#dev 2024-04-15

2024-04-15 UTC
claudinec_away, barnaby and squish joined the channel
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] Last week I participated @W3.org (@w3c@w3c.social) #W3CAC (W3C Advisory Committee¹), #W3CAB (W3C Advisory Board²), and #W3CBoard³ meetings in Hiroshima, Japan. The W3C Process⁴ describes the twice a year AC (Advisory Committee) Meetings⁵. In ...
aaronpk how do you handle location stuff in images? i wanna grab the latitude/longitude from images uploaded to my site and then either reduce the precision of it or remove it entirely in the image file that's served to others, but haven't really found any libraries to do this :(
[tantek] has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (101 in all channels)
A good read!
thanks capjamesg, longer and took longer to write than I expected! And I really did intend it to "only" be an intro post 😂
updated with some edits
ok I think it is good enough to federate
[Joe_Crawford] you mentioned at the last HWC that it’s hard to get a pure chronological feed out of Threads because it’s semi-hidden in the app. Here’s a neat hack you can do now that they’re embracing federation - follow your Threads accounts from Mastodon to get a straight feed. And as a bonus then you can also organize into lists.
I also came a strategy to syndicating across them - post on Threads first and then “boost” (i.e. retweet) from your Mastodon account.
Some pros and cons in this convo:
“It was nice to able to decide what kind of content I wanted to consume rather than getting an algorithm's scrambled egg of the day that doesn't consider what mood I'm in.”
That's an odd form of PESOS (using reposts) but I guess it works.
Definitely feels transitional and experimental.
[Jo], [qubyte], jjuran, geoffo, [campegg] and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[Al_Abut] potentially usable. Thanks!
to2ds, [Ros], [contact898], [snarfed], geoffo and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
@tyil (switching over from indieweb as we get more technical) I just had a “whoa” experience with your homebrewed search engine. I tried a term that came up completely blank on duckduckgo (“the cops, the cars, and the concrete” is a reference to the early mountain biking scene) and all kinds of interesting historical stuff came up on searxng. Well done!!!
[aciccarello] joined the channel
has anyone written injection detectors for their HTML etc.? would be interesting to see how effective those can be
gRegor joined the channel
You should be able to do that with a CSP right?
on a separate topic, [Ros], how has your experience gone with looking for "recommendation for YouTube episodes/series/creators who discuss the history of HTML, CSS, and Javascript" ? (and this really underscores to me a solid use-case for a new #indieweb-frontend channel where we can have deeper discussions of these topics)
Hard thing is differentiating browser extensions
I agree
[Joe_Crawford] would this be on topic for your Front End office hours? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/curriculum/
to2ds joined the channel
I'm presuming talking about mdn in general and that in particular will come up
[tantek]: I devoured “The History of the Internet” by Jay and audio by Jeremy in 2 days. It is so so so good. Exactly what I had hoped existed somewhere, and there his whole site is, online, and then I realise he’s right here in this amazing group I’m so lucky to have found. (and your name being in there too made me fangirl on the street as I told you).
reflects our cultural values and economic frameworks.
I wanted to tell you guys it’s been interesting in my shoes as a person who’s used the web for so many years, but essentially blindfolded as I never understood programming. I think programmers might forget how utterly clueness most of us are about what we are signing away with the closed in networks, and tracking (we don’t even realise is there). The more I see and learn, the more woozy I come away feeling. I realise how much the use of t
Next I want to find more talks about the history of those specific languages so I’m going to use those MDN Curriculum pages and look for more talks just by looking up key names in the chapters of Jay’s book.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7OePFqn7Hs&list=PLgaHsrPMLcFBD8kHNmgeBstA3zOxY_x-j&index=10 by Jeremy at FWTC21 was fascinating, and heartbreaking, and inspiring.
I realise how ~much the use of~ _the way we use_ the web _will_ reflect our cultural values and economic frameworks.
yes, very much so
Sometimes the web feels like a Rube Goldberg Machine, when all you probably need is a little HTML and CSS to get the job done :)
bret joined the channel
Totally @to2ds! I have a little afternoon project carved out for me now, sparked by these discussions. Some kind of super short starter html with the absolute least css it needs to be readable for end viewers while still being understandable for new web page creators.
to2ds joined the channel
[Al_Abut] - That sounds like a cool project!
Would love to have optimal CSS, but it inadvertently morphs into chaos :D
Looking forward to the [Joe_Crawford] front end study hall.
`<p> Hello world! </p>` :)
Too short? haha
gRegor - No, it's perfect.
step 1, open notepad.exe
My life was simpler without sticky footer.
`position: sticky` was a mini revolution for my site.
Wait, what? There's a `position:sticky`? 😩
So much nicer than the previous hacks
BRB. Changing template :D
Try `position: sticky; top: 100vh;` on your footer.
Does that negate all the other hacks?
I’ve not had to use any hacks on top of that. I also use it for my nav bar (which does scroll a bit before it sticks).
position sticky is pretty darn nice. and solid broad support, too. https://caniuse.com/css-sticky
to2ds I am looking forward to Front End Study as well. Been mulling it for a few months, finally put one on a calendar today. I have a vague feeling I have energy enough for monthly if it's useful. But if it goes well nothing preventing anyone from getting more going too.
[Joe_Crawford] - IMHO, any clinic, etc. that helps to demystify CSS/HTML is immensely useful!
[benatwork], to2ds and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] I went to the wiki’s page on html and found this beautiful story along the same “multiverse of web browsers” angle you talked about over coffee:
↩️ I met Terence here in Brighton at my first Indie Web Camp - he’s so nice!
[preview] [Terence Eden’s Blog] The unreasonable effectiveness of simple HTML https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2021/01/the-unreasonable-effectiveness-of-simple-html/ I've told this story at conferences - but due to the general situation I thought I'd retell it here. A few years ago I was...
↩️ I’ve used the http://gov.uk site expenstively as an expat making a like in the UK. It’s so clean. Heavy stuff to deal with but i’ve always found the side clear, leigble, and easy to navigate. Even calming.
All of that. [Al_Abut], a fine essay and observation.
ttybitnik joined the channel