#dev 2024-04-04

2024-04-04 UTC
[snarfed], what happens if someone tries to send a Mastodon DM to a BF account? Or maybe [tantek] has some experience with this.
I don't think it's supported
Does the sender get an error or is it like, poof and they think it's sent?
No idea!
I could be missing so many slide-into-DMs moments! /s 🤣
I just sent myself a private message from a mastodon account. We'll see what bridgy does
I don't see anything in my bridgy fed notifications so I assume they are silently ignored
Interesting. That was my suspicion. Probably ok, I don't know what else might happen
"Same with DMs and private/followers-only posts; it ignores those."
Ah, thanks
AramZS, [tw2113] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Okay. My website moved to its new home. Time to wait for DNS to update around the net
GWG has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (45 in all channels)
I have been postponing this migration for years
GWG++ migration hugops++
hugops has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
GWG has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (46 in all channels)
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Where are you hosting now GWG ?
I've been thinking about how to format my /now page. Currently it's just a static pile of text, with a "currently" and "recently" section. I can see that the "recently" section grows larger over time and at some point I would have to drop the oldest stuff. I would like to keep an archive of old nows though.
This site has a nice solution to the problem: https://derekkedziora.com/blog/dynamic-now-page. TL;DR special notes with a "now" category tag would cause a publishing routine to trigger that replaces the now page with the new one. Old now pages live on and can be linked to from the newer now page.
However, this approach requires that, during rendering of a page, there is a database of other posts that can be queried to construct a link to the previous now page dynamically. Trivial to do with a proper SSG with a proper database of course. However my current pandoc-based publishing setup renders one page at a time without any knowledge of other posts. All links are static.
is very limited.
I was thinking that maybe I could improve my setup so that it does compilation in multiple passes. First pass would collect paths and markdown frontmatter from each page into an in-memory structure, and the second pass would then render each page like it does now, although now with an in-mem database that can be queried. Does this sound sane? I would also probably have to implement a better templating engine since the builtin pandoc one
Any thoughts? How do you handle your /now page?
bterry and [Jan_Tuomi] joined the channel
will be sending webmentions for my whole archive of blog posts.
happy 404 day!
pour one out for sites & permalinks lost this past year
[contact898] and to2ds joined the channel
Happy 404 Day!
[jeremycherfas]: Same place. I use a VPS. Needed to rebuild... distribution was old
I thought it was 404 day but I can't find my calendar.
[qubyte] and to2ds joined the channel
[Jan_Tuomi] - Tried both a static page and aggregated micro posts for the "now" page. My biggest issue was determining what to include because it became too granular and tedious to maintain with either approach.
Yeah, I can see that. I like the concept of a /now page and I'd like to find an approach that works for me. Granularity isn't (yet) a problem for me
bterry1 and [Murray] joined the channel
oh hey, one of those rare dates that work for US and UK 😄
Guest6 joined the channel
!tell GWG I'm hoping I can avoid having to rebuild from scratch. I use Dreamhost and they are pretty good about that sort of thing.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Scout] joined the channel
jeremycherfas: My VPS, codenamed Wisdom1, has been online for as long as I've been part of the community. Also running CentOS, which switched to a rolling release. I need a long term stable release distribution. So...if you can access my website now, the migration is already over. I have 15 more websites to move this month before I shut down Wisdom1 for good
GWG: jeremycherfas left you a message 2 minutes ago: I'm hoping I can avoid having to rebuild from scratch. I use Dreamhost and they are pretty good about that sort of thing.
I see the site!
[lcs] joined the channel
jeremycherfas: I should change something so you can tell if you are hitting Wisdom1 or 2
I figured I'd go by the Access logs on 1
I also redirected my two short domains
An AP server written in C that runs in the file system (no db) https://codeberg.org/grunfink/snac2
[asuh] and to2ds joined the channel
[KevinMarks] - The "Features" section is hilarious! 😄
ttybitnik, Guest6, [Paul_Robert_Ll], Guest6_ and to2ds joined the channel
Definitely a quicker install than Mastodon. Cloned the repo, installed the dependencies, ran make and then install in just a few minutes.
jonnybarnes, [KevinMarks], geoffo and jjuran joined the channel
Speaking of self closing tags...
ttybitnik joined the channel
"We do not know of any solution that could guarantee (e.g., through cryptography) that a given piece of content was or was not generated (partially or entirely) by AI systems. That gap unfortunately leaves a systemic risk in terms of misinformation and spam that should be of grave concern for the health of the Web as a content distribution platform and of society as a whole." 😦
Shades of grey, right? I already know folk who involve ChatGPT or copilot habitually. Drip drip dripping into everything they touch.
The question is at what point should it be considered malign, I suppose.
I think the premise of verifying if any piece of content is or is not AI generated is like asking if a piece of content is or is not written by a 13-year-old; the ways to verify are trust, credentials, and identify verification.
I like the work the BBC/Adobe, et. al. are doing with Content Credentials: https://www.bbc.com/mediacentre/2024/content-credentials-bbc-verify
But, seeing it written like this -- that AI content is of "grave concern for the health of the Web" -- is eye-opening.
That's the link for which I was looking ^
Thanks, [KevinMarks]++!
[KevinMarks] has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (38 in all channels)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I agree, checking if something is written by AI feels like it's missing the point. Whether it's correct seems more important (but also hard).
Provenance matters, which C2PA gets at. But actual creation is hard. You can't know for certain that an AI tool was not used to write content.
right. C2PA is good, if complicated, but it only lets you prove positive provenance, chain of custody etc, not negative
(can't prove a negative in general, etc)