#dev 2024-04-16

2024-04-16 UTC
Renfield and [tantek] joined the channel
[Ros] agreed, Terence is great! So glad you got to meet him at IWC Brighton. That was quite the amazing crowd. Was fun to briefly participate remotely
barnaby and geoffo joined the channel
I'm thinking about putting my pgp key on my website. Has anyone here done something similar? I've only sent or recieved something encrypted because I was testing it.
I know I've seen people do that
What is pgp?
OpenPGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a message exchange format that uses public key cryptography to enable people to exchange encrypted and/or signed data; on the IndieWeb, you can use PGP to setup your IndieAuth without depending on any silos https://indieweb.org/pgp
No examples on that page? Strange.
hmm, pretty sure I've seen at least one example of a public key in an h-card
aciccarello, looks like one of our older pages. there are examples on that pages, just not a proper "IndieWeb Examples" section. could use help with that. 🙂
what are IndieWeb Examples
IndieWeb Examples is a common section of many IndieWeb wiki pages that lists IndieWeb community members (and sometimes others) who have implemented a particular feature or technology, or who actively use it, on their personal site https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb_Examples
Which is linked to on that page. But I agree that could use some cleanup.
https://jacky.wtf/contact Has his fingerprint listed on his contact page
aciccarello, there are a bunch on https://microformats.org/wiki/key-examples but I don't how many are still working
Wow, there are a lot there
Whoa, turns out that my key had expired on the public server that I was using
I went with the example of pointing to pgp.mit.edu to look for the key. I feel that might be the better option since I'd be placing the key there.
trwnh, [Scout], [Jo], [marksuth], ttybitnik, ttybitni`, geoffo and gRegor joined the channel
hey, for DDG fans, what would it take to request !iw as another alias/prefix for search indieweb wiki?
DDG was already my default search engine, and having learned how well the !indieweb shortcut works, I'm typing in a new tab all the time now to navigate to a specific indieweb page (shorter than typing http://indieweb.org/ )
(even without the http(s);//)
wth is instantwatcher
[contact898] joined the channel
and I've just discovered !w for Wikipedia and my enwp/.org/ typing habit is forever changed
gosh darnit DDG is turning me back into a CLI person
[schmarty] joined the channel
✨ ⌨ ✨
to2ds joined the channel
CLI Woohoo! 🎉🎉🎉
box464 joined the channel
[tantek], do you use search shortcuts in Firefox? I thought that achieved similar with a keyword you can set for each search
like all CLI commands, their discoverability/memorability are near zero until someone else talks about them multiple times, and then you end up using them multiple times a day
I use the search shortcuts in the browser. I think they're from .. IE4? I can't remember, but they've been around a long time
ttybitnik joined the channel
ok now that made me look up my browser search shortcuts and I see that I have already assigned "i " to IndieWeb 😂
added "w " for Wikipedia too
literally my two most typed URLs