#dev 2024-04-02

2024-04-02 UTC
@#!@# Help request: how do I deploy a site on Netlify that I uploaded. So /not/ via a GitHub repo?
Shouldn't it automatically be deployed?
You'd think. When I try to view it with the netlify.app subdomain, I get 404.
So maybe the problem is not the deploy but something else.
[Jan_Tuomi], saptaks, superkuh, [lcs] and [Scout] joined the channel
I'd check that it works locally e.g. launch the `index` file. Is that definitely in the root? How did you upload? Drag'n'drop the folder?
What is the best way to mark up poetry?
It looks like we don't have a page for "best way to mark up poetry" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "best way to mark up poetry is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I have been using p tags for each line.
And br tags for stanza breaks.
Interesting, I do iy the other way round. A stanza is more like a paragraph for me
lazcorp joined the channel
I'd use <p> for each stanza, and <br> to separate lines within each stanza
MDM also suggests <br> for line breaks and <p> for stanzas/verses: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/br
Why are they using <br /> instead of <br>? We have up on XHTML2 a long time ago
[KevinMarks] I'm guessing it's an old example that they haven't bothered updating to HTML5 (but the semantics are the same, at least)
superkuh, Guest6 and to2ds joined the channel
Adding "replace <br /> with <br>" to technical debt list 😄
ttybitnik joined the channel
Writing `<br />` might also be a symptom of JSX-brain, I find myself writing that sometimes after writing React or similar 😄
Did we really abandon the principle of closing tags? This is outrageous
also adds replace <br /> with <br> to tech debt list
One of the issues is that it's inconsistent. `<img />` is still closed. And yeah, JSX and other templating languages also adopted strict always-close rules. Always bugged me that HTML doesn't 😅
'closing' tags in HTML is a weird XMLism
I am annoyed by my HTML editor in VSCode turning `<p>` into `<p></p>` when I type it as that breaks formatting when I do it in the middle of a block of text I'm editing.
You can disable that in the settings; can't remember off the top of my heading what it's called, but something to do with auto-close
lots of HTML elements don't need closing as they auto-close within contexts - `<p> <li> <dt> <dd> <td>` for example
I like to think of that as the chaotic good of HTML 😄
mretka and lazcorp joined the channel
[Murray] - I can't find any spec saying the <img> element needs to be <img .... />
all the examples at https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-author-20110809/the-img-element.html do not use the closing slash at the end
Guess I've just been wrong about that for years 😅 Again, MDN always has closing slashes, but perhaps that isn't required after all
`<p>` and `<li>` without the closing tags are cursed and you cannot change my mind
And as a double-check, https://validator.w3.org/nu reports <img .... /> (img element with a closing slash) as an info line with advice not to use the trailing slash
Info: Trailing slash on void elements has no effect and interacts badly with unquoted attribute values.
From line 22, column 9; to line 25, column 55 >↩ <img↩ class="fit-picture"↩ src="/media/cc0-images/grapefruit-slice-332-332.jpg"↩ alt="Grapefruit slice atop a pile of other slices" />↩↩
`<p></p>` is cursed because it can exit the context for the `<p>` and break css formatting based on `p {}`
jacky joined the channel
Surely a closing tag _should_ always exit context?
to2ds joined the channel
<!doctype chtml> = cursed HTML
if you have something like `<main><h2></h2><p>text<p>more text</main>` then the first `<p>` is closed by the second one, and the second by `</main>` so you can style with `p {max-width: 70ch}` for example. If the second `<p>` becomes a `<p></p>` then it will fall back to `main`'s formatting.
AramZS joined the channel
I find it easier for my pea brain to reason about it when everything is closed explicitly
[campegg] joined the channel
Personally, I'm on team </p>, but if you're consistent with whatever you choose, the exit context thing shouldn't be an issue, right?
I always explicitly close my elements.
I don't know this to be true, but I suspect that the reason for self-closing tags is because html elements were originally created as dividers, not elements in the tree sense. So <p> was the equivalent of a pilcrow: a new paragraph begins here. <hr> worked the same way: a new section starts here (html5 makes that explicit).
And when the sgml folks got involved, they had to make it work in the tree sense. Easiest way was to enable shorttags, so <p> didn't need </p>; and declare <hr> to be void.
