#dev 2024-05-07

2024-05-07 UTC
jeremycherfas, [chrisaldrich], geoffo and gruetzhaxe joined the channel
are there any webmention/comment systems that work with static sites, and also don't require JS? e.g. they'd splice the comments into the static html, or use iframes
That's a good question. I know some people with static site generators have fetched mentions at build time.
I'm not aware of anyone using the iframe approach
I started making a tool for this, not sure how far I'll get with it
If you are looking for some inspiration, here's how a few people did it on Eleventy powered sites:
[preview] [Sia Karamalegos] An In-Depth Tutorial of Webmentions + Eleventy
I think we have a whole page on this and various approaches on the wiki
I believe [KevinMarks] may be using iframe methods on his home page or part of this site as well
I did see a few people using the build-time approach, but I think this is slightly different since it's not specific to any one static site generator
in principle it'd work even if you were authoring pages by hand in a text editor
Tiffany I think to make that work purely in HTML, we need HTML includes/imports, which have not been standardized yet (much less implemented). There are some folks working on them though
[Ekinsu], gruetzhaxe and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I don't use iframes, it's js dom manipulation.
[Murray], barnaby, gruetzhaxe, [pfefferle] and win0err joined the channel
"In addition to our investments in C2PA, OpenAI is also developing new provenance methods to enhance the integrity of digital content. This includes implementing tamper-resistant watermarking – marking digital content like audio with an invisible signal that aims to be hard to remove – as well as detection classifiers – tools that use artificial intelligence to assess the likelihood that content originated from generative models.
Guest6_ joined the channel
it's a both sides gen AI arms race, generation & detection. no winner from that except the companies supplying the gen AI to both sides of the battle
C2PA could be indie friendly as it relies on you owning a domain with a cert
gruetzhaxe joined the channel
Guest6 and gruetzhaxe joined the channel
“In the flagship theme code above we’ve already witnessed CSS-in-JSON-in-HTML-comments-in-a-PHP-file” https://dbushell.com/2024/05/07/modern-wordpress-themes-yikes/
gruetzhaxe, gruetzhaxe_, [Joe_Crawford], jacky, [tantek], gRegor and [schmarty] joined the channel
i feel that wordpress post so hard. frustration level through the roof.
lazcorp joined the channel
I'm glad the tldr is that the old way "put PHP in a theme file" still works, but woof.
yeah, i'm thankful that (for now??) they're maintaining backward compatibility. but the sites i work on have basically been frozen for years because all new development is increasingly weird stuff that i don't want to take on!
gruetzhaxe and sp1ff joined the channel
my site _still_ does "put PHP in a theme file." much of that is to hack up the old unmaintained uf2 plugin and keep it running. been like a decade now
I am not proud
> First, I wanted to add new comments to the HTML of my website. These comments, visible only in the HTML source code of all the pages on this site, explain how the web page works; what various HTML tags do, what all the scripts do, why some parts of a page have additional markup. It is my hope that my website can be helpful to someone learning HTML for the first time.
This is such a great idea. Totally doing this.
sandra and gRegor joined the channel
ryokagriffin[d] ++
ryokagriffin[d] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
barnaby joined the channel
added to my /ideas page.
eitilt joined the channel
what are ideas
An ideas page is a page that lists things people want to make, or concepts they are considering https://indieweb.org/ideas
[Ros] Thanks for joining Front End Study Hall today! Had a bit of a look at the CSS and I made some updates - it seems there's no way to avoid the problem of `grid-area:` conflict when the markup might contain multiple things matching the same selector - so I modified things to use `grid-column:` and I think that's a bit more flexible for your use case. https://codepen.io/artlung/pen/bGybodG
nicely done. So grid-area needs a wrapping element - good to know.
I think `grid-template-areas` are really powerful - but one must understand that the markup ought to contain absolutely predictable set of descendent elements. If there's 2 of some selector, they will sit atop each other. Grid columns allow for more arbitrary markup.
My intuition that I could create a `.grid-container > * { grid-area: content };` then be more specific with selectors - so that anything extra would go to a "content" area was a bad one. They all occupy the same position in the grid so overlap. Sort of interesting but in conflict with the idea of document flow. Elements not accounted for in a grid area just won't show, I believe. A certain utility to that, though.
small tweak: add `h1,h2,h3,h4 {text-wrap: balance;}` which helps with the narrower columns
added and saved
[Ros] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] + and [KevinMarks] +
😍 Thank you both so much! This is so helpful. I’m going to view source too and stufy and figure out each of the elements as I keep working on it. Thank you thank you thank you!
(I don’t know how to properly give good karma but I meant to 😳 )
Two plus signs.
[Ros] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (30 in all channels)
[Joe_Crawford] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (37 in all channels)
ttybitnik joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] ++
slow down!
[Ros]++ bringing good markup to the CSS party!
[KevinMarks] ++
I don't think Loqi can handle all the karma 😂
And more! Because you guys gave me extra help in the session too
I’m just tryna be generous
I could make a Taylor Swift joke about Loqi here. I'm trying my best not to 😂
And Kevin comes in with Radiohead 😄
gives Loqi karma
I thought of Karma Chameleon but Karma Police is more appropriate :)
I need to expand my repertoire of karma knowledge.
What is karma?
Karma is a community recognition tool used in the IndieWeb community and powered by the friendly bot Loqi https://indieweb.org/Karma
gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and geoffo joined the channel