluesky facet for the cross-post, but need to figure out how to juggle domain names that are both blogs and Bluesky handles. Haven’t really figured that out yet.
alephalpha0 and barnaby joined the channel
Are there any domain names that don't accept webmentions but are Bluesky handles?
probably most Bluesky handles
I have set my domain as handle for identity reasons only. No webmention or other cross interactions to my site.
also all of the default *.bsky.social handles
angelo_ joined the channel
Snarfed I suppose top level domains rather than silo or instance subdomains
Domain in the indieweb sense
Where the owner actually owns the whole thing and can transfer it
If you can't transfer a domain name to another provider, you don't own it, the provider does
A lot of people set up their own domain as a BlueSky handle
typeswitch joined the channel
yeah I would guess the majority of pay-level domain handles on Bluesky don't support webmentions
mitchsucksatgame, barnaby, jacky and ttybitnik joined the channel; typeswitch left the channel