#dev 2024-04-03

2024-04-03 UTC
[tw2113], geoffo, lockywolf, eb, jacky and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
resists the temptation to ‘splain cuneiform.
[Jan_Tuomi], barnaby and [qubyte] joined the channel
To be fair, Cally looks _very_ thoughtfully designed, and if you want a one line install, it’s this: `<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/cally"></script>`
An accessibility statement too! https://wicky.nillia.ms/cally/accessibility/
The web would do well to have more projects designed like this.
Yeah. I shared this _because_ it was so thoughtfully designed.
(Been looking at rich text editors, and finding one that isn’t huge, complicated or dependent on React is making me sad. Thankfully, found an older project that works better than some of the newer ones!)
[Paul_Robert_Ll] What editor are you using?
Perhaps separately given its complexity, but https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/ looks amazing in terms of feature richness.
Landed on https://github.com/Ionaru/easy-markdown-editor which is best if a bad bunch, but open to other suggestions!
Got to do some more testing and fit and finish, but hopefully this editor will make Indiekit a much more useful authoring experience than it is currently :crossed_fingers: https://github.com/getindiekit/indiekit/pull/728
(This turned out to be my Easter project 😅)
I use Monaco at work for an internal gist-like tool. It’s a great big lump, but does the job nicely.
What I love about that tool is that it’s a super basic rails server, and the frontend is just a few vanilla event handlers. No framework nonsense needed.
how does Monaco (or any of these) work on mobile?
to2ds joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] - Yeah, not sure why cuneiform came to mind :D
My guess is that Monaco isn’t a good fit for mobile (it’s intended for desktop editing), but I haven’t tried so I can’t say for sure.
A mobile friendly rich editor would be cool.
I *think* I finally understand [jeremycherfas]'s 'splain joke. to2ds you wrote "chisel cuneiform into a stone", while cuneiform is traditionally written into clay tablets (not stone) using a sharpened stick to make impressions in the clay, not chiseled.
I use Obsidian (note taking app with good md editing UX) for writing my content. Works on both desktop and mobile but I wouldn’t describe it as very lightweight. I think it’s JS under the hood
Yeah. Monaco is for desktop editing.
The repository says: "Is the editor supported in mobile browsers or mobile web app frameworks? No"
Guest6 joined the channel
tantek has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (105 in all channels)
[tantek] - Yeah realized it too late.
Guess the only time you'd use a chisel on cuneiform is for redaction?
Yeah, if you've left it too long and the tablet has dried out.
Interesting that cuneiform bears a slight resemblance to regular expressions 😄
[Scout] joined the channel
This pleases my astronomy & time nerdiness: https://www.reuters.com/science/white-house-directs-nasa-create-time-standard-moon-2024-04-02/ — speaking of "location", anyone ready to have their blogging software used by astronauts on the moon?
↩️ Relativistic effects sufficient to be measurable with Performance.now()
> for a person on the moon, an Earth-based clock would appear to lose on average 58.7 microseconds per Earth-day and come with other periodic variations that would further drift moon time from Earth time
LTC will make time math A LOT more challenging
ttybitnik, [lcs], saptaks and AramZS joined the channel
saptaks and firepoet joined the channel
!xkcd DateTime
[KevinMarks] and geoffo joined the channel
uff. GitHub just announced that they'll be phasing out the old (pre-August-2022) "pagesworker" architecture which builds GitHub Pages that cannot, for whatever reason, be built with GitHub Actions (Actions became the default in August 2022). the announcement came via email and i can't find a blog post permalink to add it to the wiki 😒
GitHub Pages << 2024-04-03 Announced by email "we will be phasing out our legacy pagesworker architecture by the end of June 2024."
ok, I added "2024-04-03 Announced by email "we will be phasing out our legacy pagesworker architecture by the end of June 2024."" to the "See Also" section of /GitHub_Pages https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=94493&oldid=80546
GitHub Pages << ^^ "If your Pages site is being built by the legacy infrastructure, a warning message will be displayed in your Pages settings starting today. Note that the vast majority of pages sites have already been leveraging Actions. We only fall back to the legacy build infrastructure if Actions is unavailable in your repository."
ok, I added "^^ "If your Pages site is being built by the legacy infrastructure, a warning message will be displayed in your Pages settings starting today. Note that the vast majority of pages sites have already been leveraging Actions. We only fall back to the legacy build infrastructure if Actions is unavailable in your repository."" to the "See Also" section of /GitHub_Pages https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=94494&oldid=94493
[campegg] joined the channel
Does that make it harder to build Github Pages, like needing to understand Github Actions?
gRegor: i think not? like they made GH Actions the default in Aug 2022 and seemed to indicate there were only rare cases where they couldn't switch over automatically.
That's good, needing to understand GH Actions could be quite a barrier. I only barely understand them, haha
[schmarty], fyi, hoping to wrap up some IBC updates next week including the persistent "new" params
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
gRegor++ hooray! i ran into that issue just the other day. looking forward to it! indiebookclub++
indiebookclub has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
gRegor has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (116 in all channels)
geoffo, ttybitnik, [tantek] and sebbu2 joined the channel
[Ros] you might find the MDN Curriculum helpful! https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/curriculum/
[tantek] I'm starting to think about an indieweb event popup that would be a CSS clinics. Like office hours / study group / co-op. I suspect there'd be some interest.
[Joe_Crawford] make it a HTML+CSS clinic and I think you have something. CSS in the abstract is not as helpful IMO
A CSS emphasis, perhaps
The key here is to emphasize CSS on top of valid semantic HTML, rather than treating HTML as div-soup like so many frameworks do
That sounds the linkage to indieweb concerns. Thanks for that
bret joined the channel
That coupling (semantic HTML and CSS) makes for such nice, mostly class-free selections. I don’t do CSS much, but it makes me so happy when I get to noodle on my own site for this reason.
[KevinMarks] I'm behind on my blog and mastodon reading but XV certainly underscores fragile aspects of open source in a fresh new way. An oversight org sure seems like something. A standard for governance and security.
barnabywalters, nucleargopher, [aciccarello], ttybitnik, [schmarty], geoffo, wagle and [Ros] joined the channel
↩️ Thank you Tantek!!! This looks *amazing* for what I was asking for.
bterry joined the channel