#dev 2024-03-20

2024-03-20 UTC
geoffo, gRegorLove_ and jamey joined the channel
now to see how it federates and if I can POSSE it
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] Are you celebrating #spring #equinox [ ] in September for the Southern Hemisphere [ ] 2024-03-21 [ ] 2024-03-20 [ ] 2024-03-20 03:06Z [ ] 2024-03-19 [ ] 2024-03-19 23:06 EDT [ ] 2024-079 [ ] 2024-079 20:06 PDT and optionally, why did you choose whi...
oooh Twitter only allows four choices!
[snarfed] joined the channel
joshproehl joined the channel
oh this is ben pate's thing!
aaronpk wow that is cool
benpate++ Emissary++
Emissary has 1 karma over the last year
benpate has 2 karma over the last year
I'd love to see an example site
that's a lot of functionality to get working without an example site to see it
So many features. I wonder how easy it is to build off of.
I wonder if that would be a good starting point for a garden tracker.
curious what you would be tracking
temperature (ambient, soil), humidity, sunlight per day, plants, water usage, fruit/vegetable yields, ???
seems the share links from / of IG stories are broken
as in, the link it gives you, when clicked, 404s
Threads polls also allow only 4 choices
Mostly thinking the growth of individual plants
Honestly having something with activity pub support built in would be nice since I don't want to touch that.
But social is not the main feature I'd need.
^ that last line is a summary of so many products 😂
Doesn't every product become a chat app at some point? 😂
yes, or adds DMs
“Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.”
yes that was the old version. DMs is the new version
geoffo joined the channel
Was anyone at Fediforum today? This sounds exciting from a dev perspective https://www.theverge.com/24106231/threads-fediverse-demo-meta-fediforum
kleb0, jamey, Maxpm, [contact898], [qubyte], [dominik] and mahboubine joined the channel
Hello everyone
I am trying to add an indieweb feed to it
but I am not sure where the feed should go and weather I should have multiple feeds
currently I have the 3 latest posts and the starred posts on my homepage.
and I have a list of all the posts on /posts
where should h-feed go exactly?
You could do a short h-feed on the latest posts list
You can also just do it on the /posts page
[aciccarello]: question 1: wouldn't readers get confused and think those are 2 different feeds
question 2: adding a feed on /posts is indeed the easiest option, but will readers and crawlers be able to find it
considering it's not on the homepage
Good question. I could see an application assuming the home page is the only feed but it should still work (assuming you don't post too frequently for polling to catch the last 3 posts.
What is feed discovery?
feed discovery is a way to, given someone's home page, discover their feed or feeds that they publish https://indieweb.org/feed_discovery
According to that page, there could be an algorithm that just checks the home page but the idea seems only partially fleshed out. I'm not sure about different implementations.
But if people find your /posts page I think they should be able to follow that path.
Honestly, I don't sweat h-feed too much. I usually care more about individual post pages since those are often parsed for responses after I send a webmention.
[marksuth] joined the channel
makes sense
[Scout], Guest6, box4647, _directiv[d], GWG-, [0x3b0b]_, trwnh, [Joao_Paulo_Pes], box464, box4643, [campegg], [schmarty], eb, srushe, ancarda, alecjonathon, roxwize, capjamesg, vikanezrimaya and to2ds joined the channel
Ben Pate is demoing Emissary at Fediforum now!
video should be available later
just finished. it looks cool, but also confusing, I don't really understand it
uh oh, that's not a good sign [snarfed] if you don't understand it of all people 😂
kinda understandable, it was a 5 min demo
oh that is tough
hard to make a concise 5 minute demo of something like that!
to2ds joined the channel
I beg to differ. See our 2019 Summit keynotes
Also like most IndieWebCamp demos?
true! there may just be a lot in emissary, and he tried to demo a lot in 5m, maybe too much, so it looked impressive but was maybe too fast
btrem joined the channel
[aciccarello] I tried to track my garden with my 11ty site. The biggest hurdle was matching update posts and photos with initial posts. I've mostly abandoned the idea. I think it needs a database, or at least database-like features, which are hard to bolt on to a static site generator.
gRegor, [a60fa] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I think it could be done with a static site but probably not optimally
Switching to here since it’s getting more technical… Maybe I am interested in reactji. A set of blessed emoji could be allowed to be fully automated, cutting the need to moderate from the webmention cycle. I don’t even do that for likes yet, but I’m considering it…
indeed! and a subset of reacji work in reply to GH issues, comments etc. via Bridgy Publish
I see why now. Potential complications are skin tone, compound emoji, etc. I guess keeping it symbolic will help to avoid those. 🤔
indeed, and there's some emoji detection libraries to handle that sort of thing
I happen to know a great one 😇
Oh no. I’ve stumbled into a rabbit hole.
Got a link? I feel like gathering inspiration…
[preview] [aaronpk] emoji-detector-php: This library will find all emoji in an input string and return information about each emoji character.
Thank you! I’m not using php, but it’s easy to reason about ❤
lagomorph_ joined the channel
Trying to setup bridgy fed
I have used all the recommended microformat classes and have an active RSS feed, but bridgy fed is only detecting my name, and profile picture
it couldn't find any posts
here is my website yusuf.fyi
mahboubine have you tested your site / permalinks with http://indiewebify.me?
everything is in order
Have you made a new post since you first followed yusuf.fyi@fed.brid.gy?
I see a post today in your RSS feed, just not sure if that was before or after you followed the fed.brid.gy account
gRegor: I've been following that account for months, because I tried to set it up before and gave up
oh, hm
maybe I should open an issue
[Jo] joined the channel
Aha, I think I figured it out. Tailwind CSS `h-full` on your permalink causes problems when parsing for h-entry
A github issue might be a good idea, or [snarfed] in chat
*might cause problems when parsing for h-entry
good catch!
There's a discussion about working around some of those Tailwind classes in microformats parsers
ttybitnik, [Paul_Robert_Ll], geoffo, bterry and [Murray] joined the channel