#dev 2024-04-17

2024-04-17 UTC
[tantek], geoffo, oodani, [snarfed], gRegorLove_, [aciccarello], [jeremycherfas], [Joe_Crawford], [Ros] and ttybitnik joined the channel
FYI I'm in the "socialcg-issue-triage" that Evanpro is running (he does this weekly or biweekly perhaps) mostly for AP issues
open to all SocialCG members FYI
figured it was overlapping enough with #indieweb-dev folks here to share!
jonnybarnes joined the channel
really good discussion on /unlisted right now in reference to https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/399
sebbu2 joined the channel
I came up with the use-case of wanting to publish publicly, NOT broadcast to followers, however DO publish to tag aggregations so someone looking up a hashtag in your post will find your post there. Example: you want to post something on an obscure topic to participate in that topic but do not want to spam your followers with it.
I should just share the notes link (for the session) https://hackmd.io/A7ehe-MZRHuZ1lAF3ljDPQ?both
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
I’m probably not the target audience but I’m trying to wrap my head around the use case. Is it analogous to updating a wiki or pkm with evergreen vs writing something more timely meant for an immediate audience?
[Al_Abut] no, editing an evergreen page is an edit, not its own standalone post/page
(there may be a version control style "diff" view, but that's different)
unlisted is more for things you want to put on your web site, but don't want to put in feeds that followers etc automatically see
replies, likes, bookmarks etc may be examples, for some people
[Jan_Tuomi], rjomara58, btrem, jonnybarnes and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ Now I _know_ I’m learning when even I know what the acronym stands for
[qubyte], geoffo, ttybitni`, gRegor and ttybitnik joined the channel
Ah, thanks for explaining [snarfed].