#dev 2024-03-16

2024-03-16 UTC
jacky, to2ds, kleb, CRISPR, [Al_Abut], angelo and mitchsucksatgame joined the channel
long post about the fix I made to the Infobox template style element so it wouldn't spew raw CSS or bits of CSS comments into the newsletter: https://tantek.com/2024/075/t1/css-more-robust-style-element
or, how to robustly use a style element
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] While an HTML style element for inline CSS needs nothing but simple start and end tags (as of HTML5 and later) <style> p { margin:0 } </style> a more robust style element requires a precise series of overlapping code comments. Here is the answer ...
nailed the Loqi teaser preview again! ✊
I wonder how many badly written RSS readers will get screwed up from this post
doubleloop joined the channel
changed the styling to be more obvious if an RSS reader gets the markup parsing wrong
doubleloop, EasyAIFixer, [qubyte], [Al_Abut], [bjoern], [pfefferle], [dominik], [Joe_Crawford], [Murray], [Scout], [jeremycherfas], [tantek], IWSlackGateway, [Fran], [aciccarello], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [contact898], [Tilley], [KevinMarks], [campegg], jjuran, mitchsucksatgame and Jfi joined the channel
Iska password pata karna yah ID open Nahin ho rahi
Koi kar sakta hai to kitne paise Lenge aap bata de
lazcorp joined the channel
[tantek] - Inoreader copes with it just fine - no red or orange text
juancho, jjuran, [David_Peach], [contact898], hello1, mahboubine, jacky and ttybitnik joined the channel
Good to know!
chimo joined the channel
To circle back on my Postgres question from yesterday, I set up a cron job to `pg_dump` a copy of my database every 4 hours, which I can FTP to my local machine when needed (and also use as a backup). From there, I cobbled together a bash script that drops the local copy of the database and uses the dumped file to restore a copy. It’s a bit hacky, but it works.
If it works for day jobs, it's good enough for personal projects!
jacky, bret and bret_ joined the channel
Exactly that! Thanks for the example script—it was a huge help
[Tilley] has 1 karma over the last year
[Tilley] joined the channel
No problem! I'm glad it was helpful
sav joined the channel
RIP Facebook Bridgy connector plugin thingie.
Facebook’s “mbasic” site is a hot mess now and the link namespace scheme isn’t working anymore so it’s outta whack.
opadougie and [snarfed] joined the channel
sigh. RIP indeed. sorry for the bad news, I have no plans to try to keep that thing limping along
starrwulfe PRs are welcome if you want to!
wait starrwulfe it looks like Bridgy Facebook is still working fine. those two failures are 500s from your site
(...from your site's wm handler)
with regards to the post kinds plugin. If i were attempting to make that work for Gutenberg, would it be best to make a separate plugin or merge functionality with existing?
Ideally same i think for interop
just thinking out loud
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I think maybe the same, but it really depends how you'd actually pull it off. I don't mind living in a "blocky" world now that I've gotten some things manageable on my current site incarnation. As long as I don't have to redo the whole thing.
I'd appreciate it if there was a section where kinds could follow a category/tag. I have to manually set those now, but I'd like to program a taxonomy so that way the RSS feeds, hashtags in syndication all get done correctly. It also makes it easy when going the other way with something like Ulysses so the tag/category combo would set the post kind too.
BUT has -1 karma over the last year
Dangit. me and my emdashes again. BUT had it coming though. LOL
starrwulfe joined the channel
[snarfed] My webmention plugin has been doing silly things lately. Not suprised at all
wait a tick... The comment link seems to have disappeared on the Facebook side.
Also the thread for another post isn't even being picked up for some reason. Again, URL schema changed I think. The sooner Threads goes activitypub or can pull comments through their API, the better.
I wonder if the wm 500 on your site is because the backfed replies have no content. they're just pictures, which Bridgy doesn't try to scrape and serve yet
cc GWG/[dshanske]
I'm a little confused by a few of those statements about the category/tags
TIL. Didn't know that
But, I'll have to look at the code, but it shouldn't 500
I'm running the plugin in Vivaldi; should I be doing it in Chrome?
I don't understand the question again
[tantek], jacky and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I am learning people do not understand the diverse state of HTML parsers out there
like do folks have any idea how many different OGP parsers are out there?
like every single piece of software that displays link previews
i think people also like to think that OGP parsing is not HTML parsing
lol indeed
voxpelli++ for kindly jumping into the replies
voxpelli has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
thanks [tantek] 🙏
Yeah, and link previews are hard, eg Facebook doesn’t just pull the metadata and show it, they also have heuristics to determine if a piece of metadata is good enough to show or not
Eg: If the preview image defined isn’t high res enough they will skip it
Learned that first hand when I built a link previewer for Bloglovin and discovered that all Blogspot blogs gave the blogspot logo but Facebook ignored it…
So I also had to add heuristics for it to not be crazy, but as a simple time boxes project I couldn’t do that to the same degree as Facebook…
So in essence that data wasn’t as curlable as people thought it was
@[tantek]: A fun paradox with the lack of style parsing is that one kind of need to parse and apply styles if one fully wants to know how to interpret text as eg “white-space: pre;” changes that, right? ;P
hah! seemingly so (paradox) but not necessarily. I'm pretty sure we (in standards) solved that with xml:space
for example, mf2 space handling does not depend on CSS
that’s good 😌
voxpelli, e.g. I use it in my Atom feed: <content type="xhtml" xml:base="https://tantek.com/" xml:space="preserve">
[preview] Tantek Çelik
Oh, right, yeah, I remember you doing something like that
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
mitchsucksatgame, jacky and [qubyte] joined the channel
hey [manton], just checking, you handle http sigs both outbound and inbound in http://micro.blog, right?
(for AP)
Perhaps topical, I use JSDOM has part of my webmention dispatch code. It just tripped over some inline nested CSS on a page.