#dev 2024-03-17

2024-03-17 UTC
geoffo, mitchsucksatgame and to2ds joined the channel
!tell starrwulfe Thank you the help debugging Webmentions!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
*for the help*
^ [pfefferle] same question, you currently generate and send HTTP Sigs in the WP AP plugin, right? do you verify incoming sigs too?
kuzkuz, if you want a static site alternative to AWS, consider Netlify or Vercel or GitHub Pages
Asking here, as suggested by Loki the bot...
The reason why I chosen AWS in the first place is because is the cheapest I was able to find at that time (a few years ago).
I have a static website hosted on AWS, with the domain on Route53 and the website's files being loaded straight from an S3 bucket.
Now my situation has changed and my dislike for AWS is stronger than money!
I would like to move my website somewhere else but I have no clue about what hosting is good in terms of quality and reliability but also good in terms of "doing good for the betterment of the community rather than the most value for the shareholders". That type of good 🙂
[edit] Asking here, as suggested by Loqi the bot...
I have a static website hosted on AWS, with the domain on Route53 and the website's files being loaded straight from an S3 bucket.
The reason why I chosen AWS in the first place is because is the cheapest I was able to find at that time (a few years ago).
Now my situation has changed and my dislike for AWS is stronger than money!
I would like to move my website somewhere else but I have no clue about what hosting is good in terms of quality and reliability but also good in terms of "doing good for the betterment of the community rather than the most value for the shareholders". That type of good 🙂
or if you like the "dumb storage" style of S3, Azure and GCP Storage can also serve static web sites
in case my original answer above got buried: first consider Netlify or Vercel or GitHub Pages
Aren't Netlify or Vercel or GitHub also hosted on AWS?
Also starrwulfe++ - Don't know if Loqi can do tell and up-karma in the same line.
starrwulfe has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
There we go 😊
ok, I added "https://mastodon.social/@danluu/112107129233149155" to the "See Also" section of /performance https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=94191&oldid=92296
[manton] joined the channel
[snarfed] Yes. For outbound, I default to _not_ using HTTP signatures, and if there’s an error then I try again signed.
For things like getting an ActivityPub profile, I mean, that don’t normally need signing.
(Lemme know if I’m misunderstanding the question…)
[tantek] - That's why I default to showing thumbnail images in feed types of pages :)
geoffo and to2ds joined the channel
My current home page with all the assets weighs in around ~64k.
thanks [manton]!
CRISPR and geoffo joined the channel
For feed types of pages, lazy loading is your friend. These days all you’ve gotta do is add `loading="lazy"` to the `img` tag and (ideally) render the tag with width and height attributes so things don’t move around when the browser decides it’s time to download an image. You can see that in action here: https://qubyte.codes/notes/ (pop open the network panel to see it working). Obviously not an excuse to not optimise images though!
to2ds joined the channel
[qubyte] - Lazy loading is great option. Have been considering that as well.
Yet another excuse for me to over-engineer things, but it turned out pretty well in this case.
To good effect though. That page really pops!
[pfefferle] joined the channel
↩️ Yes the plugin also checks incoming sigs
geoffo, to2ds, mahboubine, bterry1, doubleloop, ttybitnik, jonnybarnes and [contact898] joined the channel
!tell to2ds happy to help anytime 👍🏾
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
starrwulfe: to2ds left you a message 12 hours, 59 minutes ago: Thank you the help debugging Webmentions!
box464 joined the channel
Re: AWS alternatives, Digital Ocean offers S3-like storage and Backblaze has B2 storage
to2ds, lanodan, bterry1, jacky, box464, geoffo and [lcs] joined the channel
Does anyone know why the CSS background on jamesg.blog looks blurry on mobile Firefox?
I can't emulate it in my desktop environment 😦
[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
Am trying to get to the bottom of https://github.com/getindiekit/indiekit/issues/673 cc [aciccarello]
First of all, realised that Indiekit’s IndieAuth endpoint needs to support editing Microsub scopes (hard coded to only recognise Micropub scopes right now).
Secondly, am wondering if right in thinking that the latest version of the IndieAuth spec uses `POST /introspect` to verify a token, whereas older versions of the spec used `GET /token` (the key difference being the request method of course, the actual path being defined elsewhere)
Anyhoo, with all those issues resolved, _still_ getting `invalid_token_response` from Monocle, with the message `The token endpoint did not return a \"me\" URL for the token`. :woozy_face:
geoffo joined the channel
And yet (having browsed chat logs and found the same issue from 2021), when I `curl -i https://indiekit.up.railway.app/auth/token -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXXX"` the response is seemingly correct
`{"active":true,"client_id":"https://indiekit.up.railway.app","me":"https://indiekit-sandbox.netlify.app/","scope":"create update read follow channels profile","iat":1710704962,"exp":1718480962}`
It has `me` in the token response. Assuming it’s getting tripped up on this line https://github.com/aaronpk/Aperture/blob/c56e8e3e2604d3948eca274bfcdc8b726b1d19d5/aperture/app/Http/Middleware/VerifyIndieAuthAccessToken.php#L122 but I’m really at a loss as to why. 😞
that's weird
well i can add some more details to that json response to see what's going on
or if you can send me an access token i can debug on my end
gRegor joined the channel
Yeah, latest IndieAuth introduces token introspection endpoint, separate from token endpoint. Introspection is with a POST request.
unrelatedly, i have a better idea of how to do this kind of cross-app token handling now
it's always bugged me that aperture doesn't issue its own tokens, so it has to do token introspection on every request
but i have an idea for how to fix that
to2ds joined the channel
capjamesg - Not sure if it will help but I viewed home page in desktop Firefox responsive design mode after F12 keypress and it looked normal. Toggled off background-attachment: fixed and it got blurry like Firefox on iPad.
to2ds: starrwulfe left you a message 6 hours, 55 minutes ago: happy to help anytime 👍🏾
to2ds Weird...
It is. Wish Firefox iPad had a developer mode.
This might be of interest for Mac fans: https://www.marchintosh.com/
geoffo and [tantek] joined the channel
For backwards compatibility, think I’ll add back `GET /token` but point it to the middleware function I used for `POST /introspect`
ok just tested with the token [Paul_Robert_Ll] sent me and aperture is responding to microsub requests with the token, so that's not the problem
cidney, to2ds, petermolnar and geoffo joined the channel