No way to verify. But it's plausible, and explains certain unfortunate "features" of html.
Huh, I did not know that. So was the intent to have something like `text text text<p>text text text` as the representation of two paragraphs?
I *don't* know that.
But I suspect that is the case.
Which would explain why orphaned text is allowed in html. But was not allowed in the failed *x*html.
xhtml being an attempt to fix the problems with html.
Fair assumption. And my response was poor phrasing on my part.
unruly freeform text
the villain of ontological databases _everywhere_
Well, this is a touchy subject. I actually think implicitly closing tags was a mistake, as it made learning html much more difficult than it needed to be. If you could search the old ciwa* usenet groups, you'd find many a post asking why a validator claimed a mismatched </p> tag when no such tag was in the source code.
And implicitly closing tags has delayed the introduction of useful features. I have direct experience of this.
And for all we know, it prevented features altogether.
I think you needed the tree view of things for CSS to work
Exactly so.
I end up writing my pages and blog in xhtml, and converting to html with a post-process step.
I think there's a conflation of the misguided notion of sgml purity with the practical need for an easily understood parsing model.
So as I said, this is a touchy subject here, to the point that it can become hostile environment, but I think there /were/ problems with html as it was originally created. The shorttags "feature" being one. And I sympathize with the desire to fix them, even if efforts to that effect were misguided at best and often much worse.
And looking above, I mistakenly said "...the reason for self-closing tags is because..." when I meant "the reason for implicitly closing elements is because...."
jeremycherfas joined the channel
[campegg]: didn't mean to jump down your throat. Just wanted to make it clear that I have no way of knowing why <p> was created as it was. Just a hypothesis. Because these things have a way of taking on a life on their own.
[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
I wonder if MDN is using Prettier to lint their examples, I think that enforces the closing slash
the modern HTML spec does define a consistent way of creating a tree from the implicitly closed tags.
btrem, all good! It was poor phrasing by me 🙂
[tantek] How do you think post preview retrieval relates to metaformats? I was starting to write up how I retrieve post previews for use in hovercards on my website as a draft spec and realised that maybe there is too much overlap with metaformats? I'm not sure.
Link previews are my main use case for metaformats
Yeah, it sounds like metaformats solve the problem.
[KevinMarks]: it does. And that's a solution to the implicit closing problem that is obviously far better than xhtml. Which, for the record, I thought was a failure from pretty much day one and never once used.
To put it another way: xhtml was a very wrong solution to some very real problems.
Guest6_ and lazcorp joined the channel
And all this because capjamesg asked about HTML markup for poetry :)
to2ds joined the channel
I'm afraid to ask about formatting poetry in Markdown now :D
to2ds Don't. I'm asking about HTML because markdown is terrible for publishing poetry.
Though today's conversation helped to figure out a Markdown thing that plagued me with <br /> <br> stuff.
Didn't know that two spaces after a line would auto pop-in a <br> for free!
Yup, one of the many warts of markdown
Personally, I like markdown as a plaintext format but there are lots of rough edges
_...ducks out of the markdown debate_
Markdown works for the majority of my use cases. Then I tried HTML tables 😱
I, too, like markdown, as it generally works for my site. But I'm a relative novice. I've only been using it for...hmm, when /did/ I launch my personal website?
2021. So three years.
Maybe Markdown requires that 10,000 hours of mastery? :D
I didn't know until very recently that two spaces at the end of a line made a <br> element. So maybe, yeah! :-D
My text editor of choice strips extra spaces at the end of a line, so there was no way to accidentally stumble on that "feature."
If markdown doesn’t work for you, make your own! https://qubyte.codes/blog/marqdown
[qubyte] What equation is in the math rendering?
I remember it from high school.
Heh, the solution to quadratic equations with two roots. A classic.
While I wasn’t looking, MathML got good. Still, usually too laborious to write by hand.
*MathML support in browsers
Thanks to Igalia!
to2ds joined the channel
btrem - 😩 Doesn't the text editor have a ✅ Don't second guess me. configuration somewhere?
[qubyte] - Just looked at one of the parser regex in Markdown package and got dizzy 😄
[snarfed]: https://snarfed.org/2024-04-02_52710 has a weird link on the image and looks very empty when federated to mastodon ;)
Yes, marked is best described as _venerable_. Those are historied regexes.
ok first the whole h1/title debate and now self-closing empty tags or not?!? Who is bringing up these longstanding perma-dev-drama topics?!?
