#dev 2024-03-22
2024-03-22 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
rrix joined the channel
[tantek] if anyone here is using Redis, FYI: https://techcrunch.com/2024/03/21/redis-switches-licenses-acquires-speedb-to-go-beyond-its-core-in-memory-database/ — unlikely to effect non-profit personal sites I'm guessing, IANAL and all that

geoffo joined the channel
[tw2113] joined the channel
sknebel biggest annoyance with the redis change for personal uses is probably that it'll be thrown out of the distro repos everywhere (otoh its not like its under massive development, so someone will probably fork the last open-source version, do minimal maintenance on that and that will be what people use as a drop in)
[Scout], [qubyte], [Murray] and [lcs] joined the channel
[Murray] With http://Brid.gy, is it expected that replies to comments on a bridged post would not be sent? As in, I've recently noticed that Mastodon posts linking back to my site are sending direct replies, but if I or someone else responds to one of those comments on Mastodon, those replies-to-replies don't come through. The result is a partial conversation back on the article page

mahboubine joined the channel
mahboubine How can I show the post I am replying to with webmentions like this

mahboubine is aaron scraping twitter or is this something else?

mahboubine makes sense.

[contact898] joined the channel
mahboubine capjamesg: since I have you here, any advice on how to get better at low-level coding?

mahboubine I can code pretty well when I have a framework to work with, especially on the web

mahboubine usually everything I may want to do on a site (authentication, animations, etc..) is well documented

mahboubine but I don't think I'd be able to write a programming language like you're doing at the moment

mahboubine I picked programming language as just an example but you get the idea

capjamesg In the case of programming languages, I researched what pieces you need to make one. There are a couple of pieces you need: a lexer, which reads text in a file and turns it into a tree that you can parse, then a parser, which takes the tree and does something with it. From there, I started figuring out what parts of the problem had already been solved so that I can focus on a single one at a time. I use a lexer that's already been made

capjamesg For example, there is a cool data structure called a piece table, which is used to store changes to text in a text editor. I was like: this looks cool! So I looked and found a blog post that explained it, then I tried to write code that would replicate what was in the blog post: https://github.com/capjamesg/piece-table (my implementation), https://darrenburns.net/posts/piece-table/ (what I used as a reference).

mahboubine Got it, I think I usually try to dive in without splitting the project into pieces

capjamesg If you had said to me two years ago that I should write a programming language, I'd be scared and be like "I can't do that!" They seem intimidating! Just as data structures do, too! But there is usually something on the web that can help you go in a direction of understanding a concept. And if there isn't, you can break down your problem even more until you find something that is where you are. This might mean reading _about_ how somet

capjamesg I'm a very hands-on programmer, too. I like to see the output of something and tinker with it. So if I have a list of lists, I like to write code and look at the output at every stage where the lists would change, so I can see how everything works. This is much more intuitive (for me) than reading a blog post and trying to develop only from theory.

mahboubine It _is_, thank you!

mahboubine and I'll read the post if you do publish it

sandra, to2ds, Guest6 and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[Paul_Robert_Ll] @btrem [tantek] SVGs for the building block icons can be found in this repo: https://github.com/getindiekit/indieweb-icons Let me know where you are trying to use the icons and I’ll see if I can help out.
jeremycherfas capjamesg I'm with you on printing out things at every stasge. My Python is littered with print statements for that reason, and when I think I've finished I comment them out but leave them in place for the next time I want to tinker.

[pfefferle] joined the channel
jeremycherfas But if I can hijack this conversation, I'd like to learn more about how to build my own modules that I can call, instead of copy pasting bits from one program into another. Is there anywhere you would recommend to start understanding that?

[snarfed] jeremycherfas: https://packaging.python.org/
mahboubine if I use bridgy to POSSE from my site to mastodon, but not include the post link, will I still get webmentions for replies?

[snarfed] mahboubine only if you include a `u-syndication-of` link in the post on your site. https://indieweb.org/u-syndication
[snarfed] otherwise, the feature request to integrate Bridgy Publish automatically like you're thinking is https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1029
mahboubine I plan to publish my /notes h-feed through bridgy. these notes in their nature are short. so adding a link under each one makes it a bit clunky

mahboubine but I also still want webmentions

mahboubine also, how would I know what u-syndication link to put when publishing the article, because bridgy will create the post (link) afterwords

jeremycherfas Thanks snarfed -- but is that also applicable if my goal is not to distribute but to use myself only, locally?

jeremycherfas I'm using virtual environments, very handy. But I currently cut and paste defined functions, and I want to learn about defining my own classes and methods. At least, I think that's what I want to do. Packaging it up may come later.

to2ds joined the channel
jeremycherfas https://opensource.com/article/19/7/get-modular-python-functions is the kind of thing I am looking at

jeremycherfas Thanks.

jeremycherfas Found that after lots of highly-ranked but inaccessible crap in Medium

mahboubine that was quick 😅. will be reading this evening.

[manton] [snarfed] I tried to write up some thoughts from that session at FediForum about ActivityStreams types… Not sure it’s quite right, happy for feedback. https://www.manton.org/2024/03/22/fep-for-supported.html

[Tilley] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
jonnybarnes joined the channel
to2ds, [dominik] and ttybitnik joined the channel
geoffo, ttybitni`, [KevinMarks] and [jacky] joined the channel
mahboubine hey aaronpk I wanted to test out something with my webmentions so I deleted a webmention from my own site and re-sent it again

mahboubine now the api is saying the source URL is blocked, even though I didn't block the entire URL. I just deleted that single webmention'

mahboubine If the entire domain isn't blocked, than it's fine. the blocked post doesn't have many webmentions anyways

mahboubine I just think maybe we could highlight this somewhere on the page

mahboubine makes sense, thanks.

[Joao_Paulo_Pes] joined the channel
[Joao_Paulo_Pes] [capjamesg] wow, that's awesome! do you have more info on how you build/query this knowledge graph?
capjamesg The code is open source at https://github.com/capjamesg/knowledge-graph-language

geoffo joined the channel
jeremycherfas joined the channel