#dev 2024-03-13

2024-03-13 UTC
mitchsucksatgame, CRISPR, alephalpha0, jacky, geoffo, Loqi, [contact898], [Murray], [KevinMarks], [tantek], [Tilley], [snarfed], [aciccarello], IWSlackGateway, [qubyte], [capjamesg], [Ros], [schmarty], mage_, Guest6_, gRegor, hacdias_, [Ana_R], bterry, [Paul_Robert_Ll], [Scout], [lcs], synth, AramZS, Guest6 and bhavin192 joined the channel
What is architecture
architecture in the software or service world, is what you talk about when you haven't figured out how to or can't get yourself to actually create, deploy, and selfdogfood on your own website https://indieweb.org/architecture
jacky joined the channel
Posted this earlier in #microformats, but it involves webmention and a few other things: Is it problematic to have more than one h-card (representing the same entity) on a single page?
nsmsn, continuing from #microformats: you asked about two things I think. One, it should be totally fine to markup whatever h-card related/relevant information you have on your home page, footer, header, sidebar, permalinks, inside posts etc. because all the consuming code use-cases are specified to follow particular parsing & discovery algorithms to find the information they need
I set up a h-card in my website footer so it's available on nearly every page, but my blog posts are marked up with h-entry (on the body element) and a minimal h-card around the author information. Sample post also digging into this issue: https://nicks.im/b/1XD
[edit] I set up a h-card in my website footer so it's available on nearly every page, but my blog posts are marked up with h-entry (on the body element) and a minimal h-card around the author information. Sample post also digging into this issue: https://nicks.im/b/1XD
[preview] [Nick Simson] troubleshooting I’m a bit puzzled why my profile image doesn’t always show up when I leave a comment on another website. I’ve noticed this a lot lately with other WordPress sites…I have a WP site, plus a Gravatar, and a microformats (IndieWe...
[preview] [Nick Simson] troubleshooting I’m a bit puzzled why my profile image doesn’t always show up when I leave a comment on another website. I’ve noticed this a lot lately with other WordPress sites…I have a WP site, plus a Gravatar, and a microformats (IndieWe...
for example, if you had a JSON object with a bunch of numbers in one property, and numbers in another property, it's not like extra numbers in other properties are going to confuse consumers looking for another property
it sounds like a WordPress-specific problem. by "leave a comment" do you mean a reply posted to your own site via Webmention, or a "native comment" directly/only on the WordPress site itself? I ask because WordPress handles those two inconsistently by default, unfortunately
Yes, I'm trying not to make this question WordPress-specific, but my website supports both "native comments" (the form) and Webmention.
so one thing I see when looking at the parsed page is that both h-cards are actually in the "author" property of the h-entry. I don't think I"ve seen that pattern before. My suspicion is that a consumer will only use the first one (which has the smaller gravatar icon)
is that a problem? not really? but probably nobody is going to see the second h-card in any tools that consume the data
the first thing I like to do when answering any of these questions is look at the page the way the parser sees it: https://php.microformats.io/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnicksimson.com%2Fnotes%2F941927cc48%2F since it's way easier to see what's going on compared to the HTML version
So I'd be OK dropping the first h-card since the <body> is the h-entry and the detailed h-card is in the footer?
that sounds right. you can always copy the HTML and make the changes in the parsing website to see what it looks like
you can paste HTML into php.microformats.io too
Thanks for the insight, aaronpk++
aaronpk has 35 karma in this channel over the last year (119 in all channels)
[tantek] joined the channel
I'm trying to modify my website to support u-repost-of, what should be the u-url of such posts? Right now I'm keeping u-url to link on my website (shown as Permalink on page), u-repost-of to link of external website (shown as Source on page). Example: https://13-mar--gkskt.netlify.app/posts/strapi-api-quickstart/ is this correct (ignore the fact that this post is not exact copy as of now)?
[preview] [Bhavin Gandhi] Build APIs in less than 5 minutes with Strapi
bhavin192, that's not repost since it's not an exact copy of someone else's post. Your post looks more like a quotation post.
what is a quote
“ A quotation is a type of response post that is primarily a subset of the contents of another post, and often has a citation of that other post https://indieweb.org/quote
or is that what you mean by "(ignore the fact that this post is not exact copy as of now)?" 😂
[tantek], hehe. But this still helps, before we move to first question. Let's say I have my quote text above followed by actual post as it is, that will still be considered as quote, right?
I'd say better to work on the presentation of the repost first to get it to look like a repost the way you want, BEFORE worrying about getting the markup right, because you'll likely have to revisit the markup anyway after you've created the presentation you want
re: "still be considered a quote", you might find this section useful: https://indieweb.org/quotation#Instead_use
Understood. This seems to explain what I'm looking for. I will check this out. Thank you!
gRegor and [dominik] joined the channel
and definitely ask any follow-up questions. the wiki just documents our best understanding to date, and is the result of lots of questions and explorations
jacky and geoffo joined the channel
Repost from wrong channel: Sounds like you got it sorted, nsmsn, but yeah dropping the first h-card was what I was suggesting... probably the easiest option for you. The footer `p-author h-card` works for both your homepage h-feed and permalinks with h-entry then.
jacky, [snarfed], epoch and sp1ff joined the channel
this is hilarious, yet another "fix embeds because the original site does them badly" proxy https://ddinstagram.com/
Yep, I've seen the IG one used a lot in Discord
An annoying pattern that TikTok does with embeds is shows an image with a big "play" icon on it so it looks like you can watch it inline, but nope.
sounds like Cohost is on the site-deaths watch: https://cohost.org/staff/post/5023717-march-2024-financial
lol "bluesky is losing a small number of people’s money but those people are several orders of magnitude wealthier than our one person"
bummer :/
what is cohost
Cohost is a social networking site built by https://antisoftware.club https://indieweb.org/Cohost
gRegor and this is why I scroll on by TikTok "embeds" - because they are dead and I don't want to deal with running TikTok's bad JS and loading all the extra TT garbage in a separate tab/window
Yep, even clicking through they're pretty hostile, often have to click "Continue as guest" and sometimes do the puzzle-piece captcha
So I still mainly use the app to watch
it's like nope, nobody got time for that noise
someone sent me a link to an instagram reel via imessage, and no matter how many times i clicked it on my phone i could not get it to play the actual reel, so good job breaking links
[capjamesg] joined the channel
it just kept playing othre random reels
^ top 3 annoying features of IG
"gotta juice the DAU somehow!"
geoffo_, [Joao_Paulo_Pes], [KevinMarks], to2ds and alezz joined the channel