superkuhI recently wrote a perl script using File::Find that tails my webserver's log file for certain GETs ending in .search and nginx location match redirects them to a static generated HTML result page.
superkuh there is a toggle for just search filenames instead of full text inside documents. But mostly it's just to give you an idea/inspiration.
livebay[snarfed]: thanks! I think maybe I only want the client side search?? the pitchfork uses lunr and it seems to be easier to achieve for me (but I don't even know how to npx :((
[lcs], sivoais, gruetzhaxe, [jeremycherfas] and jjuran joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford]That's terrific [KevinMarks] thanks for sharing. I've been thinking a lot about CSS history with the Front End Study Hall and Jeremy's points about user preference are great.