[tantek]we're talking about how trailing spaces as "an instruction" e.g. 2+ trailing spaces on a line to mean preserve line-break, is a fragile and suboptimal way of encoding hard linebreaks
[tantek]whereas a better option is: linebreak after a visible character = hard (semantic) line break, whereas linebreak after a single space character = soft (presentational) line break
[tantek]aaronpk, two trailing spaces, like most things in Markdown, was the workaround hack consequence of a prior bad design decision (treating linebreaks after visible characters as soft/presentational breaks)
btremPicking up from indieweb, the h-card icon needed multiple, chained c commands in the path. But trying to do that in VS Code was just too tedious. So I went with "good enough." :/
btremTo see the difference, you'd probably need to display the SuperTinyIcons version with the one from the Indieweb wiki, blown up to a fairly large size, and do an a-b comparison.
btremI'm now in the same situation with h-feed. A simple arc command should do the trick, but alas, the points will not line up. So looks like I'll have to muck around with a cubic bezier.
btrem[KevinMarks]: Can't use SVGOMG for two reasons: (a) I have to scale the images; SuperTinyIcons are all 512x512, whereas the indieweb versions are 192x192. And (b) I'm simplifying the path to save bytes; instead of a path around each curve, with a white fill, I'm using a path with a wide stroke and no fill, reducing the commands.
gRegor[tantek], just tried to follow you on threads via BF. I think it worked based on https://fed.brid.gy/web/gregorlove.com, though not showing up in my following list there yet. Do I show up in your follower list?
gRegorAha. Noticed on tantek's BF following page the trailing slash on "https://www.threads.net/@tantek/". I added the trailing slash in my follow post and it worked!
[tantek]Now that BF can follow your Threads account, it's possible to build an OwnYourThreads relay that follows your Threads account then posts to your site via Micropub
[tantek]since AP is a push-based protocol, *something* has to trigger the push of posts from the outbox, and the only thing AFAIK is a new "activity" like "create", "update", "delete" from the publisher
[schmarty]i think this is one of those "yes the spec has it, but who actually uses it?" questions. i believe most AP implementations don't actually _poll_ an outbox. for example, to backfill posts the first time an instance gets a request to follow a user on another instance.
btremSorry to interrupt the AP talk. I finished h-feed. Needed a spreadsheet and lots of trial and error. As with h-card, there are very minor differences between my copy and the Indieweb one.
[tantek][KevinMarks] "People would be able to reply and like those posts using their Mastodon clients, but those replies and likes would not be visible within the Threads application." via Tom Coates's post (link in #indieweb-stream)
btremAlso fought with git for a bit. I somehow was on the wrong tip when I started my work, leading to what would have been a merge conflict. Had to go back to master the cherry pick my work.
btremTIL if I double click a post, my chat client -- Thunderbird/Linux -- puts the author of the post in my chat window with a colon, so I can respond with that person mentioned. Neat!
btremAlso can't figure out how to delete branches that are on origin, but no longer on upstream. All the `git fetch --prune`s in the world did not work. And as I type this, I realize why. --prune removes local refs to deleted branches. It does not remove branches on origin (my copy) that no longer exist on upstream (the one I forked).