#dev 2024-03-20
2024-03-20 UTC
geoffo, gRegorLove_ and jamey joined the channel
[tantek] ok poll prototype as a plain text note: https://tantek.com/2024/079/t1/are-you-celebrating-spring-equinox

[snarfed] joined the channel
joshproehl joined the channel
[aciccarello] So many features. I wonder how easy it is to build off of.
[aciccarello] I wonder if that would be a good starting point for a garden tracker.
[aciccarello] Mostly thinking the growth of individual plants
[aciccarello] Honestly having something with activity pub support built in would be nice since I don't want to touch that.
[aciccarello] But social is not the main feature I'd need.
[aciccarello] Doesn't every product become a chat app at some point? 😂
[Joe_Crawford] http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/Z/Zawinskis-Law.html
[Joe_Crawford] “Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.”
geoffo joined the channel
[tantek] Was anyone at Fediforum today? This sounds exciting from a dev perspective https://www.theverge.com/24106231/threads-fediverse-demo-meta-fediforum

kleb0, jamey, Maxpm, [contact898], [qubyte], [dominik] and mahboubine joined the channel
mahboubine Hello everyone

mahboubine I have the following site: https://structs-and-company.vercel.app/

mahboubine I am trying to add an indieweb feed to it

mahboubine but I am not sure where the feed should go and weather I should have multiple feeds

mahboubine currently I have the 3 latest posts and the starred posts on my homepage.

mahboubine and I have a list of all the posts on /posts

mahboubine where should h-feed go exactly?

[aciccarello] You could do a short h-feed on the latest posts list
[aciccarello] You can also just do it on the /posts page
mahboubine [aciccarello]: question 1: wouldn't readers get confused and think those are 2 different feeds

mahboubine question 2: adding a feed on /posts is indeed the easiest option, but will readers and crawlers be able to find it

mahboubine considering it's not on the homepage

[aciccarello] Good question. I could see an application assuming the home page is the only feed but it should still work (assuming you don't post too frequently for polling to catch the last 3 posts.
[aciccarello] What is feed discovery?
Loqi feed discovery is a way to, given someone's home page, discover their feed or feeds that they publish https://indieweb.org/feed_discovery

[aciccarello] According to that page, there could be an algorithm that just checks the home page but the idea seems only partially fleshed out. I'm not sure about different implementations.
[aciccarello] But if people find your /posts page I think they should be able to follow that path.
[aciccarello] Honestly, I don't sweat h-feed too much. I usually care more about individual post pages since those are often parsed for responses after I send a webmention.
[marksuth] joined the channel
mahboubine makes sense

[Scout], Guest6, box4647, _directiv[d], GWG-, [0x3b0b]_, trwnh, [Joao_Paulo_Pes], box464, box4643, [campegg], [schmarty], eb, srushe, ancarda, alecjonathon, roxwize, capjamesg, vikanezrimaya and to2ds joined the channel
to2ds joined the channel
btrem joined the channel
gRegor, [a60fa] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[aciccarello] I think it could be done with a static site but probably not optimally
lagomorph_ joined the channel
mahboubine Trying to setup bridgy fed

mahboubine I have used all the recommended microformat classes and have an active RSS feed, but bridgy fed is only detecting my name, and profile picture

mahboubine it couldn't find any posts

mahboubine here is my website yusuf.fyi

[tantek] mahboubine have you tested your site / permalinks with http://indiewebify.me?

mahboubine Yes

mahboubine everything is in order

mahboubine gRegor: I've been following that account for months, because I tried to set it up before and gave up

mahboubine maybe I should open an issue

[Jo] joined the channel
mahboubine good catch!

ttybitnik, [Paul_Robert_Ll], geoffo, bterry and [Murray] joined the channel