#dev 2024-05-08

2024-05-08 UTC
[0x3b0b], sebsel, [asuh] and [tw2113] joined the channel
Hi guys, I wanted to know how can I put up a search for my static site
was looking at this one, but I don't understand how it works (or how to use it)
[preview] [dropseed] pitchfork: Client-side static site search with index generation and a UI
jacky, eitilt and gRegor joined the channel
I recently wrote a perl script using File::Find that tails my webserver's log file for certain GETs ending in .search and nginx location match redirects them to a static generated HTML result page.
http://superkuh.com/simple-site-search.pl.txt there is a toggle for just search filenames instead of full text inside documents. But mostly it's just to give you an idea/inspiration.
No a line of JS required anywhere.
Not, rather.
box464 joined the channel
superkuh: Thank you for sharing! but I don't understand any of that, sorry
was looking for the easiest way to do it with my basically zero knowledge of coding
[snarfed] joined the channel
barnaby joined the channel
[snarfed]: thanks! I think maybe I only want the client side search?? the pitchfork uses lunr and it seems to be easier to achieve for me (but I don't even know how to npx :((
[lcs], sivoais, gruetzhaxe, [jeremycherfas] and jjuran joined the channel
@livebay are you using any kind of static site generator or build tools for your site? There might be a plugin or something available
[qubyte], geoffo, box464, barnaby, [Murray] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Good talk/article from Jeremy on the kinds of design issues we were talking about in Front End Study Hall last night https://adactio.com/articles/21110
jacky, [campegg], lazcorp, geoffo, gRegor, gRegorLove_, eitilt, jonnybarnes, [Joe_Crawford] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
[Murray]: no, I handcoded html and css and that's basically everything
livebay[d]: I use DuckDuckGo's site search feature.
That's terrific [KevinMarks] thanks for sharing. I've been thinking a lot about CSS history with the Front End Study Hall and Jeremy's points about user preference are great.
You can say site:https://example.com in your query and the search will be scoped to that site.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Pagefind is a tool you can run on your HTML files to index them and provide search similar to lunar.js https://pagefind.app/
capjamesg[d]: oh thanks! but I'm looking for client side search
[aciccarello]: thanks! I tried and it says it cannot find the file, not sure what's the problem
[capjamesg] and ttybitnik joined the channel