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Beautiful photo though
New channel #indieweb-bikeshed /sarcasm
double close the tags to be extra safe <//joke>
Safety first
And here we thought poetry would be relaxing.
[tantek] joined the channel
Markdown-- is horrible for poetry due to Markdown's mistaken treatment of hard line breaks (with no space before) as "soft-breaks", I will say
Markdown has -4 karma in this channel over the last year (-3 in all channels)
@btrem (https://matrix.to/#/%40irc_libera_btrem%3Amtx.bacardi55.io) In case you don't know, you can use a \ at the end of the line in your markdown to add a <br> (like you, I remove all spaces at the end of the line, so that's the way it works for me)
like don't expect people to edit their poetry to put two spaces at the end of each line just to pacify Markdown's quirk
My 100 day project is haiku written in Markdown. Will now need 600 superfluous spaces now 😂
Something has gone weird with my DigitalOcean droplet… starting about 40 mins ago, Python started running at 100% CPU usage. A reboot and a hard shutdown/restart didn't help. Any ideas on how I can track down what's happening? I haven't touched anything on it for over a week now, so it's not new code or anything like that.
(And sorry, I know this is more system admin and isn't directly IndieWeb-dev-related!)
[campegg] we've had some discussions about creating a separate channels, perhaps an "indieweb-server" channel would be a good place to encourage these kinds of discussions. WDYT?
would a -dev vs -server distinction make sense
or would it be better to have indieweb-frontend vs indieweb-dev ?
[campegg] did the droplet have an automatic update or something?
[tantek] yeah, I think it might… I like -server better than -frontend/-backend; the former is more sysadmin, while the latter two both roll up into building sites
(👆 re: -dev vs -server distinction)
Can you see what python script is running ? (eg with a ps faux | grep python)
[aciccarello] not sure… will check
[campegg] cool, good to know, I'll add the options on the brainstorming section and invite further votes / opinions
Does -server imply -sysadmin?
That's a good question to2ds
Thanks for the tip bacardi55[m]! It looks like a cron job gone awry that's doing to the damage
*doing the damage
bacardi55[m] has 1 karma over the last year
Now I just have to try and work out why it's gone rogue after running perfectly for months
bacardi55[m] has 2 karma over the last year
to2ds joined the channel
It's been a while, but I remember similar issues when jobs running under cron stepped on previous jobs that were not finished within the cron interval.
barnaby joined the channel
to2ds it looks like a cron job (that runs a Python script) that just isn't finishing, then the next one spawns a new python process and so on. I don't know why it just started happening, though… there hasn't been any change to the script. Will need to spend a bit more time investigating after work
Sounds familiar. Not that it applies to your situation, but we had solved some of those cron spawned reentrant types of issues with fnctl/flock, etc.
[schmarty] joined the channel
lockfiles has 1 karma over the last year
While markdown is far from perfect, I think we’re being a little unfair to it here. Its original intent was for prose, not poetry. Anyway, HTML is a poor fit by default too. When it comes to poetry, nothing is off the table, right? Playing with alignment and spacing is common, and HTML doesn’t have a built in vocabulary. That stuff needs styles to be applied to achieve. markdown++
My problem with markdown is that it is deceptively useful for poetry.
That's unfair.
It may be the markdown-to-HTML conversion that is messing something up.
Maybe we need a markup language for poetry 😂
tbh poetry would be the most anarchistic format (have you seen Warshan Shire's work? Rupi Kaur's?)
poemdown? marketry?
PFM? (poetry-flavored markdown)
po'down (thought that might get mixed up with a sandwich)
😆 +1 for po'down
If we ever make it back to New Orleans, I'm ordering one of those :D
(which I love)
to2ds New Orleans is amazing.
I’m reminded of LilyPond. https://lilypond.org
coem could be embedded in markdown hehehe
capjamesg - Indeed! 😊
So… tabs or spaces? _ducks_
throws a tab
gets hit with the <TAB> and watches 8 spaces fall to the ground
Oh wow. Coem is fascinating.
Ok with either as long as using VI/VIM _ducks_
Name for the markdown language: poemdown. It sounds like a poetry throwdown. 😄
[qubyte] It is! I wrote a coem at the weekend.
