#dev 2024-04-01

2024-04-01 UTC
Matticus, barnaby, jeremycherfas, Guest6, ttybitnik, AramZS, jacky, geoffo, bret, [aciccarello], [tantek], [Murray] and btrem joined the channel
Any netlify users here? I'm moving a site there, to be updated via pushes to GitHub. First build was fast and painless...except the images are missing. Because I don't commit images to the repo. So I can do one of these: (a) commit the images to repo; (b) commit the images using LFS; or (c) create a second project in the netlify account and upload the images, then point a use dns to point a subdomain at it.
Any thoughts? How have you handed it, and how does it work for you?
...handled it....
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I use netlify
I currently commit images to my git repo
For another site I played around with git LFS but it didn't work with one of the build tools
[qubyte] joined the channel
Same and ditto.
Where do you _want_ to put your images?
But I’m considering changing that. LFS is one option, or hosting images outside of the repo. In the recent Brighton IndieWebCamp one attendee with an image heavy site revealed that they pay (iirc) 4c pcm for hosting on s3+cloudfront.
Also a Netlify user, though my images all sit on a different web host as part of my CMS, so not exactly a similar set of issues. For a few smaller sites that are effectively "done" I've run the build locally and uploaded just the output build file to Netlify (drag'n'drop style), including images, works very well
to2ds and geoffo joined the channel
Right now, the site is hosted on a shared host, but I'm leaving them. So the images are with the html files on a static site, linked e.g. src="/server/server-800.jpeg", etc.
I could do s3, but I'd rather keep it simple if I can. It's a site for my sister, and while I take care of it for her, if she ever takes it over, it'd be better if I could keep it to just two companies, Netlify and GitHub, rather than adding a third, Amazon, to the mix
geoffo joined the channel
What sort of numbers are we talking here for the images?
[snarfed] joined the channel
normal sized images (eg 1-5MB) are fine in git and GitHub repos, no LFS or S3 needed necessarily
The odds are good that it’s fine to commit them, especially if you’re optimising them for the web.
I have a bunch of those kinds of images in my web site repo, https://github.com/snarfed/snarfed.org , never had a problem
Yup, if it helps to compare, here’s my images directory. https://github.com/qubyte/qubyte-codes/tree/main/content/images
That’s about 70MB in total.
Only four images, but each one is available in 3 formats (jpeg, webp, and avif), and in several different sizes, 4, I think, but I'd have to check.
should be fine in git
I know some build plugins will transform an image into different formats for you so you could potentially only commit one version and generate the others.
geoffo joined the channel
Ok. Well, at minimum, I'm eliminating LFS. I will either commit to the repo normally, or do the subdomain thing on Netlify. Thanks everyone for chiming in. :)
lifeofpablo joined the channel
indieweb has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
[aciccarello]: This is a simple, 5-page static site. No site building tool like 11ty is involved.
I use 11ty for my personal site, and already use 11ty image.
Yup, if you look in my link above, almost every image is in jpeg, webp, and avif (with 2x variants too). You should be fine.
geoffo and to2ds joined the channel