#dev 2024-03-12

2024-03-12 UTC
[Paul_Robert_Ll], mitchsucksatgame, jacky, AramZS, jjuran_, to2ds, gRegor, angelo, [Joe_Crawford] and geoffo joined the channel
Become proficient in CSS or learn JS?
You’ll need some of both, but great CSS devs are much rarer. There’s also never been a better time to learn it! Disclaimer: not a CSS expert, I’m mostly on the backend.
[lcs] joined the channel
Thanks! That's great input.
Which langs do you work with on the backend stuff?
Fisher244599510, barnaby, [Murray], geoffo, gRegor, gRegorLove_, Guest6, Osogrup, [capjamesg] and [qubyte] joined the channel
For backend work: node, ruby/rails, and scala for the most part, but not constrained (plus databases etc). In my academic days I worked in C, Fortran, and C++.
Where are you in your journey?
gRegorLove_, ttybitnik, sp1ff and AramZS joined the channel
Nice. Sounds like you
OOops, sounds like you've got a diverse skillset!
I'm in the middle of nowhere 😅 I've been making websites for 25+ years without having any real coding skills. But I really enjoy front end work, and have been thinking about pursuing a career change into front end development. I've just got enough technical understanding to make my way with various tools, and I've done a little Python scripting over the last couple of years. But that's it, so it's a bit of reach!
Been working mostly with low-code automation for the last couple of years. I transitioned from finance and management, but it was mostly to get slightly more relevant experience for working with web. Which is my passion!
jacky joined the channel
s/diverse/random/ 😅
geoffo, mahboubine, lazcorp, [tantek], gRegorLove_, [aciccarello] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Anyway, once you get that first frontend role you too will begin to accumulate an eclectic array of skills at alarming pace.
!tell nsmsn in case WordPress marked my webmention as spam: https://gregorlove.com/2024/03/i-see-two-h-cards/
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Anyone have a simple php function that cuts a string to a length but tries to cut along word or sentence boundaries?
give me a moment
Huh didn't know about the cut_long_words param, nice
Haven't used this one in a while, but should work: https://gist.github.com/gRegorLove/0104ccdaec07b300ab3b591f3283b900
Recommend word_wrap though :)
And in WordPress there's an excerpt method - but it's specific to posts. https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_trim_excerpt/
angelo_ joined the channel
That is what I used, but that does words not characters
I think I can write something with what was provided
Nice. Yeah mine definitely assumes it's plain text already
For a function like this one really needs a corpus of examples and what you expect it to be to make sure it handles all variations. I can already think of edge cases I'm not handling. 😐
unittests has 1 karma over the last year
(mine doesn't have them XD)
Not to mention multibyte characters - like say a person included an emoji or chunk of Japanese at the start of that string.
Or there's no actual text, just an img tag. All must be handled.
[schmarty] joined the channel
Maybe now is a good time to ask a question that arose from me demoing Indiekit at IndieWebCamp, and experiencing a side-effect of post type discovery I wasn’t expecting. It may be entirely plausible that I have configured something wrong. Let me see if I can break it down.
When creating an article post, where the title (`name`) has the same starting content as the content, by using the post type discovery mechanism to assign it a post type, what should be an article post type, gets saved with a note post type. That seems odd. I can well imagine an article having a title that matches the beginning of the content, but wanting to keep the title all the same. Have I missed something?
This is the condition in the PTD spec: “If this processed ‘name’ property value is NOT a prefix of the processed content, then it is an article post.”
ooh, interesting. good catch
[Tilley] joined the channel
That might be kind of nice in a social reader context, only display the content instead of the duplicate title text
Not sure about other contexts
joxef, I found this post from Manton Reece. Sounds like he created a script to take the data he exported and import it into http://micro.blog https://www.manton.org/2018/11/12/timetable-migrated-to.html
what is migration
migration in the context of the indieweb refers to the process of moving your indieweb site from any one or more of one CMS / web host / DNS provider / URL design / domain name to another https://indieweb.org/migration
Might be some experiences on that page
yes I thought we a section of folks who left WordPress but I can't find it
There are a couple examples on https://indieweb.org/Jekyll
[Paul_Robert_Ll] presumably at a minimum the "same" text in an article name and article content would have different casing TitleCase vs Sentencecase, so a case-insensitive compare would not match
what is wordpress
WordPress is open source CMS software used by many on the Indieweb as well as a blog hosting service https://indieweb.org/WordPress
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[tantek] Possibly, but not everyone uses Title Case for titles. Also, the case we encountered at IWC was something like the title being ‘Testing Indiekit’ and the content being ‘Testing Indiekit at IndieWebCamp Brighton.’
I think the original goal for that was distinguishing the kind of markup where the post is a note but the same text is in the name and the content. The old inferred name parsing spec would do that a lot, but we fixed it, but it may become an issue with metaformats again.
There was a posse era where posseing a note to twitter with a link would give the text 3 times as twitter would show the posse'd text and then the same text as title and content of the link preview. (and if you clicked through you'd see the same text again).
You needed to double the twitter preview text as it would show different extracts on mobile and web.
[nsmsn] joined the channel
gRegor, I saw your "spam" webmention and approved it. I will add your site to my list of approved domains for webmentions
[nsmsn]: gRegor left you a message 3 hours, 4 minutes ago: in case WordPress marked my webmention as spam: https://gregorlove.com/2024/03/i-see-two-h-cards/
mitchsucksatgame joined the channel
found in #indieweb-stream
would like to see some examples sites with it tho
That's cool!
mitchsucksatgame joined the channel
this was an interesting framing - and the example of URLs as language https://hazelweakly.me/blog/engineering-language/
whoa that's great! did the like end up getting backfed back to GWG's original post on his site? snarfed++
snarfed has 65 karma in this channel over the last year (120 in all channels)
not pretty though, I'm still working on the bridged Bluesky profile. https://bsky.app/profile/snarfed.org.web.brid.gy
I mean backfed back to his original post which is presumably on his personal site since he did say "Bluesky syndication" specifically
geoffo joined the channel
right, and I meant it, it was
I've seen delays on his site's backfeed rendering before, and you'll also have to dig through the HTML for this one specifically since there's no profile picture
but Bridgy sent the wm and it was accepted
Thanks for the background gRegor, KevinMarks, tantek. I’ll have a think about my PTD implementation, but tempted to disable this part of the algo, at least for now, seeing as it gave a surprising result. There may come a point later down the line when other features are added that it makes more sense to add it back in.
CRISPR and mitchsucksatgame joined the channel
I need to fix my moderation
@joxef it's not quite "left WordPress for a site built from scratch" entirely, but I've migrated from http://WordPress.com to http://WordPress.org (self hosted) before leaving WordPress entirely. I swapped it out for Craft CMS in the end, though in a headless configuration so the front end is a bunch of different things 😄 Not sure if that counts for what you're after though?
[Paul_Robert_Ll]++ go for it and would appreciate what you learn from that. PTD is still evolving and iterating, and it may be that there are aspects that we can change because the problems they were solving are no longer there
[Paul_Robert_Ll] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
mitchsucksatgame and [Ros] joined the channel
I should probably document my eventual decision in an ADR (architectural decision record).
Glad you agree Loqi!
mitchsucksatgame joined the channel
such a supportive bot
mitchsucksatgame joined the channel