#dev 2024-03-18

2024-03-18 UTC
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
capjamesg looking at cp_snowfort.webp It seems to be 826x506 pixels which I can imagine on a 2x mobile screen will appear slightly more pixely
geoffo, [snarfed] and [Fran] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Do I need a bigger image?
I think it couldn’t hurt. Though since it’s a background you don’t get to use the nice image size choice algorithms available with srcset, at least that I know of.
ttybitnik, jacky, shoesNsocks, [Scout] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Reposting [Scout]'s question:
"i want to set up a site for my mother's birthday party where people can upload photos. like a mini instagram of sorts. and i want to give a level of protection by adding a password so not every person/bot on the internet can a) see my mum's baby pics and b) upload stuff to my site. so that rules out github pages for hosting. i am trying to decide where is a good place to host it. i know netlifly can handle both the password and the
dynamic uploads. but if i understand this right, it would mean that the site gets rebuilt every time someone posts a picture. i expect the vast majority of use/uploads to be happening on the birthday party evening. and i about the 15 minute built time limit. am i worried for no reason? because if there are more than 100 uploads that night, i would be surprised. on the other hand, i would very much like to avoid any surprises if possible
and know what i am getting myself into...
any thoughts/suggestions/ideas?"
I'm wondering if you want something long lasting or a page that's only up for a couple months or less.
letting users upload pictures will be somewhat involved, far beyond github pages
honestly the easiest place to start might be a shared album on eg Google Photos or iCloud etc
or maybe the equivalent photo app on a self-hosted cloud service like owncloud or yunohost
unrelated, [jacky] re https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/03/well-known-avatar/ , I'm trying to understand the benefit of this over a rel=avatar link in webfinger
[preview] [Terence Eden’s Blog] .well-known/avatar https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/03/well-known-avatar/ Hot on the heels of a post I wrote 4 years ago, wouldn't it be useful to have a well-known URl for user avatar images? When I sign up to a web service, I don't want to faff arou...
the only benefit I see is that it saves one HTTP request and then pulling that link out of the returned JSON
[snarfed]: they're going to say it doesn't need a HTML/XML parser (from that post)
which _shrugs_ is kinda fair but then you also got a JSON parser if you're doing conneg for webfinger
just JSON, not HTML/XML
if the only motivation is to avoid parsing JSON, that seems kinda crazy and unlikely
I must be missing something
hence the Accept: image/* path
I think it could be for _hyper-simple_ tooling (like doing it from a terminal or something that's meant to be "dumb", like linking this directly in the browser)
maybe, but you'd think he would have said that
I feel like we're over-speculating
Oh yeah, I am lol
Yeah, the avatars suggestion seems like they want to inline a well-known URL into an img tag.
best option would be to reply to this post tbh
[aciccarello]: yup!
I did see that they specifically mentioned h-card.
[Scout] Do you need to update the website immediately or could you publish the photos after the fact?
Something like a Google Form would let you collect photos from friends and publish them later.
[snarfed] i was going to host the photos elsewhere. i was more concerned about the constant re-building of the site every time someone posts a photo. but maybe i am misunderstanding the meaning of built time?
[aciccarello] yes the idea was that everyone could upload photos as the evening progresses and the site would be projected on the wall and also i was gonna print little qr codes for people to scan so they can open the page on their phones. that sort of thing. i don't want to curate a nice album at the end, i wanted it more like when people post on insta from an gig/event. but personalised to one person/family. i have thought of airtable. but
also s3 bucket. because it would be good practice for my personal site too.
I wouldn't worry too much about build times. Netlify gives you something like 300 minutes of build times credits and only runs one at a time so that should be fine for an event.
[Scout] if you really want to build this yourself, ok! but yeah since arbitrary external users are uploading content, it doesn't sound like a good fit for a static site
I agree, I'd probably default to a dynamic site to make it easy to control auth and uploads.
If you wanted to later, you could archive it to a static site later to reduce hosting costs.
[Murray] joined the channel
If you use something like Astro, you'd be able to build with server rendering then switch it to static at some point later on, and keep everything else the same 😉
Obligatory wellknown--
wellknown has -1 karma over the last year
i'm a big fan of static sites for archiving that kind of thing but yes i would not build it as a static site first
for a specific event, use something with server side code, but find/build something that you know will be easy to flatten to a static site after
because you also don't want the maintenance burden of keeping the dynamic code of the event site online years after the event is over
The "requires a server to parse HTML" is a bs excuse. They're all parsing HTML already to do link previews, unfurling etc
Parse for representative h-card, use the photo properly. Done. No personally website? Fallback to gravatar. Yes it's centralized, however at least it's automattic
Use the photo property*
yeah everyone needs to get over the fear of parsing HTML
the only legitimate argument against parsing html is for embedded devices like esp32 microcontrollers. for those I agree adding an HTML parsing stack is too much overhead
Parsing html makes me angry so I avoid it ;-)
parsing arbitrary HTML for arbitrary structures isn't trivial, but that's often not what is actually being talked about in these kinds of discussions
And often in these kinds of discussions, the potential customers (servers that setup new accounts) are already parsing HTML
Yeah, I would expect you need fallbacks in 90% of cases anyway so you'll need to parse something.
Also, what about different image sizes?
[contact898], [schmarty], gRegor, [campegg] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Don't we have an existing pattern of using the link rel=icon for that?
[qubyte] joined the channel
Obligatory _parsing headers is hard too!_ (in can you’re thinking of putting that link in a header) ;)
Has anyone done any work with knowledge graphs?
I have been thinking a lot this evening about how LMMs could be used for data retrieval from a document to make a knowledge graph that can then be queried.
[lcs] joined the channel
Isn’t that RAG?
(Retrieval-Augmented Generation)
My knowledge of it is cursory, but that was my understanding of the concept
sounds related but a bit different? capjamesg you're thinking of a first LLM pre-processing step that generates a traditional knowledge graph, maybe directly from embeddings, and then later querying that knowledge graph directly?
maybe => #indieweb-chat
bret joined the channel
Can someone tell me why someone added the Apache license as a comment to my PR? https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/commit/9a294ace6ea2a80b72f712ca16cda17277ac7157#commitcomment-139927353
GWG looks like a spam test
jamey joined the channel
[preview] [BARCOLAIRTHAILAND] #471 Jk BMS home as
I went to their profile and clicked the "Report" link and reported them for spamming an org I'm a part of. We'll see if GitHub does anything
ttybitnik joined the channel
I have seen enough nonsense like this on GitHub that I have basically zero patience left for it
I was just excited someone commented on my IndieAuth PR until I... wasn't
jamey_ and [tantek] joined the channel
TIL that GNUnet is making moves
[capjamesg] and [Ros] joined the channel
only "informational" RFC but still