#dev 2024-05-06

2024-05-06 UTC
[jacky] joined the channel
eitilt, amyiscoolz and geoffo joined the channel
Finally I can do native development! /s
geoffo, [Philippe_Mougi] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[tantek] What do you think about | as syntax to start a blockquote? Notion supports this and it feels quite good given blockquotes render with a bar at the start in their app.
Instead of > as used by most email applications?
I'm not advocating a replacement. It's more inspiration!
I use > for a blockquote in all apps other than Notion.
Notion uses > to begin a nested list.
lazcorp joined the channel
YAML uses | for blocks of text too
[tantek] collects inspiration for markup.
I love blockquotes. We should give the person who invented it an award
gerben joined the channel
I both don't like "|" for block quotes and feel it is unnecessary in most cases.
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
`HTML+` (1993) recommends `<QUOTE>` for quotes, but in a footnote says
> _The equivalent BLOCKQUOTE element is provided for backwards compatibility with HTML. Perhaps we should extend QUOTE to allow quote by name, whereby, the quoted material is defined by a hypertext link to the original material, and automatically retrieved and inserted into the current document?_
In practice, the existing CMoS styling recommended for block quotes is plenty distinct enough to recognize as turn into auto-markup
[tantek], eitilt, gerben, [benatwork], gruetzhaxe, [Joschi_Kuphal] and gRegor joined the channel
!tell [snarfed] what do I need to do so the new bridge shows up as "followable" in the Friends wordpress plugin so I can use it with my blog
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
(it might be something I need to ask in \#indieweb-wordpress about though)
gruetzhaxe and [snarfed] joined the channel
starrwulfe probably a good idea, I don't know much about the Friends plugin
Its worth a tinker or three. It's basically forms the "following and discovering" portion of an ActivityPub setup. I should be able to type in the @-@ of the bridge to register but I get nada
[snarfed] are you still reading the dms on your indieweb.social account or should I ask my question here
I look at those DMs maybe once a day
happy to talk here too
ah so I was saying " My replies seems to get bridged but not my posts (Bluesky bridgyfed) I wonder if it's because of some weird Sharkey (fediverse software I'm on) bug or just the bridge catching up and prioritizing replies first.BTW good luck on the bridge, it's in alpha but it already seems to be working quite well! :D"
thanks! and sorry! yeah there are lots of bugs and inconsistencies right now, I'm fixing them as fast as I can, modulo the rest of life 😁
I know, good luck though! It's already pretty cool
even with the limitations of bsky (or is it atproto?) of limited characters
[aciccarello] joined the channel