[preview] Writing a poem in coem
(I just noticed [campegg] suggested poemdown already :D)
I don’t grok it just yet though…
[qubyte] It took me an hour to get into it.
It got me thinking differently about how I write poetry, which was nice.
I think loqi just doesn’t like me much. No honouring my ++. No previews. :(
[benatwork] joined the channel
[qubyte] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
I’m popular now.
Not coem, but encapsulated marriage in a few lines of Python.
[qubyte] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
[preview] [Todd Presta] Summarizing marriage in a few lines of Python code. try: print("What do you want for dinner?") raise Exception("This will lead nowhere.") except: print("I don't know. What do you want?") finally: # Three Hours later... print("How was your c...
to2ds I rarely see the `finally` block in use 😄
By the way, if you are ever stuck for a meal idea, eat waffles.
You can't go wrong with waffles.
waffles has 1 karma over the last year
😄 The SO loves waffles!
We have a waffle iron. It gets used fairly often. Need to get good maple syrup when I visit Toronto this June.
Optionally served with eggs and a hash brown.
If you use mysql from node you really want a finally
At least until explicit resource management makes it into V8. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-explicit-resource-management
[preview] [tc39] proposal-explicit-resource-management: ECMAScript Explicit Resource Management
anyone have a (reference to a) corpus of plain text poetry/poems online? would be great for my Markdown-evisceration presentation-in-progress as well as "training" (or testing) my Markdown replacement
I managed to track down what was going on with my server; the cron job I use to process incoming and outgoing webmentions was hanging because of a malformed outgoing webmention. Thanks again for the pointers that got me looking in the right place, bacardi55[m]++
The opposite being the palmention?
Great that you found the issue!
This is starting to push against my long-held—and very strong, almost visceral—dislike of portmanteaux 😉
Thank you for using the correct plural.
Also, my favourite word and compulsion.
[qubyte] if I'm going to hate on something, I'm going to do it right, lol
[campegg] You mean... a portmant-no?
Please, no. (Also, I think we're getting into #indieweb-chat territory here)
To chat we venture!
to2ds: I can configure VS Code to not strip spaces at EOL. But I find that config useful. So I never accidentally left two spaces at the end of a line, and never discovered the markdown "feature."
bacardi55[m]: I've never needed to put a <br> in my markup. And if I did, I have my setup configured to allow html, so if I had, I would have just inserted the <br> tag.
Back to my netlify question, if that's ok: if I drag-and-drop a folder with only images into a new netlify site, will the site show the images a la apache? As folders with images in them? If not, that would explain the 404 I get when I try to view the site.
to2ds joined the channel
btrem: That makes sense. My editor is a just a textarea with a little JS to resize it based on the content. Though editing on iPad it adds a period if I press two spaces so need to add one space and the revisit the line and add another 😑
That's a bit tedious. :-(
Either that or explicitly add <br />, er uh <br> now :D
Is this your own editor? Make a "poetry" option that turns off the two spaces are a period.
Guest6233 joined the channel
Yes. The belief was that a plain ol' HTML textarea would be amenable to Markdown without hiccups in most cases.
It's not a big issue though, and it's more streamlined than having to chisel cuneiform into a stone just to make a micro blog post 😄
HTML textarea predates Markdown. Its Markdown that's not amenable to HTML textareas, not vice versa
ttybitnik joined the channel
"npm install cally" < nope nope nope
if it was actually "small", you could copy/paste it from a single file. "install" != "small"
apparent conversation enders for me (where I walk away or end up never following up): "just npm install ...", "grab some time on my calendly"
to2ds joined the channel
[tantek]++ for copypasta deployment :D
[tantek] has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (104 in all channels)
I fall in love with a solution and then I have to NPM? 😩
tinbox << side project idea: go through "popular" "simple" npm packages and write-up one-file code solution alternatives that work by copypasta instead without all the ceremony/overhead/vulns of yet-another-npm dependency
ok, I added "side project idea: go through "popular" "simple" npm packages and write-up one-file code solution alternatives that work by copypasta instead without all the ceremony/overhead/vulns of yet-another-npm dependency" to the "See Also" section of /User:Tantek.com/tinbox https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=94481&oldid=93467
it'll have to wait until I replace Markdown
first things first
[Murray] joined the channel