#dev 2024-03-15

2024-03-15 UTC
gxt_, jacky, mitchsucksatgame, claudine, geoffo, reidrac, to2ds, revi, [pfefferle], [contact898], gRegor, [Murray], [Joe_Crawford], [Scout], [Tilley] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I'm working on my personal website (yaaay), and I've read some comparisons between hosting on GitHub pages vs CloudFlare pages, but as a complete noob, I've got a bit lost in the details, can you guys explain like I'm 5?
things I'm looking for are, Free (for now, will pay if I keep doing it long enough) and custom domain (would really like to, but it's optional)
if it matters, I'm using Quartz SSG with my Obsidian vault
Pretty sure you have to be at least 13 for an account at GitHub or anywhere else that lets you post/host content on the web. Better to ask a parent for help.
I think Monochrome means that they want a simple explanation.
I haven't used Cloudflare pages, but GitHub Pages is great.
You make a repo, enable Pages, and your site is on the web.
yeah, I'm [older than i look] years old, and i look like I'm 25
GithubPages has 1 karma over the last year
You can have a custom domain with github pages too. Some peeps don't realize that
don't know if it's asking too much, but is there such a thing as a free custom domain?
I think the #1 reason I would pick one or the other is if I already use that service. I'm using GitHub so I use GitHub Pages. I'm not currently using Cloudflare so I'm not using Cloudflare Pages. This may be a silly reason but that's how I would pick between the two (which otherwise seem similar)
I don't think there are free top level domains like yourname.com but you can find free sublevel domains, like yourname.somebodyelse.com
If you don't set up a custom domain with GH pages then it gives you <username>.http://github.io
ok, as a beginner, I'll go with the path of least resistance, and since I'm already active on GitHub, I'll use that
[jeremycherfas] and jacky joined the channel
[tantek] and [dominik] joined the channel
Is SimplePie still the best way to parse/read an RSS feed in 2024?
(With PHP)
gRegor and [aciccarello] joined the channel
There are free top level domains but I'm not sure I can recommend them. I think you have to be very on top of renewing them or you can lose access
What are free domain names
Free domain names are provided by certain domain name registrars without cost https://indieweb.org/free-domain-names
[dominik]: i forked the picofeed feed parser after they droped support for it and that's what i'm still using now https://packagist.org/packages/p3k/picofeed
[aciccarello] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (22 in all channels)
[aaronpk]++ thanks! I’ll have a look at it
[aaronpk] has 36 karma in this channel over the last year (120 in all channels)
discovered this just now. cool! https://hatsu.cli.rs/
bridges has 1 karma over the last year
angelo, [Paul_Robert_Ll], to2ds and [qubyte] joined the channel
Hatsu++ for a very nice compare contrast and recommendation of BridgyFed++
Hatsu has 1 karma over the last year
BridgyFed has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
That's cool! I'm glad to see some self hosted options.
what is a bridge
A bridge is software and or a service that connects (bridges) two (or more) sites (like personal indieweb sites or social media silos or both) by translating (bridging) data between them, typically using indieweb building blocks to do so https://indieweb.org/bridge
bridge << Software Example: https://hatsu.cli.rs/ Hatsu is a blog to ActivityPub bridge that you can self-host. If anyone here starts using it, feel free to create a new [[Hatsu]] page for it with that definition and your IndieWeb Example!
ok, I added "Software Example: https://hatsu.cli.rs/ Hatsu is a blog to ActivityPub bridge that you can self-host. If anyone here starts using it, feel free to create a new [[Hatsu]] page for it with that definition and your IndieWeb Example!" to a new "See Also" section of /bridge https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=94052&oldid=78396
[campegg] joined the channel
Does anyone use Postgres much? I recently switched my Django install over from SQLite to Postgres because there's some stuff I want to play with, but the main thing I struggle with is copying my data back to my local dev environment… is there an easy (or at least non-complicated) way to grab a copy of the database that keeps indexes (indices?), etc intact?
[bjoern] joined the channel
sounds like somewhere between a database export and replication question
Exporting is fine, but annoying and painful; it sounds like logical replication is something I should investigate further
btrem and [Fran] joined the channel
Exporting from prod and improving into my local env is how I've handled this. I vastly prefer to have postgres dockerized because I hate setting it up locally. I have a script for importing a DB dump if you'd like
[Tilley] that would be awesome, thanks! I've been meaning to look into Docker for a while, but keep putting it off (and because I don't really know how it works and not understanding how data is stored and where especially freaks me out)
I've tried to learn Docker a few times. The learning curve is a bit steep for me.
Here's a script to import a postgres db dump...
echo "Dropping / Recreating local database"
psql -U campegg -h localhost -p 5432 postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = 'false' WHERE datname = 'campegg_db';"
psql -U campegg -h localhost -p 5432 postgres -c 'drop database campegg_db;'
psql -U campegg -h localhost -p 5432 postgres -c "create database campegg_db with encoding='UTF-8';"
sleep 1
echo "Reloading from $DEST."
psql -U campegg -h localhost -p 5432 -d campegg_db -f $DEST
echo "Done."```
All of my docker examples are from the old day job, but I have a new greenfield Django project I started this week... I could dockerize it and then write up some instructions. Probably not today though
So you use that to import a dump from `pg_dump`, right?
And I'd definitely be interested in reading a write-up whenever you get around to it, thank you!
Yes, the day job used an Ansible module that ran `pg_dump`
geoffo joined the channel
I've managed to get some simple Docker things working, but have been unable to replicate a hosting environment. Which was the purpose of learning Docker. :/
jacky, geoffo and bterry1 joined the channel