#dev 2024-04-10

2024-04-10 UTC
[Al_Abut], geoffo, scottishstoater, kleb, kleb6, [lcs], chee, [Scout], ttybitnik, jeremycherfas, AramZS, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and [snarfed] joined the channel
"centralized" isn't really well defined wrt SSL certs, right?
the CA ecosystem is hierarchical, somewhat decentralized, somewhat centralized
but right now you have to use it to get a cert that's broadly accepted by users, browsers, etc
you can generate a self-signed cert, or even your own CA, but browsers will complain loudly before letting you accept those certs
[snarfed] I interpreted centralized as buying one.
kleb61 joined the channel
oh. paid vs free is very different from centralized vs decentralized
as blockchain people would attest 😁
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
In order to invent trust one must first invent the universe?
[davidmead], gRegorLove_ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[snarfed]: If I ever have my own CA, I would post my cert somewhere for folks to download, then againm I'm a nobody, though I do tend to trust people's own repositories, certificates, and other things more so than I do those from large organizations. For instance, Chocolatey, the package manager on Windows OS, they always drive people towards their maintained repository, and discourage package maintainers from hosting their own,
[aciccarello], scottishstoater, ttybitnik, geoffo, AramZS and gRegorLove_ joined the channel